Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 139

Although it has this meaning, it seems that there is no necessary connection.

"Although thank you for telling me so much, don't mention the thing that made me a companion of these guys." Robin at this time also recovered, and then smiled at Natsume and refused.

After all, as a person who has been walking in the dark world, she wouldn't easily trust anyone.

Even at this time, it was only for them to face up with Krokdal.

After all, her goal was to pursue a hundred years of blankness, not to let Krokdal obtain ancient weapons.

The world government launched the killing order in the name of O'Hara who will revive ancient weapons, but Robin has to use his actions to tell them that the people who want to revive the weapons are always you.

Although it is naive, to be honest, Robin's hatred of the world government is not very strong although he has it.

Because whether it is Sauro, Dr. Kloba or their own mother, they don't want to live in hatred.

Moreover, if one day he finds the truth about a hundred years of blankness and releases it, this is O'Hara's best revenge against the world government!

"Even if you want to join, we won't want you. After all, we don't need a cold-blooded killer in our ship." At this time, Nami returned to her senses and looked at her holding on the side. Icarim gritted his teeth slightly at Robin.

After all, Robin just detonated Icarim’s ship, if it weren’t for Natsume’s helping hand, I’m afraid Icarlem would have encountered an accident at this time!

"Hey, it's so tangled, is it a bad person or a good person!"

And Natsume and Nami's words also made Luffy at this time entangled.

"Although it looks like a serious injury, it is not dead after all? Besides, if Miss Robin really wants to kill him, what I just brought back is a corpse, right?" I heard Nami After that, Natsume could not help but defend Robin.

However, his defenses are all subjective.

In fact, according to the original work, or according to Robin's expectations.

If Luffy and the others take their pointers, then he can go back and convey to Klockdahl that he has killed them, and then after the Baroque studio gave up the idea of ​​killing several people, several people can follow the pointers Leading to a small island around Alabastan.

Robin will then use them to convey Klockdal’s conspiracy to the navy, and then use the civil strife to beat her into her own goal, and Klockdal will be hunted down by the navy. It is unforgivable to revive ancient weapons!!

Robin's idea can be said to be perfect.

Allow the pirates to bite the dog, and you can retreat all over, just as before.

But this time, she didn't meet the pirates who put their interests first, but Luffy.

So he was overwhelmed by Luffy and the others, and finally the whole person fell into it.

Of course, all of the above is Natsumi's guess.

But it can basically be said to be indispensable.

After all, One Piece is a juvenile comic, Robin, as the protagonist, shouldn't have too much darkness, or shouldn't be contaminated with the blood of innocent people.

It is for this reason that under such an explosion, Icarim will be safe and sound.

Although the facts are like this, it is still difficult for Weiwei and Nami to have a good impression of Robin.

However, in terms of the results, because of Xia Mei's words, the two people's dislike for Robin has also been reduced a lot.

Natsume believes that if he tells Robin's identity, they will only feel sorry for Robin.

After all, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirate Ship has never lacked kindness and gentleness in their hearts.

But Natsume didn't say it directly. After all, it would be better not to say this matter.

Because every time I mentioned it, I tortured Robin's heart.

At this time, although her face was always smiling, but her heart was extremely fragile.

Seeing the sorrow of her true feelings in her tone, it is better to let her maintain this false joy.

Then wait until one day, when facing an unprecedented powerful enemy, when she gives up everything, Luffy and the others will truly walk into her heart.

"If Miss Robin is worried about Klockdale, don't worry too much, because as long as you stay here, I can guarantee your safety." Natsume said with a smile.

Later, in order to prove his persuasion, he took up the wooden knife in his hand and looked at the sea in the distance, and then shook his sword slowly and quickly.

In an instant, it seemed to be cut in half when opened, and everyone on the Meri seemed to be able to see the rocks in the sea floor at this time!

For a moment, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

But this does not include Luffy, Sanji and Sauron.

In other words, instead of panic in their eyes, there is a feeling of eagerness to try.

Sauron even put his hand in the scabbard in front of Natsume, as if he wanted to challenge Natsume.

"This kind of swordsmanship... Hawkeye is nothing more than that..."

Even Robin couldn't help admitting that, indeed, as Natsume said, if he stayed, even Krokdal would not have the slightest way to hurt himself!

Chapter 201 added

"Although you are indeed strong, my choice is still to refuse." Looking at Natsume who was smiling and looking at him at this time, Robin helped his hat brim, then smiled and looked up at him. Tao.

Although he was very interested in what Natsume said, Robin's answer at this time was still no.

There are two reasons. One is that Natsume is not the captain of the pirate ship, and what he said is not authoritative.

The second reason is that she has been in Krokdal for a long time at this time, and the text of her final goal is about to be seen by her.

If you choose to stay at this time, it means that your many years of hard work will be burned.

This is not allowed for Robin who has found all the historical text and then opened the blank for a hundred years!

Seeing Robin's appearance at this time, Natsume couldn't help but sighed helplessly.

"Huh? Why refuse to stay?" Lu Fei asked strangely.


Because of Natsumi's words, at this time Luffy had unknowingly thought that Robin should stay behind and become his own crew.

So after hearing her refusal, Luffy couldn't help but ask directly.

And Luffy's words also caused Nami on the side to dance her fist fiercely to him twice.

"Stupid! Don't invite people casually if you haven't figured out her origins!"

Indeed, for Nami, Usopp and even Sauron at this time, Luffy's behavior caused them a headache.

After all, Robin is a complete mystery to them, and with what she just did, it is indeed difficult for them to regard her as a partner.

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