Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 140

"Why not!? Natsume said that there is no problem! If you want to become One Piece, don’t you need your help? I believe Robin’s words will definitely help me become One Piece!" Hearing Nami’s complaint, Luffy couldn’t help but He said while touching his head.

".. Natsume himself is a person with a mystery.. What he said, why do you believe so!" At this time, Usopp also complained helplessly to Luffy.

"Well~~ Intuition, it's like I met you. They don't feel like bad people to me, plus they want to take risks with us, so I agree!" Luffy said indifferently.

For a moment, Nami shook her head helplessly.

Indeed, Luffy has always been such a person.

At this time, looking at Luffy without the captain's style and the helpless crew, Robin also slowly developed some curiosity about Luffy.

She could tell that these crew members really loved wearing the captain.

This love is not because of the oppression of power, nor is it holding any ghost tricks, but the respect and even recognition from the heart.

It is precisely because of this that Robin feels very strange.

Because in twenty years of fleeing, Robin has joined too many pirate ships.

In it, all she saw was the killing caused by power interests and even any disputes.

Robin, who has become accustomed to wandering alone in the dark world, seemed to see a burst of light inadvertently after seeing Luffy's Pirate Ship.

Soft and want to be embraced.

"If you join them, you may be able to see more historical texts, at least in my memory there are still some historical texts." It was like the last straw that crushed the camel. Under Natsume's gentle gaze and Luffy's expectant gaze, Robin nodded after all.

"It seems very interesting, but my words are only temporary to join. If you can't solve Klockdal, I will turn around and leave without hesitation."

Although talking like this.

But Natsume believed that Robin would not want to leave if he stayed with them for a long time.

Because what Luffy and them reflected was what she had been lacking and longing for.


But there is no doubt that Sanji is the happiest among them.

Because in the pirate ship, besides Nami, there is another big beauty.This is simply a blessing from heaven!

"Ahhhhh! As soon as I entered the great route, I was entangled by strange people, and it was too much to be chased by Qiwuhai or something!!" Seeing what was already a foregone conclusion, Nami couldn't help but wailed a little. With.

"Well, don't be so sad. Speaking of which, I remember that there are countless gold hidden in an island. It is you who are with the text of history." Natsume couldn't help but look at Nami who seemed to be crying at this time. Comforted.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-1-3u!I.E.E.E.EL Been Havedenened</BOYN-EN-A-E-H-E-H-Eh?

"You really are... you want money and don't die..." Usopp couldn't help but said helplessly.

"This is not important, Natsume-kun, do you really know where a lot of gold is hidden?!" Nami said while pinching her shoulders for Natsume.

"Don't worry, it's true. As long as you follow this route, you will probably be able to find that place in a short time after passing through a tiny country." Natsume said with a smile.

There is not only gold in the sky island, but also the historical text, and even where the ship spirit of the Golden Meri really took shape.

At this time, because of the powerful perception and spiritual vision ability, Natsume can see that a life has begun to be bred in the Meili at this time, but this kind of gestation still takes time, roughly after the island, the ship spirit Will really be born.

At that time, it won't make you fade away as simple as it used to be...

"Since I joined, then this thing is for you." Robin seemed to think of something and threw a pointer to Luffy.

This pointer meant that Robin had originally intended to give Luffy and the others to go to Alabastan to stop Krokdal or let them bite the dog with Krokdal.

But now, since I joined this ship, I might as well continue to give it to Luffy.Let him choose his future itinerary.


Now it was Natsume's turn to be confused.

After all, if Luffy chose to follow this voyage because Robin was a partner, then Drum Island would not pass by.

In other words, they will not encounter Chopper.

Fortunately, whether Chopper can join the Straw Hat group, the most anxious thing is not Natsume, but the inherent rules of this world.

Therefore, when Luffy received this pointer, it shattered as before.

But unlike the original book, it was crushed by Luffy.

This time it was broken by itself!

Chapter 202 Challenge

Natsume could see clearly.

The pointer that was originally good came into Luffy's hands.

Luffy's palm didn't seem to move at all, and it broke with a "bang".

Icarim's insistence on being a bait, the fragmentation of the pointer, Robin agreed to join the Straw Hat group and the abnormal mission at this time, together they seemed to be telling Natsume some other things.

In other words, this world is fundamentally different from the world that Natsume experienced before.

But where it was different, Natsume couldn't tell.

"That... Robin sauce... what is the thing you threw to Luffy?" Nami asked, looking at the fragments in Luffy's hands at this time, crying at Robin.

"Well~ it's not a precious thing. It's just an uninhabited island near Alabastan. It's a place that even the Baroque studio people don't know about. Originally, I wanted to make it easier for everyone. But now..." Robin shrugged helplessly after hearing Nami's words.

"What? It turned out not to be a precious thing. It scared me. I thought I had done something bad." After hearing Robin's words, Luffy couldn't help but said with a smirk.

Just when Luffy was smirking, Nami's fist had already landed on Luffy's head.

"Are you an idiot!? Rarely someone told us a good route!"

"It doesn’t matter if this kind of thing is there or not, wouldn’t it be fine if the ship is heading in the direction of its own accord? Although I want to be the One Piece and quickly walk the great route, if there is no process, no risk, then What's the point!"

After hearing Nami's words, Luffy thought for a while and couldn't help speaking seriously.

In an instant, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

"That said, wouldn't it be a pity if all bule is on the way?" Sanji said first.

"Indeed, the route is near and far, but there are no shortcuts to kendo!" Sauron also looked at Natsume with interest.

"Indeed, I want to be a man on the sea! I don't want to take any shortcuts!" Even Usopp mustered courage because of Luffy's words.

But even so, it was Nami's iron fist that met them.

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