Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 142

It suddenly changed from five people to nine people, and it seemed that there was not much room for sleeping.

Well, in other words, life items like bedding are not enough.

"Is there anything embarrassing?" Natsume couldn't help asking, looking at Nami who was frowning at this time.

After hearing Natsumi's words, Nami couldn't help but express her confusion.

After hearing Nami's words, Natsume felt that Meili's words were indeed smaller.

If you wait for someone, you may not care too much, but for women like Nami Robin Weiwei, it should cause a lot of trouble.

"It's better to go back to the Whiskey Peak Town to find some bedding, it would be better if this way." Nami said after thinking about it.

Just when she was about to turn around and signal the people to turn the boat back, Natsume, who was thinking on the side, remembered something after all, and then stopped Nami.

"I can fix the things I live in!" Natsume said with a smile.

"Huh? What way? I won't use spells to create two houses, right?" Nami asked with some confusion.

"Well, what a friend gave me in the past, I didn't expect it to be effective so soon." Natsume couldn't help taking out three wallpapers from his ring with a little emotion, and there was a strange painting on the wallpaper. door.

"This is a wallpaper house. A friend of mine compressed a house into this piece of paper with the power of a devil fruit, and pasted it on the wall or somewhere else. When you open the door on the wallpaper, it will be accompanied by a room. , It is very convenient when traveling or adventuring at sea!" Natsume said with a smile.

Well, this thing is a gift from Natsume after they met Doraemon in Cloud City one day and asked him to eat Dorayaki.

Now, it seems super appropriate to put it here.

After Natsume's display, Nami finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned her gaze to Natsume again. After all, this thing is not only very strange but also very precious.

After all, this ability is different from that of humans, and it can only be activated when humans are present.

This is more like a precious treasure, which can work regardless of the presence or absence of the person who activates it.

Even Nami does not understand the actual value of this thing, but she still believes that the value of this thing may be more valuable than the Meili!

Chapter 204 Sauron and Natsume

Later, because of the novelty of this thing, Luffy and the others asked to live in it.

Looking at the Luffy people who didn't have the slightest sense of defense against him, Natsume couldn't help but took out a few more stickers.

Afterwards, although the entire ship looked so small on the outside, the internal space was very large.

At least after a simple decoration, there is no problem for everyone in a room.

The small garden is not far away from the cactus island where the Whiskey Peak is located, so within a few days, a few people have arrived in the small garden.

"I have a disease that prevents me from going to the island, so let me stay and see the house!" Since knowing that there are giants in this island, Usopp has been brewing this moment.

Well, even if Usopp doesn't speak, Luffy will let him watch the house.

After all, what they said was very curious about here.

"Then Robin-chan, Weiwei-chan and Usopp watch the house, Sanji, you and Luffy go find something to eat, Zoro and Natsume-kun can go around the island to check the safety of the ship after the battle. Sophia and I went to survey the island and draw a chart by the way." Nami said to several people while standing on the boat.

"Hey, hey! Why should I listen to you!" Sauron said, looking at Nami with some dissatisfaction.

After hearing Sauron's words, Nami couldn't help but squeezed her fist and pointed at Luffy and said, "Originally, this kind of thing needs to be done by the captain, but do you think our captain can give orders?"

In an instant, everyone looked at Luffy.Although it is very reliable at the critical moment, but now...

For a while, even Sauron couldn't help admitting that Nami would be the best choice to give orders.

"Wow! It's finally here! Giant! Where are you! I'm looking for you!" But even if Nami had cleared the division of labor, there was no doubt that Luffy instantly forgot because of the giant.

As soon as the ship docked, Luffy hurriedly ran out of the door.

"Then Zoro, go find something to eat with Sanji after the battle with Natsume." Looking at Luffy's appearance, Nami felt her heart tired, so she said helplessly.

Although he complained a few words, Sauron nodded.

Then Sauron took his sword and Natsume and walked towards the place far away from the ship.

"Speaking of which, Natsume-kun, why is your sword a wooden sword?" Sauron asked curiously.

After all, for a swordsman, the sword can be said to be the second life. Therefore, in general, a strong swordsman will pursue a more powerful sword, but this principle does not seem to work for Natsume.

Instead of pursuing a powerful sword, he just held a wooden sword.

After all, it is a wooden sword without a scabbard.

Among Japanese swordsmanship, Ia is a very powerful or frequently used swordsmanship.

And Ihe is slashing.

It is precisely because of the existence of Ia that in Japanese style swordsmanship, the sword is hidden in the scabbard is the most dangerous time, because people cannot predict where the sword will be cut out.

But Natsumi's words seem to have subverted this law, and he has always been very casual and stay away from his waist.

But Sauron could tell that he didn't care about the sword, he could even say that he cherished it very much, so Sauron was a little hard to understand, after all, he asked his own question at this time.

After hearing Sauron's words, Natsume was startled, and then smiled and said, "This sword is a gift from the person who gave me kendo. In this sword is his kendo, and at the same time it is slow. Slowly began to nurture my kendo."

"Although it's only a wooden sword, because of this kind of kendo, it will become indestructible, and nothing will not be cut." Natsume said with some nostalgia.

When I learned swordsmanship with Gintoki Shinpachi, although it was very nonsensical, it was also one of the most relaxing and happy times for him.

Silver Time's swords can be said to be very powerful, and their world does not have domineering physical quality and strength, and it is even more incomparable to the world of One Piece.

However, if he draws his sword, it can be said that Gintoki has surpassed many people in the Pirate World in Natsume's eyes.

After all, there is no flying slash, no domineering, silver swords can easily smash planes, spaceships, and smash steel alien weapons, relying solely on human bodies and wooden swords. This kind of thing can be said to be a fantasy. The same exists.

"Because it contains faith, is it invincible? It really is a very powerful kendo..." For a moment, Sauron's expression became excited, and then he tied the green headscarf on his arm to his head.

How to put it, although it was very impolite, Natsume admitted that after Sauron made serious moves, he almost couldn't help laughing.

It was originally green hair, and then was wrapped in a dark green turban. This thick forgiveness made Natsume couldn't help but wonder what would happen to Sauron in the future.

However, Sauron didn't think so much about what he said. He just used his three-sword style in an instant, and then slashed towards Natsume.

Looking at Sauron who was slashing towards him, Natsume also condensed his kendo will in an instant, but with a flash of cold light, Sauron found that all his swords were blocked by the wooden sword of Natsume.

Most importantly, when he swung this sharp knife with his own power, he couldn't have the slightest effect on the wooden sword in Natsume's hand.

In other words, there is no way to create a trace of scars!

"It's so fast, I can't see clearly without a scabbard, Natsume, you really are a powerful swordsman!" Sauron said solemnly.

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