Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 143

"It's just that the physical fitness is relatively strong. For swordsmanship, I am still far behind." After hearing Sauron's words, Natsume couldn't help but smile.

It was not lying or self-effacing, this was the sincere feeling of Natsumi that Sauron felt at this time.

It is precisely because of this that the flame in Sauron's heart burned.

The sword is endless, and even such a powerful person tells himself that he is still far away, so what is there to be satisfied or proud of.

Just good...

This powerful feeling of oppression, this feeling of seemingly unable to win, is just right!

For a moment, Sauron felt that his sword seemed to be sharper and stronger, and he seemed to be able to feel the strength of the person in front of him more clearly.

This is not an illusion, but under the pressure of Xia Mei, Sauron's sword is evolving at an unreasonable speed!

Chapter 205 Individual Development

The three-handed sword seemed to be a tacitly coordinated shot by three people at Natsume at the same time.

If it were ordinary people at this time, I am afraid it would have been unable to resist it.

But Natsume is different, although there is not much difference between Natsume and Sauron.

But Natsumi's perception, agility, and strength are much ahead of Sauron.

For attributes above fifty points, one point ahead is a huge difference, not to mention that the difference between the two attributes is more than one point!

So even if Sauron's sword is fast and weird, it is still easy to use for Natsume.

This is not a pure swordsmanship like an eagle eye.

It is like the crush of pure physical fitness.

However, the crushing of kendo and physical fitness is a very good experience for Sauron.

In other words, this experience can make him wield the sword in his hand more freely.

After all, fighting against powerful opponents is the supreme glory and happiness for the swordsmen.

The sharpening between life and death is what the swordsmen pursue!

After a while, after discovering that Sauron's evolutionary speed was slowly declining, Natsume knew that it was time for the battle to stop.

So in an instant, he took two steps backwards, and then under Sauron's incredible gaze, he used a wooden sword without a scabbard to make a swift cut.

He didn't even feel how the sword left Natsumi's waist, and his sword was already shot down by brute force and speed.

"I have studied swordsmanship in many places, and I have come into contact with several genres, such as the natural flow of logic that is good at thorns, and the new Yin flow of Yanagyu who is good at Iaha and rapid speed." It seems to be aware of Sauron's heart. Thought, Natsume couldn't help but said.

"However, regardless of the genre, the highest realm pursued by kendo is to integrate the essence of the genre into oneself. The same is true of my words. Although I have not reached that realm, I have begun to slowly integrate some foundations. It merges on top of my sword."

"Just like just now, using the wooden sword can also give full play to the power of the Yagyu Super Sword."

Natsume's words caused Sauron to fall into contemplation, and looking at Sauron who was standing still thinking, Natsume couldn't help but smiled and shook his head, and then began to look for something in the jungle. Long stood still thinking about the gains and losses of this station.

Although Natsume didn't have the ability to identify things, but with his strong perception, as long as he felt that the thing was edible, it was edible in all likelihood.

This is also an application of perception.

And just as Natsume began to search for food, Usopp who was staying on the boat at this time was also taken away by the giant as if in the original book.

Well, whether it was the battle between Natsume and Sauron or Luffy's search, the giant was not found in the first place.

However, Usopp was discovered by the giant when he was sitting on the boat. This kind of thing also made Natsume a little bit emotional, as he deserves to be a man with overlord luck.

When Natsume found some food, he suddenly remembered his teammates, so he picked up the communicator and dialed one by one.

The words of Tenson Tani Morinatsu have joined the navy safely, and not through Karp as Natsume expected.

Rather, they met a group of pirates while looking for the Karp battleship. Because they were not annoyed by their behavior, Dan Shenggu directly destroyed them humanely.

During this process, I happened to meet Lieutenant General Crane. After seeing the power of Danshenggu, Lieutenant General Crane invited her and gave her the rank of colonel.

After all, the pirate eliminated by her momentary fury is a big pirate with a reward of 350 million!

According to Dan Shenggu, as long as she worked hard to eradicate a few big pirates, she would rise to the position of brigadier general or even major general.

So Natsume doesn't need to worry about her.

The words of Black Cat and Kato also defeated Krokdal and Moria because of Natsume's words.

At this time they are on their way to the navy headquarters.

Well, according to what they said, they are going to have a direct showdown with the world government to fight for the status of King Qiwuhai.

Because the existence of pirates like Krokdal and Moria makes them not very good with the sense of world government, so they choose to use this method to obtain status.

Well, the smoothest thing is undoubtedly Qi Mu Nanxiong and Teruhashi Xinmi.

Their words didn't test much after they hit Shanks, but at the request of Teruhashi Xinmi, Hongfa agreed to join them.

And as a rare female in the pirate group, Teruhashi's status can be said to be rising every day.

Of course, compared to Teruhashi's dazzling behavior, Qimu Kusuo seems to be small and transparent.

It belongs to the kind of existence that everyone considers to be Xinmei's little follower...

But for this misunderstanding, Qi Mu Nanxiong can be said to be very pleased.

After all, his desire is to be an ordinary person.

Maybe you can bring Xinmei with you when you go there in the future, so you will look very ordinary.

What Qi Mu Nanxiong didn't know at this time was that he became less and less resistant to Teruhashi Xinmei in his heart.

Well, if it continues like this, it is estimated that he will be attacked in less than two years.

Of course, at that time, the arrogant one would never admit that he was attacked...

Compared with the previous ones, Gabriel can be said to be much more difficult.

First of all, Baitu Continent is very large, and there are countries and various institutions that are very chaotic to outsiders. In this orderly chaos, Gabriel doesn’t even know that those people are revolutionary forces. She didn't know how she should join even if she knew that those people were the revolutionary army.

However, as an angel with online IQ, Gabriel had a flash of inspiration while playing the game, and then found the revolutionary army through mental investigation, and then found their next country of action, and then disguised as that country. Among them is the image of a vengeful girl who was persecuted by the world government and then ate the fruit of the devil.

Well, under the "mouth shield" of the revolutionary army cadres Sabo and Kerla, they finally understood what they should do, and then joined the revolutionary army by the way.

Although it hasn't been long since joining, because of Gabriel's strength or the characteristics of the fruit, he was awarded the position of cadre.

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