Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 145

It's like a correction of world power.

"In the great sea route, people have to face not only foreign enemies, but also the crises caused by nature. In the crises caused by nature, besides the changeable weather, diseases also need attention." At this time, the few people around Nami, Robin on the side could not help but speak a little serious.

"No matter how powerful a pirate, I can say that I often hear about the sudden death of a pirate because of a disease, so everyone must pay attention to this matter. Is there anyone who knows medical skills on the boat?" Robin couldn't help asking seriously for the few people whose faces became serious.

For an instant, there was a brief silence in the cabin.

"If you are sick, you will be well if you eat meat! Say yes, Sanji!" After a while, Luffy's voice broke the silence first.

"Food can only achieve the effect of recuperating the body at best, not the effect of curing diseases." After hearing Luffy's words, Sanji couldn't help but said helplessly.

"It stands to reason that Miss Nami shouldn't be sick. I spent a hundred times more on the food for Miss Nami, Miss Robin, Miss Vivi and Miss Sophia on the boat. Using the freshest vegetables and meat, everything that is slightly rotten will be eaten by you..."

Although Sanji's words made the ladies present feel his gentlemanly demeanor, they exposed other than extraordinary things...

"Don't talk about it! Hurry up and find a way! Nami's heat has gone up again, and it is now forty degrees!" Looking at the noisy people at this time, Wei Wei who was taking care of Nami couldn't help but say Said.

"There should be a doctor in Alabastan? By the way, how long will it take to go there, Wei Wei?" After hearing Wei Wei's words, Usopp couldn't help but ask.

"It will take at least a week!" Robin spoke before Wei Wei had yet to speak.

"If you keep it at forty degrees, it's very likely that Nami's body will die in a week!" Wei Wei's expression also became difficult to look.

"What!? Nami will die, right?"

"No! I don't want Miss Nami to be like this!"

"Be quiet!"

Looking at the few people who were making a noise at this time, Wei Wei couldn't help but roared loudly at them.

"Go to Drum Country first. It is a famous medical country far and near, and it's also very close to here. It won't take long to arrive!" Robin made his own suggestion.

"good idea!"

"Just do it like this! Let's move on to the country of drums!"

A few people made up their minds in an instant.

"No..." Just after they made up their minds, Nami on the bed couldn't help but struggled and sat up and said to them.

"There is a newspaper in the drawer of my desk with the latest report on the Kingdom of Alabastan." Nami said to several people while panting.

"You don't have to worry about this." After hearing Nami's words, Natsume couldn't help standing up and saying.

"I will take care of the king's rebellion!"

Natsumi's words instantly changed the expressions of everyone present.

After all, the situation in Alabastan at this time in the newspapers can be said to be very bad!

"When I was in the small garden, my friend told me through a phone worm that Klockdal had been hit. At this time, we only need to resolve the insurgents and the whole country will slowly recover."

"How come!? How could Krokdal be defeated so quickly!?" Robin looked at Natsume in disbelief. After all, she knew that time was by Krokdall's side, although Krokdall was fatal. 'S weakness, but his strength in the desert can be said to be extraordinary!

"Although the sand crocodile is very powerful, it is only a bronze medal in the entire great route. The silver and gold medalists on it can be said to be countless with both hands." Natsume smiled and looked at Robin. .

"However, even if Krokdal is defeated by the rebel army, how should the problem be solved?" You must know that although the rebel army is instigated by Krokdal, the leader is not him, but someone else.

Even if Krokdal was defeated, the dirty water he poured on the head of the kingdom could not be cleaned.

But if there is no way to deal with the rebels, even if Alabastan can win this victory, it will inevitably flow in blood and cause countless sacrifices.

At this point, neither Wei Wei nor Nami or even others wanted something like this to happen.

"Leave this to me, I will hold them back. And I believe that if Krokdal is not going to be a ghost from it, then the majesty Cobra will be able to temporarily suppress and divide it." Natsume said with a smile.

Cobra is Weiwei's father, a great monarch who loves his people like his son and is dedicated to his people.In the great route and even the world, such a monarch is very rare.

If it were him, after knowing everything, he would definitely make the right choice and let the soldiers disappear.

"But... even if we believe you, there is only one ship now, and there is no extra pointer to help you get there." Looking at Natsumi's expression, Wei Wei couldn't help but said helplessly.

"Don't worry, I can do this. After all, I can be regarded as an onmyoji."

ps: Originally I planned to code two chapters at once, but now it seems that I overestimated myself. The next chapter is estimated to have to wait until evening...

Arrival of Chapter 208

Looking at the majestic cat teacher who was summoned by Natsume, the eyes of Luffy and Usopp in the straw hat group couldn't help but shine like a searchlight.


"As expected of Onmyoji!"

"Is this the legendary shikigami?!"

Looking at the two people surrounding him, Natsume couldn't help scratching his head helplessly and said: "This is the cat teacher, my teacher and bodyguard, not Shiki."

Although I said so, but still did not dispel the curiosity and excitement in the eyes of Lu Fei and Usopp.

"After Natsume is gone, I don't want to stay and play with these little ghosts." Looking at Usopp and Luffy, who were showing excitement while touching their fur at this time, Teacher Kitty couldn't help showing a disgusting look. .

"It's amazing! You can talk!"

"Hey hey hey! Are you the legendary monster?!"

"That's right! Kitty.. Teacher? Drink? Do you want to drink together?" After hearing the words of Teacher Kitty, Luffy and Usopp couldn't help but say excitedly again.

After hearing Luffy's words, even Mr. Kitty couldn't keep calm anymore.

"Nani? Have wine to drink? Why didn't you say it earlier!?" In an instant, the cat teacher changed from the shape of a tabby to the shape of a lucky cat.

"Cute... so cute..." For an instant Robin looked at Mr. Kitty's cheeks involuntarily flushed.

"Transformation eh! This is transformation!?"

"Sanji! Hurry up and get the wine, I want to drink with Teacher Cat!"

Looking at Luffy who was enthusiastic at this time, Sanji came over calmly, and then hammered Luffy's head with his fist.

"Is it time to drink at this time? Let Natsume-kun return to Alabastan to stop the war! And Miss Nami is so weak now, you still feel embarrassed to drink!"

Looking at Luffy and Usopp who were being trained by Sanji to look like good babies, Natsume couldn't help but shook his head, and then said to Teacher Kitty: "Okay, Teacher Kitty, we'll hurry up and set off, you If you do, you should be able to smell the place where the black cat is. Just fly towards it!"

At this time, after the phone call was confirmed, the black cat had returned to Alabastan from the navy headquarters.

"It's really troublesome! Everyone said don't use me as a means of transportation!" After hearing what Natsumi said, Teacher Cat could not help but say a little helplessly.

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