Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 146

"Well~~Don't care~ After they come to that country, you can have a drink to your heart's content." Natsume couldn't help but look at the cat teacher with some embarrassment.

After hearing Natsumi's words, even though Mr. Kitty was still a little dissatisfied, he nodded and changed back to the original state again.

Just when Natsume sat on the cat teacher and was about to leave, Robin suddenly said: "If possible, I hope to go to Alabastan with you."

"Huh?" After hearing Robin's words, Natsume couldn't help looking at her with some doubts.

After all, at this time, Natsume really couldn't think of why Robin would act with him.

Do you want to see the text of history soon?

But shouldn't it, she wouldn't be so impatient?

As if perceiving the doubts in Natsume's heart, Robin couldn't help but smiled and then said, "There are things that I want to deal with, and someone wants to see me."

"Um... well." After hearing Robin's words, Natsume nodded involuntarily.

"How about you Shichinomiya classmate? Do you want to stay here and go on an adventure with them, or go to Alabastan with me first?" Natsume asked with a smile looking at Tomomi Shichinomiya looking at him at this time.

After all, she brought it on board by herself, and she might be a little lonely if she stayed here alone.

"I said I'm going to call me the magic demon girl Sophia! I'll be with them during this time. After all, I still like the ocean more than the desert." Chiyin Nanami couldn't help but smile.

Zhiyin Qigong's temperament was originally the kind of girl who was more outgoing.

And Luffy and the others are also the kind of people who love to make friends, so in just a few days, they have established a very strong friendship.

So after hesitating, Zhiyin Qigong finally chose to stay with Luffy and the others.

"Since this is the case, see you in Alabastan!" After hearing Chion Chion's words, Natsume couldn't help but smile and nodded, then said to Luffy.

"Yeah! See you Alabastan!"

After a brief farewell, Natsume and Robin rode the cat teacher towards Alabastan at an extremely fast speed.

"Who does Robin want to meet there?" Looking at Robin who seemed to be thinking about something while looking at the sky, Natsume hesitated and asked.

"Klockdale," Robin couldn't help showing a smile after hearing Xia Ming's words, and then said calmly.

After hearing Robin's words, Natsume couldn't help but have a lot of questions, but looking at Robin who seemed to be thinking about things while looking at the sky at this time, Natsume sighed after all, and then stopped saying anything.

In terms of the speed of the ship, the small garden is far from Alabastan, and it takes more than a week to reach it.

But if it is flying, especially if the cat teacher is flying, this time will be greatly shortened, so not much time has passed before Natsume and Robin have already arrived at the place where the black cat of Alabastan is.

Contrary to Natsume's expectations, the black cat did not rest in the palace of Alabastan as Natsume expected, but stayed in the rain banquet run by the sand crocodile.

"Long time no see~" After seeing Natsume, the black cat was obviously very happy, but in order to maintain his usual arrogant image, the black cat resisted this kind of joy, pretending to be cold and hit Natsume. call.

"Yeah, I haven't seen it for a long time." After hearing the black cat's words, Natsume couldn't help smiling and touching her head.

Feeling the familiar feeling on his head, the black cat couldn't help but blush and lowered his head.

But Robin's look at this scene couldn't help but become strange.

After all, before coming, she knew through some inquiries about Natsumi that the one who defeated Krokdal was the girl in front of her.

But it is exactly the same, Robin will feel a sense of disobedience.

After all, the appearance of the black cat really does not seem to be too powerful to defeat the sand crocodile!

"By the way, I just returned from the navy headquarters. Although the strength of Kato and I have caused some deterrence on them, the generals and marshals don't seem to plan to hand over the position of Shichibukai to us. It is said that the world government and others are needed. Qiwuhai’s approval will work."

ps: Thank you for the support of the Sunken Ship, and thank you for your monthly pass and subscription support~~

Chapter 209 Sand Crocodile and Robin

Under King Qiwuhai is an organization that the world government recruits the other party to join based on the status, strength, and influence of a pirate.

The judgment of Qiwuhai does not need to be judged by others who are also Qiwuhai, or as long as the world government nods, then any pirate may become Qiwuhai.

Of course, this pirate must possess the relative strength and reputation.

In the case of Black Cat and Kato Megumi, although they are powerful and their names have legendary bonuses, it is still very difficult for the world government to obtain the qualification to join the Qibukai in the name of defeating a Qibukai.

After all, defeating Qiwuhai is a provocation to the world government!

Although Qiwuhai is hated by the world government and the pirates at the same time, the Qiwuhai system is, after all, a buffer between the world government and the Four Emperors Pirates, and it plays an important role in maintaining the first half of the great channel.

But at this time, Black Cat and Kato Megumi defeated a Nanbukai each without speaking.

And also went directly to the navy headquarters to ask for Qiwuhai qualifications.

This can be said to be in the face of the navy and the world government.

Although the navy did not deal with the two because of the emptiness of the navy headquarters and the specificity of the two men, this did not mean that they would compromise.

Therefore, what the Sengoku period told Black Cat and Kato at the time was just an excuse.

As long as they dare to go to the naval headquarters at the appointed time, what awaits them is a direct attack by the admiral.

Strictly speaking, the world government and navy don't care about credit and other things. Strictly speaking, they are self-interested.As long as the loss can be mitigated, they don't mind lying or something.

This kind of behavior cannot be said to be wrong, but in front of the person concerned, it can make people feel angry.

For example, the black cat at this time.

"I didn't expect it! They were so treacherous! They wanted to ambush Kato and me!" After hearing Natsumi's analysis, the black cat couldn't help but said angrily.

"For the navy, your behavior has seriously violated the navy's majesty, but your ability to come to the navy headquarters quietly and find the marshal is also troublesome for them, so temporarily hold you back, and then mobilize the future. Capture. If the capture fails, they will try to ease the situation by testing whether you really have the strength of Qiwuhai."

Natsume couldn't help but said with a smile.

"If this is the case, do I need to go there tomorrow if Kato and I are talking?" After hearing Natsume's words, the black cat couldn't help but ponder his chin.

"Of course, as long as you show your strength tomorrow, even if the world government no longer wants to give you the position of Qiwuhai, after all, Qiwuhai is a power of the world government. But I will also be with you. go together."

Natsume said with a smile.

After hearing Natsumi's words, the black cat nodded involuntarily.

"If Natsume is with us, then there shouldn't be any trouble." Kato Megumi, who appeared at some point, suddenly spoke to Natsume.

To be honest, the sudden appearance of this sound can be said to startled Natsume.

Fortunately, Natsume has become accustomed to Kato Megumi at this time, so his appearance is quite normal.

"Kato, are you with the black cat, too? I thought you were at the Three Terror Sailboat." Natsume couldn't help smiling while looking at Kato Megumi who was calmly looking at him at this time.

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