Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 157

What he regrets is that he didn't teach him well.

It would be great if you could become a navy as I expected...

At that time, he thought he could carry it, but when Dadan waved his fist while questioning whether the task was more important than his family, Karp could be said to be completely disbanded.

But he couldn't fall.

The world government was established for eight hundred years, and the navy was established for eight hundred years.

In order to conceal that period of history, the Tianlong people even activated the Demon Slayer Order to shock the world, but even so, they still did not kill the D clan.

Among them, there are countless D's efforts and blood.

As the Navy, Karp is doing this kind of work.

Therefore, whether it is D's position or the position of the Navy, let him know that his name as a naval hero cannot be left behind.

So he chose one person to take care of everything.

And now it is the same, the red dog broke his arm and was seriously injured in the Warring States Period.

Although the Navy still has Kuzan and Yellow Ape, it is undeniable that the background and strength have been reduced after all.

Under such circumstances, a naval hero who is intact will occupy a higher position for anyone.

So he chose to leave.

Natsume could not feel all the things clearly, or the only thing he felt was the complicated and contradictory heart hidden under Karp's grinning face.

And just as Natsume sighed, he didn't forget to glance at Malinfan where the navy was.

What he was looking at was the yellow ape Polusalitino standing at the mouth of the cannon. At his speed, with the help of the cannonball and the speed of his eight-foot mirror, he could instantly move from Malin Vando rushed to the spot where the few people were fighting.

This is the back hand of the Warring States preparations.

In his opinion, even if the three people in front of him started to practice in the womb, even if they were born spoilers like Charlotte Lingling, they couldn't compete with the general at this age.

Even if their strength can compete with the general, then it doesn't matter, the strength of him, Akadog, and Karp can be said to exceed the previous generals!

With the addition of the yellow apes standing behind, killing or even arresting them can be said to be pretty safe.

The only thing he didn't expect was that they would lose so fast that they could even be described as disintegrating and vulnerable.

At this time, Huang Yuan who was standing at the muzzle also felt Natsumi's gaze, and for a moment he couldn't help sighing.

Then slowly turned and left.

After all, although the plan made by the Warring States Period can be said to be foolproof for this world.

But at this time, the plan had obviously failed, or that the plan was within their expectations from beginning to end.

Then the task doesn't have to be executed. After all, in the face of absolute strength, all plans and tasks are like castles in the air, and they will fall down.

In order not to be as miserable as the marshal and the red dog, Huang Yuan felt that it would be better for him to go back.

Well, with Huang Yuan's face at this time, Xia Mei's perception was very spicy.

I remember that Natsume had seen a reason why Huang Yuan was not nominated or wanted to be a general in his previous life.

At that time, Natsume felt that the most reasonable thing was that a netizen said: Because he was too wretched, the navy saw that his marshal was so wretched, his instant morale was -10, and his combat power was -20...

After warning the yellow ape with his eyes, Natsume once again summoned the cat teacher and several others to rush towards Malin Vando.

After all, although Karp agreed to let them become Qiwuhai, he cannot represent the world government after all.

Moreover, Natsume felt that if he became Shichibukai, the navy would send something unique to Qibukai, so he felt that he should go to the navy at this time.

At this time, just as Natsume and the others flew towards there, the Sengoku on board also slowly opened their eyes because of the medical staff's treatment.

Looking at the sullen red dog sitting on the side at this time and Karp sitting on his bedside eating senbei, even with his extremely determined heart, he slowly became low.

"Kapu...have you also failed?" The Warring States could not help but ask.

"Well~ hesitated, gave up and didn't fight him." Karp said indifferently.

"You really lost the navy's face like this!" After hearing Karp's words, the red dog on the side couldn't help but calmly said.

"Shut up! Karp did the right thing." After hearing the words of Akagu, Sengoku couldn't help but stared at Akagu, then coughed and said.

"Of course I did the right thing, but you still don't say anything about the Warring States period. If you cough up a little blood, there is not much plasma reserve on the ship. Don't you have to lose blood and die from coughing up too much blood before you go back." Karp said nonchalantly while eating senbei.

Looking at his bedside and the crumbs of senbei on his body, Zhan Guo couldn't help but smile.

"I don't think I will die because of excessive blood loss, but maybe you will be mad at you."

The words of the Warring States period made Karp a little dissatisfied, and then he couldn't help but patted his shoulder and said: "Hey! I have been taking care of you at your window! You really don't know how to be grateful!!!"

"You just want to eat my condolences!"

Looking at the series of things on the bedside that had been solved by Karp, the corners of the Warring States' mouth could not help but twitch.

After hearing the words of the Warring States Period, Karp said nonchalantly: "I am helping you solve things you don't need. Those little bunnies know that you are seriously injured, and they still take dry things like senbei, aren't they looking for trouble? Help you solve it, save you from worrying about it, don't thank me!"

After hearing Karp's words, the red dog, who had become a little gloomy because of his broken arm, almost squirted out.

After all, he was not unconscious, so he could hear him.

At that time, it was obviously Karp who said: the marshal was injured, and he would definitely want to eat something when he got up right away. Why don't you bring some senbei?!

At this time, the red dog wanted very much to point to Karp with his remaining arm and said: I have never seen such a brazen person!

Chapter 220 Seven Wuhai

Karp didn't know what Akinu was thinking at this time.

In other words, even if you know it, you won't care about it at all.

Well, or rather, maybe take this as a compliment.

At this time, after confirming that the Warring States injury had stabilized, he started talking about business.

"Just now, how did you fail? I only felt the darkness in front of my eyes, and the color of seeing and hearing was closed, and then when I returned to seeing the color of seeing and hearing again, when I could see you fighting, you were seriously injured and unconscious, and the entire island was gone. ."

After hearing Karp’s words, Zeng Guo couldn’t help but recall the pressure of the sky and the earth. He couldn’t help sighing: “In my perception, the sky suddenly turned into night, and then the sky seemed to have fallen down slowly. Constantly oppressing me, even though I have used my whole body's power, I still cannot resist the danger of nature."

"That kind of feeling is like being against the sky and the earth alone! The whole person is being crushed by the sky and the earth. If she hadn't taken care of my identity, I couldn't tell that I had been crushed into a pool of flesh at this time. "

The words of the Warring States period made Karp silent.

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