Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 158

At this time, the Akagi standing aside couldn’t help but say, “My words are the same. My power will be completely wiped out by his sword. My speed and sight cannot capture his body at all, and his Domineering can easily capture my entity and then cut him off."

"Moreover, I have a hunch that the power he shows is not all of his own power. He may be able to cause more damage faster."

Akinu's words made the expressions of the few people present become a little low.

"The world is going into chaos again, there are so many monster-like people."

"Is their origin investigation clear?"

Karp and the Warring States could not help but speak at the same time.

After hearing what they said, Akinu couldn't help shook his head.

"Not at all. Before fighting with them, because we felt pretty sure, we didn't ask for their names. After all, for us at the time, it didn't matter who they were."

Yes, at the time, it really didn't matter who Natsume and the others were.

After all, in the known world, no one can escape under the capture of admiral, admiral, and naval hero.

And the origin of the name, and even the ability, as long as they kill or catch them, then it doesn't matter at all, because they have a way to dig them out of their mouths or corpses.

But now, everything looks a bit awkward after the failure.

"It's okay, since they chose to become Qiwuhai, we have the opportunity to ask about their origins, but the origins of the two girls can be clarified, but for men, it is not easy to test," said the Warring States with a headache.

"He has obvious hostility towards Sakaski, so he should be someone who has a gap with Sakaski. You can think about this aspect of Aka Inu." Karp suggested while eating senbei. .

Although it was a good suggestion, Akakin couldn't help but darken his face.

After all, the enemies in his life are basically innumerable.

Among these enemies, although he has always pursued the killing, but he can't really do it.

And since it can't be done, then the Avengers will appear too easy.

Especially above this sea, as long as there is a suitable devil fruit, as long as people are willing to exercise hard, then the strength can be said to have rapid growth.

Therefore, if the investigation is done as Karp said, Akainu feels that everyone he killed is suspected.

After all, everyone has relatives...

"Let's talk about this later. Since Cap, you have conceded, then the position of Qiwuhai who promised to beat them is ready. Fortunately, they defeated Moria and Krokdal, otherwise it would be really difficult to handle. "

"Shake out the collected black history about the two people, and then tell the world that they are the heroes who helped us get rid of the scum of the two Qiwu Seas. The world government and navy are determined to give them the title of Qiwu Sea."

After the injury stabilized, the Warring States period began to think about how to deal with it.

After all, if someone hit the door and seized Qiwuhai, if it spreads, it will be a serious blow to the prestige of the navy and the world government.

Therefore, the Warring States Period will never sit back and watch this happen.

Therefore, covering up the facts, the world government's masterpiece, was released at this time.

"Not only that, but the red dog, your broken arm, will also be suppressed, otherwise it will cause the new world to change!"

After hearing the words of Sengoku, Akino nodded seriously.

"I have talked about this with the navy in this place one by one, and immediately, the arm will be temporarily fixed on my shoulder, and then I will go to Bergapunk’s laboratory to install a robotic arm to temporarily cover this. a little."

Sengoku nodded involuntarily at Akinu's words.

Then they discussed the solutions to other problems and waited for the ship to dock with peace of mind.

Just as their boat drew ashore and a few people walked down slowly, a familiar voice rang in their ears.

"You are finally back, we have been waiting for you for a long time, hurry up and give us what Qiwuhai should take."

Although they knew that the ocean could not trap a few people, they did not expect that they would be able to return to Malin Vandal faster than themselves!

"Really, I told these navies several times that they didn't believe it, and they all said that we would be the new Qiwuhai. They still watched us on guard like this, and they didn't listen to advice at all."

After hearing the words of the black cat, the corners of Sengoku's mouth twitched.

After all, don't say that you are the new Qiwuhai who has not been announced. Even the old Qiwuhai will receive this treatment when he enters the navy headquarters.

After all, most of the navy remained vigilant and disgusted with Qiwu Sea.

"Well, you guys step back."

Although thinking like this, the Warring States did not say much, just waved his hand to signal the navy to disperse.

Then, supported by Karp, the Warring States period reluctantly pretended to be innocent and walked into his office.

As the new policy adopted by the world government in response to the great voyage, Qiwuhai enjoys certain privileges. Generally speaking, they can not only get a set of permanent pointers for basically all some famous islands in the first half of the great route, but also request the world. The government helped them fulfill an unreasonable requirement.

For example, the world government warships requested by the Empress cannot approach Snake Island, Jinping requested the navy to release Aaron and so on.

Chapter 221 Black·Kato·Experience Pack·Mei·Cat

Of course, this kind of reasonable request is generally only enjoyed by Qiwuhai invited by the world government.

Generally speaking, people who requested to become Nanbukai like Kuromao and Kato did not receive such treatment.

But this is only in general.

After all, their strength has slightly scared the navy, so Qiwu Hai will enjoy things, they will not make the slightest reduction.

As for this matter, the two of them can be said to be lacking in interest, after all, becoming Qiwuhai is completely the reason for the task.

They are more resistant to being a pirate.

So the request was forgotten by the two of them, and they prepared to submit it to the world government when they felt that they needed something.

In the face of such "magnanimous" two people, the world government can be said to be truly relieved.

After all, they thought that their willingness to become Qiwuhai had some special purpose, or wanted the world government to accomplish something embarrassing for them, but it seemed that they didn't need to worry.

Could it be that they had given up so much energy to seek the position of Qiwuhai just for fun?

For an instant, this idea flashed through the minds of Warring States and Karp.

But it just flashed.

After all, this is just a possibility, and it can be said to be a very small possibility.

They will not put anything above possibility.

Even if they became Qiwuhai, but in the way that Black Cat and Kato Megumi became Qiwuhai, they will continue to collect their information and destroy them when they are sure.

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