Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 176

I am used to seeing bad people on the islands, and occasionally they want to chat with normal people.

"It will take four days! I feel like I can't stay here for two days."

Nami couldn't help sighing when she heard the bartender's words.

"Speaking of it, I always feel that Natsume seems to be unable to come down for this reason."

"I remember that I seemed to hear him say it, because before a certain opportunity appeared, he didn't want to show too much of his strength and create evil."

"And most of the people on this island are people he hates, so he feels that if he gets on this island, he will easily run away and do some irrational things."

Looking at the noisy people at this time, Chiyin couldn't help but speak.

To be honest, she also regretted what she said. She had long known that she would not get off the boat under the "bewitching" of Xia Mei to join in the fun.

"What do you mean by irrational things?" Nami couldn't help but curiously asked after hearing the words of Chion Chion.

"It's basically killing them all or throwing them into the sea to feed the fish. After all, you know, Natsume has always been jealous and hateful, and always wants to take care of things that are injustice." Chionomiya shrugged. Said to help with a shrug.

"This is a bit like this fool!" After hearing Chiyin Chiyin's words, Nami couldn't help but point to Luffy who was eating at this moment.

"It's not like Luffy, but like everyone else. But Natsume's thoughts in his heart are particularly strong." Nanami Tomomi couldn't help but sighed.

And just as Chiyin Chiyin spoke, the atmosphere in the entire tavern suddenly became strange.

"Hey hey hey! What did I hear?!"

"The kid now is really crazy!"

"Killed the whole town?! Hahahaha! What an interesting idea!"

Qiyin Zhiyin made no secret of words, instantly making the pirates drinking in the entire tavern noisy.

At this time, Luffy and the four of them instantly felt like they were referring to them.

But obviously, although countless pirates sneered, even threatened.

But Luffy and Sauron are still unaffected, and they should eat and drink.

Although Nami's words were slightly sweaty in her palms, she didn't show much other expressions.

After all, her words have also grown in the trial space.

And Zhiyin Qigong's words will not be scared anymore.

After all, this is the time when she is most confident. After Zhong Erbing really gains strength, she will always feel like she is the child of destiny. At this time, they basically think that they are omnipotent...

Chapter 239 The poor man without dreams and...the reward of Chiyin Chiyin

And when everyone in the tavern laughed, and even showed murderous intent.

Zhiyin Qigong just took out the staff in his hand with some distress.

Luffy on the side feasted on it indifferently.

"Hey! Uncle! Why is this cherry pie so terrible!"

"This cherry pie is so delicious!"

The voices of Luffy and Blackbeard rang at the same time, and the two different conclusions made the people watching the bustle at this time slowly focus their eyes on them.

After unknowingly stealing the limelight, Luffy and Blackbeard looked at each other and couldn't help taking the wine next to them, sipping them.

"Why is this glass of wine so delicious!"

"Why is this glass of wine so terrible!"

Two voices sounded at the same time.

"I'm not a chef! Don't tell me this, you guys!"

Seeing how they looked at this time, the bartender couldn't help but said helplessly.

However, it was obvious that the two directly ignored the bartender, but the bartender had no time to supervise them.In other words, he aimed his gaze at Chiyin Chiyin, preparing to persuade them to leave quickly when the pirates' attention was not on them.

But just when he wanted to say something, his gaze couldn't help but stop on the magic wand in Chiyin's hand.Slowly his expression became solidified.

"Is there a problem with your tongue!"

"I think there is a problem with your head!"

For some reason, Blackbeard and Luffy seem to be born wrong, not just their taste, but also their personality.

Even if they first met together, they would quarrel.

Looking at the two people who quarreled because of some trivial matters, Nami had already ignored the murderous eyes of the people around.

"Thirty million bounty!? Just you kid? Stop bragging!" Obviously, Nami can stop Luffy, but she can't stop Blackbeard.

For a moment, because of Blackbeard's words, Luffy rolled up his sleeves again.

"A head worth thirty million? A kid in a straw hat? I seem to have seen you on the reward list." A crazy voice sounded from the door.

But it was Bellamy, the strongest "hyena" in Demon Valley Town who walked in!His favorite thing is to take away the hard work of others.Because only then can he have fun!

"By the way, uncle, do you know how to get to Sky Island?" Because of Bellamy's interruption, Luffy didn't have the nature of quarreling with Blackbeard again, just turned to the bartender and asked.

At this time, looking at Chiyin Chiyin who was sitting next to Luffy and playing with a magic wand, the bartender swallowed and said, "I don't know."

"That's really disappointing."

Although the bartender answered Luffy's question very politely, more people Azi made a mocking voice after hearing Luffy's words.

"Hehehehe! Hahahaha!"

"Sky Island!? What did he say about Sky Island?!"

"There are still people who believe this rumor that I don't know!?"

"Wow hahaha! Can't stand it anymore! I'm going to laugh at me!"

Looking at the pirates who were laughing at her at this time, Nami couldn't help pointing to the pointer in her hand and said, "What's so funny! The pointer is clearly pointing in the air!"

"Hey hey hey... I really can't stand you anymore, it's the soil buns from there."

"Some people believe that old-fashioned legend?"

"The look in your eyes is quite annoying!"

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