Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 177

"This kind of ignorant look can only live in my dreams."

"You want to be said when you die, "Are you happy for someone like you who lives in a dream all the time?".

Bellamy said to Luffy like a machine gun.

Although the words hurt, but slowly in Luffy's eyes, he looked at Bellamy in addition to his firmness in his ideals, and a trace of pity for Bellamy.

Because the person in front of him, in his opinion, is the poorest person in the world.

Because he has no dreams.

Inexplicably, he thought of Shanks at the time.

He suddenly understood what Shanks was doing at the time.

At this moment, Bellamy's fist hit Luffy's cheek fiercely.

"As long as I see you idiot pirates, I will feel sick and want to vomit!"

"Don't let your idiot breath contaminate the wine in our hands!"

"Yes! Get out!"

Countless humiliations and things like beer bottle benches are heading towards Luffy.

And at this moment, the bartender who was already terrified finally said: "Don't do it!"

But it was still a step too late.

"The wailing sounds of the evil and the weak are like this?" All the objects floated in the air, as if they were in a state of weightlessness.

At this time, because of the foul language of everyone, Zhiyin Qigong's expression has become extremely gloomy.

After all, even though she has a cheerful and kind personality, even the demon she imagined can't bear to hurt her when she fantasizes.

But even such people sometimes get angry.

After such a long time of contact, she regards everyone as her good friends.

Obviously, the behavior of this group of thieves has angered her. After all, people like her value their friends more than themselves!

"She... she... but... the world government issued a hunting order... the big pirate with a reward of 300 million Baileys, the devil girl! Sophia!"

Looking at the things floating in the air at this time, the bartender finally spoke out loudly.

For a moment, the atmosphere of the entire tavern could not help.

"Just kidding! How is this possible!"

A voice resonated with everyone.

"This is published in the newspaper!! It is more real than the reward order!" Although the latest reward order has not yet reached the town of Magic Valley, the reward of Chiyin Chiyin has already arrived.

After all, news papers are faster than a separate reward order!

"This morning's newspaper! Devil girl, Sophia! Destroy ten navy ships! Extremely dangerous pirates!"

"The navy has issued a reward. As long as you kill her, you can get 300 million Baileys. If you catch her alive, you can even be given the position of the King Qiwuhai directly by the world government!"

When the bartender took the newspaper and spoke out the identity of Chion Chion, a quiet atmosphere once again appeared in the entire tavern.

Some people's eyes are full of fear, some people's eyes are full of despair, some people's eyes are full of disbelief!

But even more people's eyes are filled with excitement!

"Is the location of Qiwuhai?"

"Can you get it after catching it alive?"

"It's really exciting news!"

Looking at Chiyin Chiyin, who was full of anger and holding a walking stick in front of him, Blackbeard stuffed the cherry pie into his mouth. While chewing, his eyes flashed with ambition!

Chapter 240 Blackbeard's strength and the sword of summer!

Although I am very interested in Chiyin Qigong.

But Blackbeard didn't make a direct shot.

After all, knowing oneself and the enemy, a hundred battles will never end.At this time, although Blackbeard had a high strength, he did not underestimate the arrogance of a hero in the world.

The world government is offering a reward of 300 million Baileys, especially by issuing a reward through the newspaper and capturing the position granted to Qiwuhai alive. This kind of thing feels weird no matter how you look at it!

Therefore, the person in front of you either possesses the secrets that the world government wants to obtain, or possesses powerful abilities!

I need a pathfinder...

This little boy called a hyena is very suitable...

Although his new era is like rubbish, his people are quite courageous...

Thinking like this, Blackbeard walked into the corner silently, eating the cherry pie while watching the battle in front of him.

"Three hundred million Baileys?! Are you dim-eyed and misunderstood? You say three million Baileys, I don't believe it!"

Looking at the debris that had fallen, Bellamy began his own provocation.

"Blood things, I don't really want to see them."

"But... you can really make people angry."

"At least, I've never been angry at this way before!"

As Chiyin Chiyin's words fell, a dark green light gradually appeared on her staff.

"Hahaha! So courageous! Then let me see under my performance! How much your strength can show!"

Hearing Chiyon Chion's words, Bellamy's legs suddenly turned into a spring, and then his fists slammed toward Chiyon Chion's cheek.

"Nature spells, vines entwined."

In an instant, when Bellamy's fist was about to approach Chion Chion, a huge vine suddenly emerged from the ground.

Then the vine entangled Bellamy fiercely, and the thorns in the vine quickly pierced Bellamy's body.

Slowly toxins, paralysis, severe pain, blood loss and other negative states entangled Bellamy, but Bellamy lost the power to resist in an instant!

"Just kidding!"

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