Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 179

He has done this for a long time, so he seems very skilled!

"Is it a joke? I have never seen a hint of joke on you."

Looking at the black beard who was laughing at this moment, Natsume couldn't help but said calmly.

And looking at Natsume, who was still holding the sword at this time, a drop of sweat could not help from the forehead of the black beard who was laughing.

"You want to go to the sky island, don't you! I know a way to get in from here!" After a while, in order to find his own way of life, Blackbeard suddenly had a little wit.

"The weather here is weird. Cumulus clouds often appear. When the clouds appear, the whole sky becomes dark and dark as if it were night."

"The public thinks that the clouds are piled up together, but I think it is because the place where the Kukai in the sky is blocking the sun."

"And there are frequent soaring ocean currents near Gaya Island."

"So in theory, if you ride this soaring ocean current, you will definitely reach the sky island!"

Blackbeard, who spoke out his information as quickly as possible, quickly attracted Luffy's attention.

"Eh? Is it really reachable? Speaking of Sophia's power, our ship can fly very high, flying to a place where we can see the air and sea, but it can't go up. This soaring current can really help us up ?"

Seeing that he didn't even eat the cherry pie at this time, just staring at Natsumi's black beard, Luffy couldn't help but said in confusion.

"Of course, there are two ways to go to Kukai. One is to ride the skyward sea current. In that case, either all can go up, or all can't go up."

"The second way is to go through the sky and sea. This way is very difficult. Generally speaking, a hundred people will only succeed in one or two ways. But if you take the sky and sea, then you need to go to the new world first. Among Lanlier, the only sea route I know is there."

Seeing Luffy who was full of excitement at this time, Natsume also calmed his heart.

"If this is the case, then you can leave, if you can, leave this island soon."

"For some reason, after seeing you. I always have an unbearable desire to do it."

Natsume said while looking at Blackbeard while smiling.

After hearing what Natsumi said, Blackbeard said nothing, and left the tavern as quickly as possible.

Looking at the black beard who was leaving, Nami seemed to be thinking of something at this time, and aimed her gaze at the quiet people sitting in the tavern at this time.

"Speaking of which you were very arrogant just now."

While chuckling, Nami held the weather stick in her hand, only these people, and the pirates pointed at by her instantly had an urge to die.

"But we are not pirates who like to kill. We are very kind pirates."

"Each of you now either hand over half a million Baileys to redeem your life, or tell us information about Gaya Island and Golden Village or about Sky Island."

"As long as the information satisfies me or the person who has Pele's hand in hand can leave."

"Of course, you can also try to escape, but if the time comes, I can't guarantee your safety."

After hearing Nami's words for an instant, all the pirates felt that they were about to come alive.

After all, their words are not like Luffy and the others, and the expenses all the way are basically reasonable.

Moreover, people who rush to the illegal place of Demon Valley will always carry a lot of money with them.

So everyone who squeezed 500,000 Pele or something in the crowd could take it out.

"Hey, hey! They are half a million, but if you want to take this person away, you need five million Baileys." Looking at Saqis who was taking out Bellamy with Bailey at this time, Nami couldn't help but Said with a smile.

"As for the reason, I think you know it."

Seeing Nami's appearance at this time, Sakis hesitated for a moment, after all, he went out to withdraw money without saying a word.

"I didn't find any special information."

"The people who came here don't know anything about Gaya Island Golden Country, Natsume, did you remember it wrong?"

"But now, this is the second golden town for me!"

Nami who was counting the money with a smile asked Natsume.


Seeing the look of Nami Choi fans at this time, Natsume couldn't help but smile a little helplessly.

And Robin, who heard Nami's voice, walked in from outside the tavern.

"Golden Township? Gaya Island, speaking of this information, I seem to have inquired more clearly."

Because of Robin's words, Nami's eyes suddenly changed to $$.

"Hehe~~ Robin, I know you know me best! I will definitely be able to inquire about the Golden Township!"

Seeing Nami's appearance at this time, Robin couldn't help but smiled, and then took out a map of Gaya Island.

"On this island, the place on the left is the town of Magic Valley where we are, and on the right is a place with a ×. It is said that there is a person who was expelled from here."

"His name is Vembran Kulick and he is a dreamer, who happens to have the same smell as you."

"According to the people in the small town, he has always believed that Gaya Island is the legendary golden town. He spared no effort to dive to find this place."

After hearing Robin's words, Nami's expression couldn't help becoming more subtle.

Then he asked the bartender, "What is the origin of this man named Kulick?"

"On this question, you can actually find what he is talking about."

"After all, we are not very clear about some things. After all, this weird man has been expelled for a long time. Except for the people in the Saruyama Coalition Army who know him better, no one on this island should know his details."

"However, one thing is certain. If you really want to take the so-called skyrocketing current to the sky island, then there is no doubt that asking them is the easiest and fastest channel."

"Because on this point, their words are professional."

Looking at the bartender who shivered and said everything she knew, Nami couldn't help but stared at several people with golden light in her eyes and said, "Go back to the boat! Our purpose for the next stop is here!"

"Oh oh oh! Go to the sky island!"

"Go to Golden Township first! Go to the empty island!"

Nami said to Luffy while waving her fist.

Chapter 242 The Tragic Hero "Liar" Rolando

Looking at the crowds, Natsume couldn't help but shook his head and smiled and then walked outside the door.

"Does Natsume hate the person just now?"

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