Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 180

As he walked outside the door, Nanami Tomomi asked Natsume with some curiosity.

"It's more annoying, because his ambition is too big, and because of his ambition, many people will die."

"Speaking of you, Chopper came from Drum Island. You should have heard his black beard name."

After hearing Chion Nannomiya's words, Natsume sighed while looking at the chaotic crowd on the street.

"He is the group of pirates who scared away the original king?"

After hearing Natsumi's words, Nanami Tomomi couldn't help but be surprised.

"Indeed, if it's not a mission limitation. I really want to teach him a lesson."

"Although I don't know what the limit is, but I always feel that that day will not be too far away from Natsume's words."

Hearing Natsumi's words, Nanami Tomomi couldn't help but said with a smile.

"I hope so."


Natsume and the others returned to the boat amidst the noise and noise along the way.

And soon Sanji also purchased food, so everyone soon Yang Fan came to the other side of the island.

Looking at Kulick's board-like house, Natsume felt that he was also bored to the extreme.

But obviously, this boring work still attracted Luffy's attention.

At least at this time Luffy and Chopper regarded Kulick as a rich man.

"This board..."

"It feels like this person is stronger than Usopp."

"Hey, hey! Why are you better than me!"

"At least he will find a board when bragging, and you will only use your mouth!"

Just when Luffy walked into Kulick's house on his own, Nami and Usopp began a non-daily bickering.

"Roland, the big liar? This book is so familiar."

"Speaking of which, I should have read this book when I was a kid, so I miss it..."

While looking at Nami who was bickering with Usopp, Sanji walked towards the distant tree stump, and then when he was about to sit down, he found a book on the stump.

His memory of this book is quite deep. After all, it was a story read to him by his mother. It was a prop to teach him to be honest.

"Eh? Have you read it? The story in this book should be from Beihai? And this story is generally only circulated in Beihai."

Robin looked at Sanji curiously. The reason she knew the story was because she read too much.And Sanji doesn't look like the kind of person who can read.(Actually, Sanji loves learning very much. For example, on the way to Cake Island, Chopper opened Sanji's cabinet, which was full of books, although they were all beeping——)

"I was born in Beihai? Haven't I told you?"

"I never heard you mention it once. I always thought you were from Donghai."

"It doesn't matter where I am from. This story is a household name in Beihai, and most importantly, the protagonist of this story, Rolando, is real."

While saying this, Sanji told everyone the story of Rolando.

As Sanji's words fell, everyone turned their eyes to Usopp without pretension.

"Usopp, don't lie, or you will be the same as him."

Nami couldn't help but said with emotion.

"Hey hey hey! Don't look at me! And I am going to be a brave man on the sea! How can I be like him! Asshole!"

After hearing Nami's words, Usopp couldn't help but frantically said.

Looking at Usopp who was defending himself at this time, Natsume couldn't help but smile at him.

After all, from a certain perspective, Usopp and Rolando are alike.

However, Rolando was talking about real people and real things about his adventures, but no one believed him and called him a big liar.

And the reason why Usopp was called a deceitful cloth is that all he said were blown out by himself, but the strange thing is that many things he blown out are slowly met in the great sea route...

It is quite wrong to imagine that the two are called big liars.

"Wait, Natsume, what you said is considered a lie and a liar, but is it Rolando who is actually telling the truth?!"

When Nami was about to continue the debate with Usopp, she suddenly reflected, and then looked at Natsume and asked nervously.

"Did you guess it?"

After hearing Nami's words, Natsume couldn't help looking at the sky and sighed.

"After Rolando was beheaded, the entire family was stigmatized because of his relationship, but none of them blamed him. Do you know why?"

"Why?" Nami asked curiously.

"Because Rolando is an honest person."

"According to the information I know, Rolandu died in tears and hatred. Before he died, he believed that the island he led the king to is the real golden town, which is here."

"In my impression, Rolando is a great adventurer and botanist. If you have been to Grimbit Island, you will meet people from the Dongda tribe, which is what we often call the little human race. There are About the statue of Rolando."

"The reason for the statue is that Rolando came there as a great hero a long time ago. Because of his existence, the people of the Dongda tribe restored peace. And he has been worshipped as a hero for hundreds of years. "

"Do you think that a great person like him is a big liar?"

Sometimes Natsume felt a little unworthy for Rolando.

Natsume didn't know the strength of the king's army that Rolando was in at the time, but he definitely knew that Rolando could leave at any time if he wanted to.However, in order to prove his innocence, Rolando did not run away, but the consequences of this made him bear a stigma for hundreds of years.

After all, killing the lord of the sky with a single stab and killing the sea king with a single slash can show that Rolando has the least strength and the strength of a lieutenant general of the navy headquarters.And is also the leader of the lieutenant general.

After all, as an adventurer, he has been to the new world!

With this kind of strength, if it wasn't for him to catch him, Natsume didn't think anyone in the North Sea would be able to catch him, even Germa 66 didn't have this ability!

Hundreds of years ago, technology was definitely not as advanced as it is now. Now, after hundreds of years of development, Gachi has also mixed with Bergapunk, but even so, Gachi has the most strength.

Therefore, Natsume believed that if Rolando chose to leave at that time, the king would definitely not be able to kill him.But in the end, because of his perseverance and belief, he chose to get rid of it, which made him bear a stigma for hundreds of years.

"Unexpectedly, there are still people who choose to believe in Roland."

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