Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 181

"Boy, is it possible that you are also his descendant?"

Just as Natsume was feeling emotional, a voice suddenly rang from the shore, but it was Rolando's descendant, Kulick!

Chapter 243: Human dreams are...will not end!

After hearing Kulick's words, Natsume couldn't help turning around and looked at the man with a naked upper body and a firm face.

"No, it's just that I knew something about him by accident, and it was just for him."

After hearing what Natsumi said, Kulick couldn't help laughing.

"Really a naive reason!"

Seeing the disdainful smile on Kulick's face at this time, Sanji on the side could not help but slowly lit the cigarette in his hand.

"You said he was naive, what about you?"

"Don't you come here to dive continuously just to prove that what he said is true?"

"If I remember correctly, even though he was put to death, what Rolando said at the end was that gold sank to the bottom of the sea due to crustal movement!"

Sanji's words instantly made the look of the person who had been holding a disdainful smile suddenly ugly.

"Prove that what he said is true?"

"Who would do such a boring reason!"

"This is a battle! A battle between me and him!"

"You can't understand."

"A child has a bloody feeling of being scolded just because he shares... the same surname with a trace of blood!"

"I grew up in such an environment!"

Seeing Usopp and Chopper, who were frightened by their expressions at this time, Kulick couldn't help calming his tone slightly.

"Sorry for being impulsive."

"Actually, what you said is not bad. In the past few hundred years, my ancestors also went to the great route because they wanted to clear his stigma. However, most of their whereabouts are unknown, so they should be unknown. Died in that place."

"I am deeply ashamed of such a family, so I ran away from home and became a pirate."

"Actually, I don't want to be a pirate. I just want to escape the curse of this family."

"But I didn't expect an expedition ten years ago. I found this place. I, who hates Rolando the most in the whole family, found the island he recorded."

"So I suddenly realized that this is my destiny! Or fighting! So I won't be running away!"

Speaking of this, the corners of Kulick's mouth could not help but lifted up, revealing his own mad but charming smile.

"In fact, I don't really want to find gold to prove his innocence."

"All I want is with the man who messed up my life..."

"A duel of life and death!"

"I just want to get to the bottom of the investigation of this matter before I die."

"He once wrote the last sentence before he died."

"I saw gold in the skull's right eye. What do these refer to..."

"Until now I haven't noticed..."

Looking at Kulick, who was constantly sighing at this time, the corners of Xia Mei's mouth could not help but raised slightly.

Then, from his arms, he took out the map of the sky island among the ships that descended in the air at the beginning.Then the two maps were put together, and an island like a skeleton appeared in front of everyone.

"I saw gold in the skull's right eye, do you mean this?"

In an instant, because of Natsume's words, everyone's eyes focused on the map in front of Natsume.

"This map is... the map of the sky island we found today!?"

Robin looked a little surprised at Gaya Island, which had been transformed into a skull due to Natsumi's patchwork.

Then an idea slowly appeared in her mind.

"Could it be..."

"What's wrong? Robin, did you think of anything?"

Seeing Robin's expression at this time, Nami couldn't help holding her hand and said.

"This morning, although we did not reach the sky island with the help of Sophia's flying skills, it proved that the sky island does exist."

"At this time, what we have in our hands is the map of Sky Island and the map of Gaya Island, but when put together, it happens to be a skull."

"Hundreds of years ago, when Rolando stayed, he saw gold in the skull's right eye."

"Then is there such a possibility."

"Hundreds of years ago, the original map of Gaya Island looked like this."

While talking, Robin pointed at the map in front of him.And everyone thought about Robin's words.

"Do you mean that this part of the area has sunk into the sea? But in this part of the sea, I have sneaked into it. Although I have found the gold, it is only a little bit."

After hearing Robin's words, Kulick couldn't help but speak.

Looking at Kulick at this time, the others couldn't help but look helpless.

"Uncle, Robin meant that since the soaring ocean current can soar the ship into the sky, is it possible that the soaring ocean current can soar the entire island into the sky!"

"Or to say that to wash a small part of the island into the sky is to wash the place shown on this map directly into the sky!"

"So, the Golden Township really exists! But it was hit by the sky currents into the empty island, and the reason you can salvage this kind of gold from the bottom of the sea is because when the entire island is hit into the sky, that part of the gold Some are falling down!"

Nami's words instantly stunned Kulick.

"Are you in the air..."

"It turns out that he and I have been looking for the wrong direction..."

"Isn't it sinking to the bottom of the sea, but flying into the sky?"

While muttering to himself, his eyes suddenly turned red.

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