Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 187

But tricks and the like can only be triggered by specific opportunities.

Because this is a world derived from comics, the rules and restrictions should be particularly strict.

According to common sense, under the constraints of the will of the world, Luffy's strength must be step by step to increase.

In Alabastan, Luffy's strength has been improved, but to be honest, this improvement is only a basic improvement, and the magnitude of the change is not large.Coupled with the help of the new world will and the power of the world carried by Luffy itself, it is understandable that it is not restricted by the rules of the world.

But this kind of trick appeared early, but the world rules did not respond to Natsume's feeling very strange.

After all, this kind of thing is almost like Naruto in Naruto in Naruto learned Helix Pill when he graduated, and Xiaojie in the Hunter World mastered the reading in the Hunter exam!

Once this kind of thing happens, basically the world process can no longer follow the established trajectory.

Here, Natsume can deeply feel that Luffy's strength has grown unreasonably.

It seems that as long as there is an opportunity, their strength will grow, completely ignoring the restrictions.

And even now, Natsume can still feel that, although Anilu must be strong to pass Luffy, it is still a whetstone.

It is a whetstone for the straw hat group to grow again.

As for the reason, at this time, a new task has appeared on the task panels of Natsume and Nanami Tomomi.

Task: Growth of the Straw Hat Pirate Ship

Mission requirements: Send Luffy and the others into the sanctuary to fight the priests and gods.Then, before the gods were defeated, they brought strawberries, bananas, pineapples, durians and other fruits in the sky, and then they would be killed by the gods defeated by Luffy.

Task reward: increase the winning rate of big events and increase the probability of the world breaking free.

This is an unexpected task, there is no substantive reward, just a reward to increase the probability.

Natsume faintly felt that the emergence of this task seemed to indicate that the struggle between world will and rules in this world had reached a fierce stage, so for the time being, even a little world crystallization power could not be used.

All of its power was used to improve the strength of Luffy and the others. It wanted to completely reverse the outcome of the battle during that big event, or not just to reverse the outcome, it should have a deeper consideration.(If it is only to change the result of the battle, release a mission that can basically be completed with Natsume's current strength.)

But this is the only thing Natsume can think of.

"Could it be that my moves are so attractive? Natsume is completely intoxicated?"

Looking at Natsume, who was basically lost in thought at this time, Luffy couldn't help but bounce around in front of Natsume's eyes.

And because of Luffy's words, Natsume also temporarily ended his thinking.

"It is indeed a good ability."

"But to be honest, it's still worse than Ainilu."

"If you want to go, I will not stop, but I will not help either."

"Although Anilu's strength is very strong, if it is you, you may have a chance to defeat him."

"If I make a move. Although I can beat Ainilu, it has lost a very precious opportunity for you."

"After all, Luffy, your ideal is to become the One Piece, and Sauron, your words are to become the world's largest swordsman."

"If I keep taking action in the road ahead, how can you grow without a path!"

Hearing Natsume's words, Luffy couldn't help taking a serious look at Natsume and said, "Of course! I'm going to beat that guy by myself!"

"Natsume, I think it's better for me to stay with you. Let's take the gold away while Luffy and the gods are fighting against them!"

Seeing Luffy's enthusiastic look at this time, Nami couldn't help but pull the corner of Laxia's clothes somewhat helplessly, and said pitifully.

"No way, didn't you survive the last time Nami was in the trial space?"

"How can I be afraid this time."

"You don't want to be Luffy's weakness in the future, right!"

After hearing Nami's words, Natsume couldn't help but smiled and touched her head.

In an instant, Nami couldn't help but become tangled because of Natsumi's words, and then she became serious again.

And because of the last words of Xia Mei, Usopp and Chopper, who had been trembling with what they wanted to say, gradually calmed their hearts.

Although their expressions were still very flustered and scared, the words of the Javelin were firm.

Yes, even they don't want to be their weakness anymore!

They want to be stronger.

"Natsume, if you can, can you tell us what will happen tomorrow?"

"By the way, if you can, can you explain to us some of the domineering things you just said?"

"I always feel that what you said will have a great impact on our entry into the island tomorrow."

After a while, Robin's words broke the silence of everyone, and after hearing Robin's words, Natsume also nodded, preparing to tell several people about the power of Anilu in his memory.

In fact, for Sauron and Luffy Sanji at this time, only Anilu is really worth noting. After all, the increase in strength has caused Luffy and the others to defeat the four priests even if they have no experience.

Even if they defeated them, Nami Usop Chopper's strength might increase, but Luffy and Sauron Sanji would basically not have much improvement.

After all, their strength at this time can basically defeat them easily!

Chapter 249 Think about it, is the name really important?

Seeing and hearing color domineering is a special power, one of domineering.The five senses that can make people become keen, they can perceive the aura of surrounding creatures, the domineering emotion of changes, and can also be used to foresee and avoid danger.

Seeing and hearing the domineering in the sky is called the "heart net", which is a mind-reading technique, which can also be said to be the "power of listening."As long as the person is still alive, the body can make special sounds. With these sounds, the opponent's next move and position can be predicted, and the range can be enlarged as long as it is exercised.When he cultivates his domineering to the extreme, he can predict the future.

"As far as seeing and hearing domineering is concerned, the enhanced Anilu with the fruit of thunder, his seeing and hearing domineering can be said to be very powerful in the entire great route and even in the new world."

"Although his domineering performance in battle can only be regarded as quite satisfactory, but in ordinary times, if he wants, he can easily see and hear everyone and things in the entire sky island, even with the help of Use this ability to punish those who speak ill of him!"

"For now, even if he is not elemental, even with his eyes closed, he can avoid all your attacks!"

After clarifying Anilu's abilities, the expressions of everyone in the entire camp became serious.

"Isn't it invincible in this way?! Being able to dodge all our attacks, there is no way to fight!"

Looking at Natsume, Usopp couldn't help but feel depressed and tremble.

"Only your speed can be faster than his reaction speed, then you can fight."

But he is thunder, and Luffy's ability to beat Ainilu is basically due to luck.

Natsume believes that even if he learned Luffy in second and third gears in the city of water, he might still win when facing Ainilu, but even if his strength has increased so much, when facing Ainilu , It will still be a tragic victory!

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