Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 188

That kind of miserable victory.

"Natsume, I think I'll talk about exercise or something later, and Anilu will leave it to you!"

Seeing Natsume looking at her with a smile at this time, Nami couldn't help but grabbed his arm and said coquettishly.

"No! This time we must fly him by ourselves!"

Just when Natsume was about to say something, Luffy was already gearing up at Nami and said.

"I knew... it's so dangerous! Can't you think about it for us!"'

After hearing Luffy's words, Nami couldn't help but said with tears in her eyes.

"Well, don't worry. You, Usopp, and Chopper are still weaker against Ainiro, so I will look at you."

After hearing Natsume's words, Nami couldn't help but look at Natsume in surprise: "You mean you will save us when we encounter danger?"

"No, but after confirming that the enemy is gone, I will bring you back to see if it can be saved."

As soon as Natsume finished speaking, she felt a pain in her head, and Nami's fist had already been smashed.


"Don't say it like we are dead!"

Looking at Nami who was baring her teeth at this time, Natsume couldn't help but laughed while clutching her head.

"Ahhh~~ The angry Miss Nami is so cute, but don’t worry, Miss Nami, I will protect you~~~"

Seeing Nami's appearance at this time, Sanji couldn't help but smiled and said around Nami.

In fact, to be honest, whether it is Nami, Usopp or even Chopper, although it usually seems very embarrassing and awkward.

But they don't lack courage.

What they lack is the determination to show this courage!

"Don't worry, I wouldn't do nothing."

"When you are busy, I actually have a lot of things to be busy."

Seeing Nami's small eyes, Natsume couldn't help but said with a smile.

"What's so busy with you? Is it possible that you are planning to visit the empty island?! Speaking of which, it seems that we haven't been to the empty island in seriousness."

Having said that, Nami couldn't help but sighed helplessly.

"In fact, here, it can barely be regarded as a sky island. What I want to do is of course not to play. It is to report things about Rolando and give him the truth."

"After all, it is too much to let a hero stay on the pillar of shame."

Looking at the white clouds outside the door, Natsume couldn't help but said with some emotion.

"It's basically impossible to succeed in this matter."

"After all, this story has been passed down for four hundred years and has become a well-known story in Beihai. Unless you can get newspapers issued by the world government to report on this matter for a month or two."

After hearing Natsumi's words, Sanji couldn't help shaking his head.

"Although I can't do this, I can get rid of my friends."

"You also know that the black cat is the new king, Qiwuhai, but you must not know that Qiwuhai has many rights in addition to legal plunder."

"One of them is that you can ask the world government to help her do something that is not excessive, and this thing happens to be an excessive thing."

Looking at several people, Natsume smiled and said his thoughts.

"Speaking of which, what Natsume has to accomplish is more tiring than we are."

"After all, we only use fights and kills, but Xia Ming's words need to go down from the sky island to Qinghai, then return to Alabastan, and then find us again."

Sauron couldn't help but said with emotion when he heard what Natsumi said.

"But... Natsume, how do you find us? Or maybe we agreed to meet at a time and place?"

After hearing Sauron's words, Nami seemed to remember something and asked Natsume.

"Don't worry, I have already considered this issue. When I was in Alabastan, I asked someone to make your life paper. With this, I can find you at any time, so don't worry about me."

"Um... if this operation goes well, maybe I can bring you a gift. A gift you will absolutely love."

Looking at the few people, Natsume couldn't help showing a mysterious smile.

"Gift! What is it!? Is it barbecue!?"

After hearing what Natsumi said, Luffy couldn't help but slobber and said.

"Can you not be so greedy! You just had a big meal just now!?"

Seeing Luffy's appearance, Nami couldn't help but yelled while hammering his head with her fist.

"Can you get hungry again!?"

While being shaken by Nami, Luffy couldn't help but stick out his tongue.

Seeing how Luffy looked at this time, several people couldn't help but sighed helplessly.

"Natsume, don't really take the meat back as a gift like Luffy said."

Looking at Natsume who was about to leave at this time, Nami couldn't help waving her hand as she said.

"...Actually, compared to Lu Fei, I am a normal person."

Chapter 250 Human Feelings and the End of Anilu!

Because they did not follow the route in the original book, Luffy and the others did not meet Konis and the others. Therefore, the Weiba that Natsume picked up was no one to repair. So when he left, Natsume entrusted this work to The Sandia.

Although most of them are fighters, some simple repairs can still be done.

Later, Natsume perceives the place where Ainilu placed the gold and the golden clock floating in the sky through his own experience. After hiding the traces of the historical text, he took a variety of photos.

"So you guys haven't seen each other for a long time. The reason for meeting now is because something requires me!?"

Looking at Natsume who was sitting in front of him drinking tea, the black cat couldn't help waving his small fist and said indignantly.

"Actually, it didn't take long. It's only about a month or so~~"

Looking at the black cat whose cheeks were flushing because of anger or some other reason, Natsume smashed his mouth and said afterwards.

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