Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 189

To be honest, it has been a long time for Black Cat and Natsume.

After all, starting from the world of Gintama, they were basically together every day.

"You also know that a month has passed? If it weren't for the occasional visit to Xiaohui's and Weiwei to play this month, I would have been bored to death!"

After hearing Natsume's words, the black cat couldn't help standing up and then pointed at Natsume and said loudly.

Seeing what the black cat looked like at this time, Natsume couldn't help but get up, and then he couldn't help but stand up from the chair, and then touched her head while saying: "Reassure, this time, wait until Luffy and the others leave the island If you do, I will help you establish a stronghold on Sky Island and Fishman Island. If you are idle, you can go to those two places to play at any time."

The black cat, who had been somewhat dissatisfied, heard Natsumi's words, his expression changed in an instant, and then took Natsumi's hand from her head.

"Stupid! Big idiot! I'm not a kid! Don't use this kind of thing to coax me!"

Seeing what the black cat looked like at this time, Natsume couldn't help but looked at her hand a little strangely, not knowing what she had said wrong.

Looking at Natsume, who was stunned at this time, the black cat couldn't help but laughed, but then her expression changed again: "Okay! You can keep the photo! I know the matter! You can go. !"

After being pushed to the door by the black cat with a small body, Natsume glanced at the fortress behind him a little strangely, and then some helplessly asked Mr. Kitty to send herself back.

"Teacher Cat, what happened to the black cat just now? It always feels a little weird."

In the air, Natsume asked strangely while holding Mr. Cat.

After hearing what Natsumi said, the corner of Teacher Cat's mouth couldn't help showing a strange smile.

"Who knows, you humans are so strange."

"Speaking of which, for a while, I saw Reiko as the black one."

But like a black cat, Reiko's look and temper will only bloom for one person at a certain time.

Thinking of this, Miss Cat's cheeks could not help showing a trace of nostalgia and a gentle smile.

No matter that time or now...

It's so comfortable.

When Luffy and the others entered the sanctuary to fight Aini Road, Natsume took the time to visit the island, and bought a piece of land to build a house, and at the same time, Natsume has been collecting the unique fruits in the island. And watching Luffy them.

I have to say that in the battle with Ainilu and the battle between priests, Luffy and the others were very thrilling.

If it is not certain and knows that in this kind of world, if no one intervenes, if the protagonist and important supporting role will not die, Natsume estimates that he has already shot a dozen times.

After all, in Xia Mei's perception, Luffy and the others were in crisis of life and death at least a dozen times in this battle.

However, although there were more than ten life and death crises, Luffy and the others resisted it and began to grow up continuously with the help of this crisis.

Even in the perception of Xia Mei, Luffy and Sauron vaguely meant to awaken to see and hear.

But these are not important at present.What is more important at this time is that Natsume needs to complete the task that suddenly appeared.

"Want to take advantage of people's dangers!? You think that the original god has reached such a situation, you can easily defeat and kill me!?"

Looking at Natsume standing in front of her eyes, Ainilu couldn't help but wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, and said condensedly.

"Although there is this meaning in the mission, I am not that kind of person."

"Although I will kill someone who is full of evil spirits like you, I will not be soft. But I can't do things like taking advantage of others."

Looking at Ainilu who was lying on the ground at this time, Natsume couldn't help squatting in front of him and sighed.

"This is fairy beans. If you eat it now, you should be able to quickly recover your injuries and physical strength."

"Then after you recover, let's make the final break."

Destroyed Bika, enslaved the guard of the original god, with cruel character.

It's hard for Natsume to like this kind of person, and the reason for giving him fairy beans is just as he said, not willing to take advantage of others.

Seeing Natsume's seriousness, Anilu was silent, and then silently ate the fairy beans that Natsume gave him.

Slowly, he felt that his body was constantly recovering, and then he stood up in an instant.

"Very good thing, as a reward for you to help me recover, I decided to kill you with a powerful mouth!"

Looking at Natsume in front of him, Ainilu couldn't help licking the corner of his mouth and said.

"The strongest posture?"

"Then do it quickly, I'm actually in a hurry."

Looking at Ainilu, Natsume threw some fruits in his backpack and said to Ainilu at a position not far behind him.

"Two million volts Thor!"

Just as he said, Anilu directly took out his most powerful moves after recovering, and instantly transformed into a giant-like existence with the help of powerful lightning.

"Thunder God?"

"It's just a strong outsider and a middling player."

"Slash in one blow!"

In an instant, a cold light flashed by, and under Anilu's incredible gaze, his body was cut into two parts.

"Although the power of the Nature Element is powerful, it is not invincible."

"I hope that in your next life, you won't be fascinated by powerful forces and become someone who only knows about killing and ruthless rule."

Chapter 251 The Past of Anilu and the Decadent People

Looking at Xia Mei's cheeks and feeling the loss of his vitality, Ainilu opened his mouth, but remained silent after a while.

Am I not a true god after all...

But after all, the agreement with you was not fulfilled.


Like a revolving lantern, Ainilu reviewed his life.

He was bullied because of his appearance since he was a child, and after growing up, the matter has not improved in the slightest.

There was only one person who was good to him, but that person was also put to death because of the so-called code of the God Bika.

Ainilu clearly remembered that when she left, she once touched her head and said: According to legend, there is an infinite land in the sky, and that is the true hometown of the people of Sky Island.

If possible, I hope he can send her body into that place someday in the future.

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