Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 195

"Magic may be possible, but I still don't have such magic. The method Natsume said should be his own method."

Seeing Sauron's hot eyes, Chiyin couldn't help shaking his head and said.

"Natsume, if you can, can you elaborate on it?"

Sauron couldn't help but said seriously when he heard the words of Zhiyin Seven Palace.

"Of course, before I found you, I had some companions in my words."

"They all have very unique and powerful powers. Among them, an angel accidentally made this thing when they left. I think it will help the Meri."

While talking, Natsume took out a bottle.

This bottle is a prop for ship maintenance that Gabriel produced a better ship for krypton gold that day.

As long as the ship is placed inside, even a ship with zero durability can be restored to full durability.

However, this item is not without flaws, as long as the ship is put in this bottle.Then in the future, you must enter the bottle and stay in the bottle for ten days for cultivation every half a month.

Therefore, if the Meili was put in, it would not carry people for a long voyage as before.

The change of ships has become a must.

"That's it... it's really a good ending!"


Hearing Natsumi's explanation, Sauron couldn't help sighing, then said with emotion.


Compared with the original Meili, this ending is really a very good ending...

At least, the Meili can also accompany everyone on the voyage for a long time, or say, stay with everyone all the time.

ps: Thank you book guest 46311707735 for the spicy note~ Thank you readers for your great subscription support

Chapter 256: Unexpected result...killed by spike...Luffy!?

Just when Sauron was lost, Usopp easily defeated all of Frankie's little brothers.

But because of Usopp's money, after the younger brother was beaten, Franky decided to do it himself.

And just as Frankie was about to do it himself, Usopp and Luffy were arguing over Bruce.

"Anyway! I don't want to abandon the Meili!"

"I don't want to abandon it either! can't sail anymore..."

The two points of view have been touching, and Nami, who is sandwiched between them, feels that her head is a little bigger.

"Let's go back and discuss this matter, OK! It's not necessarily that the Meri really can't sail! After all, the long nose like Usopp might be wrong."

"Furthermore, even if it is really not repaired, we are not at all helpless."

"Do you remember Miss Black Cat? I remember that she once restored the castle we destroyed very simply, so if it doesn't work, we can get rid of Natsume-kun and let him ask Miss Black Cat to help us repair this ship!"

Nami's words reminded both of them in an instant.

"Hurry up! Bulu!"

Then Luffy and Usopp, who rushed back at an extremely fast speed, quickly learned about Xia's solution.

Although it is a bit regretful, but this method Usopp still agrees.

"Well, since you agree with it. Then whoever takes care of the Meili."

As if thinking of something, Natsumi's eyes rolled and then said with a smile.

"Of course I, the captain, kept it!" After hearing Xia Ming's words, Luffy couldn't help but said with a grin.

"You are just the captain of the new Pirate Ship! My Master Usopp is the new captain of the Meri!"

Obviously, Usopp did not agree with this view, so he and Luffy quarreled.

"In fact, we are concerned about keeping the Meili..." Just when Sauron was about to say something, two extremely terrifying eyes couldn't help but look at Sauron, "Sure enough, you should decide to leave it to you. ."

"But I feel that you still have to make a decision before Sanji and the others come back, otherwise, it is estimated that someone will grab you at that time!"

Seeing the appearance of the two, Sauron touched his head and said helplessly.

"Since we are pirates! Use the pirate method to determine the ownership of the Meri!"

As if thinking of something, Usopp's expression suddenly changed, and then said very solemnly.

"The pirate's method? What is that?"

After hearing Usopp's words, Luffy couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Duel! Of course it is a duel!"

"Duel!? Ok! Now?!" Luffy couldn't help but agree with Usopp's words.

Well, at least in his impression, Usopp should not be able to beat himself anyway.

"Why do you have to prepare before the duel! It will be an hour later! Whoever concedes defeat or is knocked to the ground for ten seconds without getting up is considered a loss!"

Looking at Luffy's high nature at this time, Usopp could not help but announce the rules of the game. Obviously Luffy did not object.

"Usop offered a duel? This is a bit strange, isn't it?" Sauron couldn't help but rub his chin and said strangely as he watched the farce that was playing before his eyes.

"Indeed, it's weird." Even Natsume himself was a little curious.

After all, he didn't believe that Usopp himself would not put Luffy in his eyes because of his awakening and domineering, or that Usopp should have a better understanding of how powerful Luffy is at this time!

"Well, there must be some hole cards, otherwise Usopp would never dare to challenge Luffy!"

Sauron quickly came to a conclusion.

An hour later, the result was not beyond Sauron's expectation. Usopp indeed had his own trick, a trick against Luffy.

And because of this trick, the result of their battle was a spike.

Usopp kills Luffy...

You are not mistaken, it is indeed Usopp who killed Luffy in a flash.

"As expected, one of the people who know Luffy best..."

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