Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 196

Looking at Luffy who fell asleep on the ground at this time, Natsume smashed his mouth and couldn't help speaking.

"This idiot!" Sauron looked at Usopp who was triumphant at this time and couldn't help covering his face.

At this time, Sauron felt that there was no one else around, otherwise his face would be lost by these two fools!

The battle process is very simple.

Usopp only locked Luffy with his own knowledge, and when Luffy rushed over, he launched a special product of the City of Seven Waters that Luffy felt was very delicious.

Undoubtedly seeing the meat on his mouth, Luffy took two bites without hesitation, and ate it after he felt it tasted good.


Inside the meat was stuffed medicine that Usopp had found from Chopper earlier.

Poor Luffy was instantly killed by Usopp because of his gluttony.

"Wow ha ha ha! Please call me the captain of the Golden Meri from now on, Master Usopp!"

"Wow ha ha ha! Long live Master Usopp! Long live Captain Usopp!"

Looking at Usopp who was performing a one-man show at this time, they couldn't help but sighed helplessly.

"It's really joyful... I don't know what Lu Fei will be like when he wakes up, I guess I will be angry."

"That said, the matter of being killed by Usopp...the only thing we have on board is the idiot Luffy!"

Sauron also sighed.

Sure enough, after an hour later, after Luffy woke up and knew the end, he couldn't help being very angry.

"You are so despicable! Usopp!" Luffy couldn't help but yelled at Usopp who was triumphant in front of him.

"Hmph! Please call me the great Captain Usopp from now on! Otherwise, I will not allow you to sit on Meili's head while the Meri is sailing~~"

Seeing Luffy jumping in front of him at this time, Usopp couldn't help touching his nose and said proudly.

But for a moment, after hearing Usopp's words, Luffy couldn't help but say in surprise: "Great Captain Usopp! Can I still sit in my special seat in the future!?"

"Of course!" After hearing Luffy's words, Usopp couldn't help but laugh.

"Long live Captain Usopp! Long live Captain Usopp!" Luffy also exclaimed excitedly because of Usopp's words.

Looking at the excited two people, the bow of the Meri seemed to be happier at this time, showing a brighter smile.

"These two idiots!" Nami couldn't help laughing as she looked at the two of them.However, she couldn't help but burst into tears while smiling.

It was great to be able to accompany us on the voyage...


ps: Every time I watch the episode of the duel between Luffy and Usopp, I can’t help but cry...

Chapter 257 The Decision of CP and the Changed Usopp

Just when Luffy and Usopp were drinking together to prepare a banquet, Nami and Sauron were preparing to choose a new ship on the flyer.

In a far place, Rob Luc, Kaku, Bruno, and Carlyfa were standing together with serious expressions.

"Are you sure? Kaku?"

Lu Qi looked at Kaku with a serious expression, because the intelligence was too alarming, even the strongest cp9 in eight hundred years, he had some worry in his heart at this time.

"That's right, the person I saw when inspecting their ship was indeed the great swordsman known as Natsumi."

"Later, we also tried to test the three people who came to repair the ship. They also said that Natsume was their crew member. You should know that, Lucky."

Kaku couldn't help speaking seriously.

"The new enemy of the world government at the same level as the Four Emperors has the swordsmanship and domineering ability that can cut off the arm of the general red dog, and has the summoner fruit that can summon strange space monsters! It was issued by the Warring States Marshal and the World Government You must report to him as soon as you meet him, and you can postpone the mission as appropriate."

"How could such a strong man suddenly appear in the City of Seven Waters? Could it be that he is also here for Pluto!?" Lu Qi couldn't help but said solemnly when he looked at several people.

"I don't know, but this matter has already been reported. However, our chief Spandam didn't seem to take it seriously, just let us continue to complete the task." Pushing his glasses, Kalifa couldn't help but say a little helplessly.

In terms of strength, Kalifa is relatively weak in CP.

But the knowledge and intelligence can be said to be very powerful, so she has seen the description of Natsumi in the world government.

In other words, the evaluation of Xia Mei: As long as it does not clearly make a vicious endangering the world government, local navies strictly prohibit private attacks!

Even if Natsume did anything to endanger the world government, the offer of rewards and the wanted requires the admiral of the admiral or even the five old stars to make the final sentence.

This thing can be said to be unique!

Of course, it can not be said that it is unique, and the four emperors almost enjoy this treatment.

It's basically the same, as long as you wander around on your territory, we can just take a look at you.

But if you dare to move out of your territory...we will send a general to know your affection and move it with reason.If it doesn't work, it's the start.

And in the words of Xia Ming, he basically enjoyed the treatment of the four emperors level just by himself, which undoubtedly made cp9 people feel very difficult.

Natsume was able to enjoy this treatment, in fact, it was due to Dansheng Gu Senxia, ​​after all, in the information revealed by Dansheng Gu Morinya, Natsume was one of the strongest among them.

And the power is not only in his swordsmanship.At the critical moment, he can rely on his fruit ability to form an army alone, and the most powerful can even rival himself.

After listening to Tenson Tani Morika's words, even the Warring States period felt troublesome.After all, if it is true, Natsume alone can be a four-emperor group.

Moreover, a person's mobility must be much more mobile than the Four Emperors. There are also monsters that can fly, wait for the sea, and escape.If you offend him to death, you still can't catch him or kill him. In case someone can't think of a sneak attack on the headquarters or Mary Joa when it's okay, you may not be able to beat him. People want to escape, but they can't stop him.

This is a feather!

Although cp9 is powerful, they are definitely not stupid, or rather smart.Therefore, they knew that if they used their own strength to challenge Xia's eyes to restore "justice", it was estimated that the whole body would not be found, but the boss's order must still be listened to.

Therefore, even if Spandam is not reliable, the mission cannot be stopped.

All of a sudden, several people started to have headaches.

"The information shows that although this person helped a former friend to obtain the position of King Seven Martial Sea. But I have no need for this position."

"Furthermore, according to the information during this period, his own words do not seem to have much hatred for the world government. Generally speaking, he would not choose to be hostile to the world government."

After all, it is one thing to have strength, but it is another thing to truly oppose the world government.

"So what do you mean?" Rob Lucci couldn't help but ask in a condensed voice, looking at Carlyfa who was talking about it at this time.

"We can issue a warning to him, or say it as an exhortation. I hope he will not interfere with our mission." Kalifa hesitated, looked at several people and said.

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