Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 215

"I tell you, you must not know what we met on the island!"

"It's amazing!"

Seeing this expression on Natsume, who had always been calm, Usopp couldn't help asking curiously, but when half of his question was asked, because of his own nature, he changed to other questions, or to show off. Yourself.

"These are not important!"

"The important thing is, Luffy, you and Ace are brothers, right?"

Natsume asked seriously while giving Malin Vandor's permanent pointer to Nami.

"What's wrong! Did something happen to Ace?!"

For a moment, the aura flashed in Luffy's mind.

At the same time, Nami, who had been in contact with Ace for a while, became serious because of Luffy's words.

"Ace was caught! At noon today, he will be publicly executed by the Navy in Marin Vando!"

The time at this time is more than five in the morning!Before that time, only six hours!

"Frankie! I remember that the ship's drive system is compatible with electricity!"

Hearing what Natsumi said, when Luffy was a little sluggish, Nami suddenly spoke.

Originally, the driving force of the Thousand Miles Sunshine was Coke.

But now, because Nami ate the thunder fruit, electricity is also counted as one of the power.

But under normal circumstances, Coke and wind are used as power.

"Of course!" Although Frank didn't know who Ace was, he said quickly.

"That's good, take me there quickly! We have to get there as fast as possible!"

After hearing Frankie's words, Nami couldn't help speaking seriously.

"The fastest speed? Let's let you see how powerful the Wanli Sunshine is!"

Hearing Nami's words, Frankie came to the driving compartment of the Wanli Sunshine at the fastest speed and said to Nami.

Then, because of Nami's electricity problem, the Wanli Sunshine flew directly!

After all, unlike cola-driven, the wind is only a moment.

With electricity, especially thunder and lightning, after the transformation, the wind cannon can be used continuously!

When Natsume and the others put away their sails and flew towards Marin Vando with the Wanli Sunshine, Luffy also recovered his senses.

Then he looked at Natsume seriously and asked, "How did Ace get caught!!"

"On the way to hunt down Blackbeard, Ace was defeated and captured by Blackbeard, and then Blackbeard exchanged for the position of Qiwuhai at the expense of Ace."

"And after getting Ace, the world government chose to publicly execute Ace in order to ambush Blackbeard and increase the prestige of the world government!"

Natsume spoke out Ace's information as quickly as possible.

"Sanji, let's cook some food!"

"Otherwise, it's not good to be hungry when fighting!"

When Luffy heard what Xia Ming said, Sauron on the side spoke.

"That's what I mean, is Marin Fan too much? It's really... challenging!"

After Sanji wiped out the smoke in his hand, he walked towards the kitchen.

"I just learned about the characteristics of some seeds, and with the help of Frankie's laboratory, I have cultivated some new seeds. Are they going to be useful so soon?"

"This time, I won't be as embarrassed as last time!"

As if thinking of something, Usopp couldn't help but confidently said.

In the mist of rainbow, under the guidance of Roger and the others, Usopp's self-confidence can be said to be more and more intense.

With his character, the stronger his self-confidence, it means that his strength has grown expansively!

"Yo ho ho ho ho ~ ~ The first thing after you joined Marin is attacking the Vatican more than you? Really is a rich banquet featuring pirates it ~ ~"

Brook, who decided to join Luffy’s ship on the island, also said with joy.

The enemy is Marin Vandor, and the enemy is the world government.

Nami, Chopper, Usopp, even Sanji, Sauron...

They actually have a trace of fear in their hearts.

But there are some things that you must do even if you are afraid.

Luffy is their companion and their captain.

Therefore, Luffy’s friends are their friends!

Luffy’s business is their business!

Chapter 275 The Battle of Marin Vando, Mary Joa who was surprised!

Just when Luffy rushed towards Malin Fanta, the White Beard Pirates and Sabo of the Revolutionary Army had already reached Malin Fanta before them.

But the result is not very gratifying.

Or it is very bad.

After all, at this time, the trap set by the Navy for White Beard in Malin Vatican basically waited for White Beard to plunge in!

Under the arrangement of the red dog and the Warring States period, among the sons of the white beard, Skuard was finally blinded by the identity of Ace and his hatred for Roger.

Therefore, before the battle, Baibeard's body haunted not only illness, but also serious injuries!

But even so, his performance in battle still made the Navy treat it very seriously.

"Sabo of the Revolutionary Army, did not expect you to appear at this time."

"It seems that your revolutionary army also wants to profit from this battle!"

Kicked Sabo aside, Huang Yuan couldn't help but said wretchedly.

Although Sabo's strength is very strong, this kind of strength appears so fragile when facing the general Huang Yuan!

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