Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 216

After all, the strength, or speed, of Shining Fruit is basically a spike in the face of weak strength and his existence!

"Oh, running dogs of the corrupt world government. Sooner or later, you will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history and cursed by others!"

Hearing what Huang Yuan said, while wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Sabo cursed.

"The second-ranking figure of the Revolutionary Army will only be able to contend with tongues? That's really disappointing. After all, you seem to be far worse than Long."

After hearing Sabo's words, Huang Yuan continued to attack him with laser while talking.

As for Sabo's words, even though he has an inferior domineering look, but in the face of Huang Ape's extremely fast speed, he basically can only reduce his injuries, and there is no way to fight back effectively!

At this time, in the general situation, Marko played against Kuzan. Although the battle between the two was suppressed for a time, Kuzan could not cause effective damage to him.

The words of the red dog were dragged by the white beard. Basically, the battle between the two was very impressive. If there is no external force involved, there will be no problems at all for a few days.

With the addition of Sabo against the Yellow Ape, the general-level battle is basically the combined forces of the White Beard Pirates and the Revolutionary Army at a disadvantage.

But in the battle at the level of lieutenant generals and captain officials, the White Beard Pirates at this time were in an advantageous position.

After all, every son of the White Beard is basically a leader among the lieutenants, and the number of lieutenants in the navy headquarters is still weaker than the captain level of the White Beard Pirates.

In addition, in the sea of ​​Nanbu, Black Cat and Megumi Kato were eating senbei at this time and did not make a move.

Mihawk was releasing water all the way because he received Shanks's request.

Not to mention Xiong, because of Dragon's request and plan, he was not transformed as a prototype at this time.

At this time, several lieutenant generals had been completely reversed and sent to other places in the world.

And Jinping and Krokdal are like bears, attacking the navy after being released.

And Blackbeard, now walking in the direction of the underwater prison, directly paddling.

Counting it down like this, in the Qiwu Sea at this time, only Doflamingo was fighting.

Originally, he wanted to paddle all the way, but he was the only one left in Qiwuhai, even if he wanted to paddle, he couldn't paddle.

After all, the pressure is too much!

So slowly the pirate's power has approached where Ace is.

But at this moment, Karp, who was waiting next to Ace, made a shot, and one came up and punched him.

Even though the lieutenant admirals were almost defeated, they still couldn't get close to Ace's trip.

"Your words, don't you do it?"

Looking at the two people eating senbei at this time, the Sengoku expression couldn't help but looked at Kato Hui and the black cat.

"Ace cards are generally the last to be shot. What's the point of bullying such weak people?"

Hearing what the Warring States had said, the black cat said without looking up.

"Oh, that's the case! It's up to me, the marshal, to act in person!"

After hesitating, Zeng Guo jumped off the stage directly and joined the battle.

Only not long after the Warring States joined, the pirates appeared in a state of defeat.

However, just as the Warring States period was about to pursue the victory, the phone worm rang in his arms.

"Marshal Kong? Is there anything wrong?"

As he retreated to his seat, Zhan Guo asked with a serious expression on the other end of the phone.

"The revolutionary army and the pirates launched an offensive against Maria!"

"The Tianlong people were seriously injured at this time!"

"I order you to mobilize admiral-level combat power as quickly as possible to come back here, and defend Maria Joa!"

Ganggu Kong's words instantly changed the expression of Sengoku.

"At this time, we have already exchanged fire with the Whitebeard Pirates. If we are transferred from the general level now, it is likely to cause this battle to fail!"

"Moreover, Malin Vando may be completely destroyed by the pirates!"

At this time, the Warring States Period can be said to be very uncomfortable, after all, this attack of the Revolutionary Army can be said to directly grasp his seven inches!

"In this case, the Warring States Period, I'll leave it to you here."

"The old man will return to Mary Joa first."

A man wearing samurai makeup suddenly walked out of the shadows. Standing beside him was a man in a black suit, white curly hair, Peng Song’s white beard, and a flat hat on his left face. Old man with a scar.

These two people are actually two of the five old stars.

In order to prevent accidents in the world government's plan to eliminate the white beard, their words came to Malin Vando before the plan began.

The main target of their prevention is not the white beard, but the black cat and Megumi Kato, but at this time.It is no longer important to guard against the two.The important thing is that Mary Joa must not be lost!

"How did Edward, Allen, and Delaro do it? It's just the combination of the Revolutionary Army and the Pirates that will cause Mary Joa to have a crisis?"

"Some time ago, because of the foreknowledge of that Tianlongren, in terms of the defense of Mary Joa at this time, even those of the Four Emperors who attacked will fall so quickly."

After greeting the Warring States Period, Liu Sheng Quanzang said with dissatisfaction looking at Swain next to him.

"Perhaps something has changed. After all, there are thousands of capable people on the sea. Although they are powerful, if the capable people choose to destroy the dragons instead of head-to-head with them, then even they will not be able to protect them well. they."

Swain couldn't help but said with a calm face after hearing what Liu Sheng Quanzang said.

The 276th chapter is head-on confrontation!Five old stars shot!

Just when they were about to leave, two young girls happened to appear in front of them.

"Why should I go in a hurry? Isn't it good to eat senbei while sitting here and drinking tea?"

After hearing the words of the black cat, Quanzang Liu's expression could not help becoming gloomy.

"Sure enough, your purpose for joining Qiwuhai is not pure."

"Or, are you on the side of the Revolutionary Army or White Beard?"

Seeing the two, the black cat couldn't help but smile, and then said: "Who knows, but what is certain is that this time where we are standing is contrary to the navy and the world government."

And just after the black cat finished speaking, she only felt a flash of red light in front of her, and a sharp blade slashed straight on her chest, and then a burst of blood spurted out from where the chest wound was. .

"Is it really mean, wearing samurai clothes, but not following the samurai spirit at all?"

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