Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 236

"Are you... conflicted?"

Looking at the place that looked like a ruin at this time, Natsume couldn't help but asked in a daze.

"Ahahahaha~~~ It's just a misunderstanding. The magic power just got out of control, so I accidentally released a spell, and they probably subconsciously released a spell with me!"

After hearing Natsumi's words, the black cat couldn't help but haha ​​and said.

"The magic is out of control? No? Is there something wrong with the reinforcement, but I have never heard of such things happening to the patrons."

"Have you checked the space?"

"Nothing, right?"

While grabbing the black cat's hand, Natsume couldn't help but said with some worry.

"How could there be a problem! I said it was a misunderstanding! Bastard Natsume, let go of my hand!!"

In an instant, the black cat's face turned red involuntarily, and then he said to Natsume with some irritation.


Natsume couldn't help but said awkwardly when he heard the black cat's words.

"Eh yeah, is this the legendary Tsundere? Speaking of Xiaojia, she seems to be a little arrogant, but she can't compare to this little sister at all."

With a happy smile, Rafil said with a smile.

In an instant, the black cat's expression became stiff.

At this time, her head couldn't help lowering, as if she was looking for a crack in the ground and wanted to get in.

"Natsume-kun~~If you want to know what just happened, I can tell you~~"

Just after Raphael uttered these words, a flash of Gabriel appeared behind her.

"Forbidden spell, eternal bondage!"

For a moment, Raphael's body stiffened.

Then an orange was stuffed into Lafil's mouth by Dansheng Gu Senxia without hesitation.

"Ahaha, I heard about this... I really like to eat oranges."

Before saying this, you should figure out the name of the other party!

"Well, it's getting late, I won't stay with you anymore. The room has been destroyed. I'm going to restore the room. Let's talk about the dinner today."

The black cat also issued a eviction order.

"Well, Rafiel is also ill, I want to take her back." After hearing the words of the black cat, Gabriel also picked up Rafiel, who was stuffed with oranges in his mouth, and walked away.

This is not a disease...

Is it just a simple spell?

Natsume felt like he was going to be a Tucao master.

After all, there were too many slots to vomit just now.

"So... Senxia still has Zhiyin? Do you know what happened just now?"

Looking at the last two people by his side at this time (In the beginning, Kato had silently taken off the ring that contained his ability, and then quietly left...), Natsume couldn't help but point his gaze with curiosity. they.

"I suddenly remembered that Liuhua and the others wanted to invite us to dinner, Zhiyin, let's go!"

"Hmm! Although it was the invitation of the Evil King True Eye, I will give her a little face today!"

The conversation with no one else and the attitude of completely ignoring Natsumi made countless black lines appear on her forehead again.

"Can your reason be fake?!"

"Didn't I tell me that the black cat invited you to dinner?!"

But Natsume's complaint is destined to be no one can hear, after all, at this time, they have already activated the tail ring and left the black cat's residence.

At this time, among the ruined ruins of the black cat's residence, Natsume was the only one left feeling the cold wind.

"Here, there must be a secret!"

Looking at the surroundings, Natsume couldn't help but squinted and began to think.

But because there were too few clues, even if he racked his brains, Natsume didn't get any useful information.

But Natsume also roughly guessed that it should be something related to him.

Otherwise, the black cats would not hide from themselves for such a long time.

In the next few days, in contact with a few people, when Fan Xiamu asked this question, the few people talked about him.

And there are also several times who left directly after three sentences.

Moreover, the most exaggerated thing is that Natsume feels that Rafiel, the only one who can obtain a secret, has been under Gabriel's surveillance.

Later, Gabriel was directly pressed under the floating island, and then forced her and her team to choose a world...

However, as he left, Natsume saw Rafiel who was unable to speak because of the influence of Gabriel's spell.

Her expression, how should I say, is very happy.

Especially when you look at yourself, your expression will become more pleasant.

Although very curious, Natsume finally chose to curb his curiosity after looking at the attitudes of several people.

After two weeks, Natsume invited everyone to his home.

"What happened that day..."

Looking at several people, Natsume could not help clearing his throat, and was about to say something.

But at this moment, the black cat suddenly stood up.

"I remembered that there was something I forgot to do, so let's go first."

Seeing the black cat standing up and leaving, Natsume couldn't help but grab her hand as quickly as possible.

For a moment, the black cat's face turned blushing again, and then watching Natsume stammered and said:


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