Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 237

"Quick... let me go! Otherwise I'm angry..."

"Listen to me first before leaving, OK?"

Looking at the blushing black cat with his head down at this time, Natsume couldn't help pressing her on the seat again and sighed.

Chapter 294 The Choice of a New World

Seeing what Xia Mei looked like at this time, the black cat couldn't help but obediently got into position.

"Say it in advance, my time is precious."

"Say faster if you have something..."

"I also asked others to go shopping together!"

Although sitting down, there is no doubt that the look of the black cat at this time is still very uneasy.

"Don't worry, I came to you this time mainly to say something."

"Regarding what happened that day, no matter what happened, I won't ask again."

"So, don't you guys avoid me all day."

"Those who know think you have some secrets that you don't want me to know, but those who don't know, probably think I have offended you."

Seeing a few people relieved, Natsumi's curiosity couldn't help becoming stronger than ever again, but in the end, she was overwhelmed by reason.

"Huh!? Really?"

After hearing Natsumi's words, the black cat couldn't help but said with joy.

At this time, the others present could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, because of Natsume's words, the atmosphere in the entire venue became relaxed.

"You guys are really..."

"Isn't it just a little secret? Are you like this?"

Looking at the appearance of the few people, Natsume couldn't help but laugh and cry for a while.

"It's really bad!"

After hearing Natsumi's words, the black cat suddenly said loudly.


Natsume looked at the black cat curiously.

"Natsume-kun, who wants to hear even the last little secret of a girl, is really bad!"

Seeing what Natsumi looked like at this time, the black cat couldn't help but said with his chest straight.

"So... I am to blame for all this?"

After hearing the black cat's words, Natsume couldn't help but pointed to herself.

Of course it's you!

If it weren't for you, come here!How could I be so embarrassed!

Thinking of this, the black cat looked at Natsume's eyes and looked a little wrong. From Natsume's point of view, there was a feeling of wanting to jump over and bite herself.

"Otherwise Natsume thinks we are to blame?"

Looking at the appearance of Xia Mei at this time, Jia Baili couldn't help but squinted and said.

"Xiaojia... Has your sister left for a mission?"

"how do you know?"

"Your hair and dress have become..."

Natsume pointed to Gabriel's fluffy hair and said.

"Speaking of which, when will we go out of the mission? Otherwise, my sister will come back in a few days and will be nagging again."

After hearing Xia Ming's words, Gabriel seemed to remember something and asked a few people softly.

"I need to ask the captain about this matter, does Natsume-kun have any suggestions?"

After hearing what Gabriel said, Tansheng Gu Senxia couldn't help but ask.

"Didn't we always vote on this matter democratically? When did it become a direct question to me?"

Looking at the appearance of the few people, Natsume couldn't help but asked with a dazed expression.

"Forget it, if I come to you today, another purpose is to ask you this question."

"My words don't matter, so this time it depends on how long you want to rest."

After hearing several people's words, Natsume couldn't help but shook his head and said.

For an average team, it is roughly a month or so in the mission world at a time.

But Natsume and the others, even the hunter's world with the shortest time stayed for several months.

Originally, Natsume thought it was a normal level, but after learning more about the reincarnation space, he realized that it was absolutely abnormal.

Therefore, after staying in the Pirate World for so long again, Natsume gave them the rest time to choose, not limited to one month.

"Leave a mission in two days!"

After hearing Xia Ming's words, Gabriel thought that her sister might return from the mission world at any time, so she tremblingly said.

"This might be too anxious."

After hearing Gabriel's words, the black cat couldn't help but said strangely.

"It's really a good idea, after all, Rafer may return from the mission world at any time."

Suddenly, a calm voice rang in the ears of several people, but it was Kato Megumi who had been playing the role of little transparent recently.

In an instant, the bodies of several people couldn't help becoming stiff.

"Indeed.. If Rafer's character is really as bad as Xiaojia said, we really need to enter the mission world soon."

This idea appeared in several people's minds at the same time.

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