Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 242

Ability 2: Passing on from generation to generation. Every day, you will get a random power of the patriarch level in the current world, which can be called a random patriarch level in the family passed on from generation to generation.

(Note: If you don’t use the power of this patriarch level for every 30 days accumulated, then you can specify the power of any random generation of patriarchs of any family for one day. If you don’t use this power for each cumulative year, you can specify the use of any one day. The power of people above the patriarch level.)

Seriously (A): slightly

Natsume sighed as he looked at Urushibara Ruka, who was wearing a witch costume at this time.

Ulwara Ryuka is reminiscent of girls in both voice and appearance.

No, it should be said that she is a beautiful girl who is more feminine than a woman.

However, it is a boy.

Although wearing a witch costume...

However, it is a boy.

Although cute...

However, it is a boy.

Although the charm is beyond the limit of the general patron male (50)...

However, it is a boy.

"That... this gentleman? Your eyes seem a little strange?"

Seeing what Xia Mei looked like at this time, Li Huazi asked cautiously.

"Nothing, by the way, Li Huazi, you don't have to worry that we are bad guys."

While talking, Natsume took out something like a pocket watch from her arms.

Well, this is also Mayuri's pocket watch series, but unlike ordinary pocket watches, this pocket watch not only has the ability to predict death, but also has the black technology left by Okabe Runtaro.

A pocket watch with a trace of Okabe's soul.

With this, after seeing a friend of Runtaro Okabe, he can summon the avatar of Runtaro Okabe and explain everything.

"Master Xiongzhen!"

Looking at the pocket watch he was familiar with at this moment, and the image of Ryutaro Okabe that emerged from the pocket watch, Uruka's expression instantly became a little excited.

"Hahaha, it's been a long time since Lihuazi has been seen!"

"Obviously I just met, Master Xiuzhen is really unfeeling..."

After hearing Okabe's words, Suhanako's tone seemed to imply some special emotion, which instantly stunned Okabe's incarnation.

In the next instant, Rentaro Okabe seemed to think of something, even a trace of sweat appeared on the face of the avatar.

"So... you were in the shrine before you appeared... Have we finished practicing swordsmanship?"

Looking at the cold sweat of Urushihara Ryuhua and Okabe who were nodding their heads at this time, Gabriel who was on the side at this time couldn't help but lick melon seeds while watching them carefully.

"I always feel like I found something amazing." Gabriel didn't even play games at this time. Instead, like a photography enthusiast, he took out a camera and pointed the lens at Uruka and Okabe. Above the phantom of Rentaro.

"Ahaha, Suhuazi, in fact, the calculation of space time and the original world time is very complicated."

"So I won't say any more, I'll wait for you to come back."

"As for Natsume-kun, they are all good people. You can trust them like you believe me."

"Well, that's it. The people in the agency are already approaching, and I'm going to fight them effectively!"

"See you!"

Seeing Gabriel who seemed to be preparing to record something at this time, Okabe Runtaro's face instantly suffered a bit, and then said these words at an extremely fast speed, and then left.

Gabriel couldn't help but laughed sinisterly while looking at the hurried figure of Runtaro Okabe.

Okabe-senpai is really naive, your evasive attitude will make Makise-senpai think...

Humph, how many games Okabe-senpai is willing to make in order to redeem this video.

While thinking about this, the saliva flowed out unconsciously.

Chapter 299 Natsume: If you say you don't believe it, you move your hands by yourself.

Seeing Rentaro Okabe running away at this time Natsume couldn't help but feel a little strange, and then patted Ryuka Urushihara on the shoulder.

"Well, we will be teammates from now on."

"I asked Lianhua just now. Your status is the same as one of our family members."

"If you and Lianhua can choose one of us together."

"Lian Hua has chosen Hui, Liu Hua Zi, your choice?"

Looking at Liu Huazi who seemed a little sad at this time, Natsume couldn't help but smile and asked.

"Choose one person?"

After hearing the words of Xia Ming, Qiyuan Ryuhua couldn't help but turn his gaze to the few people standing aside at this time.

Looking at herself with a friendly smile, Urushihara Ryuhua couldn't help but fell into a choice disorder for a while.

"Well, if there is no choice, Liu Huazi can be with me if you are. If you are, you can just treat it as my younger brother."

Natsume couldn't help but said softly while patting the shoulders of Uruka Ryuka.

But in the next moment, Urushihara Ryuhua's expression could not help becoming very sad.

The other people on the side looked at Natsumi's eyes and changed slightly.

"It's terrible! Natsume-kun, you are a sexual harassment!" The black cat stared at Natsume viciously.

"Although Natsume has always felt that your eyesight is not very good, it is too bad to be so bad," Gabriel said with a sigh, shaking his head.

"Obviously she is a girl, are too much!" Tansheng Gu Senxia couldn't help but complain.

Seeing the teammates who were complaining to him at this time, Natsume waved his hand helplessly.

"Well, it must be a boy who is so cute! For example, there is a little fox among my monsters. You have seen it more than a dozen times and always admit the wrong sex. In the case of Ryukkako, Mr. Okabe and I I said something, so..."

Just when Natsume wanted to finish speaking, Urushibara Ruka grabbed his hand and placed it on his chest.

Feeling the softness of her injury, Natsume squeezed subconsciously.

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