Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 243

Later, when Natsume was in a daze, a sword slashed at Natsume.

"So, Natsume-kun, are you in the restless puberty?"

While smiling, Gabriel spoke with a lightsaber in her hand.

But at this moment, looking at Urushihara Ruka, who was standing on one side with his head down, combined with the weird conversation just now, Natsume instantly understood that the timeline of Urushara Ruka’s arrival happened to be a girl. timeline.



Pill yourself!

Seeing the people whose eyes became dangerous at this time and the way they sharpened their swords, Natsume couldn't help sweating.

"Liuhuazi, miss, I'm really very sorry!~"

For an instant, Natsume couldn't help bending down quickly, and solemnly apologized to Ryuka Urushihara.

"It has nothing to do with Natsume-kun, I was too impulsive."

"When I was young, people often didn't know my gender because of my appearance. When I grow up I think it will be better..."

After hearing Natsumi's words, Uruka could not help but apologize.

Of course, this is not the whole reason.

The main reason is that she is from the anime, after Okabe and her dated, the Sugako.

The time she entered was also when she went to bed after Okabe left.

In addition, Okabe's performance made her emotionally in a very unstable state.

That's why I did this thing in my head-this rude thing that Rentaro Okabe did when he checked his gender.

"So, Lord Pervert, do you feel like you have reached the pinnacle of your life?"

Looking at Natsume, whose head was lowered at this time, the black cat thought of Natsume's actions just now, and couldn't help but mock again.

"It feels like Natsume-kun will not wash his hands for a long time."

Even Hui, who has always been very virtuous, couldn't help but complain.

Looking at Natsume, who was constantly absorbing the firepower with her head down at this time, Ulwara Ryuhua couldn't help but an apologize in her heart.

After all, what I want to say this time, the reason should be my own.

But they use this method to transfer the sadness and unstable emotions in their hearts.

As Master Xiuzhen said, they are all friends who can be trusted.

Thinking of this, Qiyuan Luhua couldn't be happy for some reason.

Because after coming to this world, although there is no evidence, but vaguely and directly seems to tell her that the distance between himself and him has been pulling a long way.

It may have been impossible between the two of them...

"Well, for now, let's study our own tasks first."

After a while, Natsume couldn't help but smile after realizing that the words of several people were not as sharp as they were just now.

The mission this time is different from the previous ones.

only one.

Main mission: Change!

Change: You have observed the world through the power of fate, so you have noticed that there are too many strange things in this world.

Mission goal: change the established plot and guide everything in a better direction.

"Compared with the world of One Piece the last time, the mission has become blurred. It shouldn't. According to the theory of space, the mission of this world should be more specific."

Looking at the main mission, the black cat couldn't help but asked a little strangely.

"It's not surprising at all, you will know by trying to feel your own strength."

After hearing the words of the black cat, Gabriel couldn't help but yawn and said.

After hearing Gabriel's words, although the black cat was a little strange, he still felt his own power.

"Compared to playing in the world of One Piece, it is more stable and powerful."

The black cat said uncertainly.

"This is a reason. The stronger the power presented to us from the outside world, the stronger the squeezed power will be. Therefore, in order for us to play a greater role, the will of the world has shared some for us. Pressure, so the strength at this time is weakened,"

Gabriel said while looking at the sky.

"It shouldn't be just such a reason, after all, even if the power of the world is limited by the slightest, it is impossible to arrange such a weird task."

"Even if it is not a specific reminder, it will not be so vague."

Natsume said strangely.

"You can't use people's ideas to try to figure out the world's ideas."

"It's good for us to just focus on the tasks assigned to him. If we do something wrong, or if we do it right, they will remind us when it is critical."

Seeing Natsume's tangled look at this time, Gabriel couldn't help but yawn and said.

ps: Thank you Su 111 and Al Dah for their support, thank you for your subscription support, thank you everyone!

Chapter 300 Naruto: I've been so strong since I was a kid

After hearing Gabriel's words, Natsume nodded and didn't think much about it.

Afterwards, after choosing, Urushibara Ryuhua chose to stay with Tansheng Gu Senxia.

After dividing into groups, several people moved towards the location of Konoha Village.

When I saw the Hokage Rock in Konoha Village, the costumes on several people slowly disappeared, and the replacement that appeared was the service of the ninja in Naruto or the service of kimono.

Some related memories also appeared in their minds.

All the abilities of the few people in the family option are all attributed to the blood inheritance boundary and family ninjutsu.

However, in Konoha's history, families similar to Dansheng Valley had awakened cases before the village was established. After the village was established, there were no other awakened people.

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