Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 254

And at this point, Sarutobi Hizen also knew, so even if it was Jilai here at this time, he didn't mean the slightest joy.

"The Uchiha clan, I didn't expect that you would take this opportunity to betray the village. It's really chilling!"

After Jiraiya appeared, Tsunade's voice also appeared.

However, after facing Tsunade's words, the smile on the corner of Uchiha's mouth became even more sarcastic.

"The teeth are cold? We just don't want to end up with the Qianshou clan, or the consequences are worse than you."


With just a word, the expressions of Tsunade and Sarutobi Hizen changed at the same time.

"Bound to Konoha in the same boat, as long as they are strong, they will feel threatened. When the Uzumaki clan was annihilated a few years ago, the Senshou clan rushed to help and suffered heavy losses, but Konoha’s reinforcements went from beginning to end. Never appeared."

"Oh, I can't say that I haven't appeared before. After all, I was trapped in the mountains by a misty technique for a week."

"Enough!" Seeing Uchiha Tomitake, who was talking freely at this time, without leaving a trace of face to the village, Sarutobi could not help but become furious.

Then instantly reduced the summoning of the monkey demon and turned him into a golden cudgel.

"Why? Is it irritated? But Tsunade, you really can bear it, your brother was blown to death by the detonation talisman while performing logistical tasks, and his internal organs were hollowed out."

"Do you know that Dashewan was found to study the first-generation Hokage cells some time ago?"

"The supporter behind is Danzo."

"This research has been there for a long time. The death of Senju Ropeki now feels strange no matter how you think about it."

Facing the golden hoop of Sarutobi Hitoshi and Tsunade's gloomy face, Uchiha Tomitake didn't have the slightest fear, and he still carried his mouth to the end.

But after saying this, Tsunade's expression returned to calm.

"No matter what, this is the village established by Grandpa."

"No matter what you say, the people of the Thousand Hands Clan will forget their lives to protect the village."

"When the Thousand Hands Clan supported the Uzumaki Kingdom, many people were indeed killed in battle, but the Thousand Hands Clan has never fallen."

"Because their blood has been integrated into the village!"

The Senshou clan is a big clan in the Warring States period. When the village was established, the population was larger than that of the Uchiha clan.

But now, there are hundreds of people in the Uchiha clan, but Tsunade is the only girl in the Senju clan.

Although there are too many deaths in previous wars, it is more that the women of the Qianshou clan were mostly married to foreigners under the encouragement of the first generation.

For example, at this time, in the village, there are still more than a dozen people with the surname Qianshou before marriage.

And there are hundreds of people with a smooth bloodline.

Therefore, even if the Qianshou clan suffered heavy losses, when Konoha faced danger, they would still stand up desperately.

Because protect the village even if you protect your family, protect your loved ones!

"It's really an impassioned speech, but if that's the case, then fight!"

"Danzo... leave it to you."

Seeing Uchiha Fumitake who was full of fighting spirit at this time, Sarutobi Hizhan suddenly spoke as if he was a lot older in an instant.

"And, as a punishment for not knowing people, I will resign from Hokage tomorrow."

"The fifth generation of Hokage will have three candidates, Uchiha Tomitake, Jiraiya, and Tsunade."

ps1: Thank you FGO for your great rewards and blade support, and thank you for your great subscription support.

ps2: I watched Itachi's anime again before writing, and no matter how you look at it, Uchiha Tomitake is different from the careerist on the Wiki...

Choose Hokage for a peaceful compromise.The writing wheel fell on Kakashi's body. When the people persuaded him to take it back, in order to compromise peacefully, the family changed the compromise...

Basically, for the sake of the village and peace, Uchiha Tomitake didn't even dare to expose his own kaleidoscope. Being caught between the village and the family gave people a very pitiful feeling.

On the other hand, in the village, Hokage is always a sentence, and is trying to find a way, Danzo will always kill all...

Speaking of it, when reading the novel version of Itachi True Biography, Itachi mentioned that Shisui used death to postpone the Uchiha clan's rebellion for several months, during which the three generations of Itachi were always thinking of ways...

Chapter 310 Excellent Politician

Seeing the members of the Uchiha clan who had ceased their actions at this time, Sarutobi Hitizan then once again set his sights on the Uchiha clan who was standing next to Uchiha.

"The roots will be disbanded from now on, and all root members, who have a family, will return to the family. Those who do not have a family or relatives can choose to become the secret part of the village or choose other departments according to their own wishes."

"As the village's compensation to the Uchiha clan, the Shimura clan at the center of the village was incorporated into the Uchiha clan land as compensation, and the remaining people of the Hara Shicun clan moved to other places."

"The root training base is also allocated to the Uchiha clan as a private training ground."

While speaking like this, Sarutobi Hizen suddenly raised his head and looked at Uchiha Tomitake full of prayers or hope.

"My request, or request, hope..."

"No matter what you do with Danzo, I hope he can engrave his name on the memorial tablet after he dies."

"After all, he also paid some for the village..."

Shimura Danzo is a very complicated person.

On the one hand, he loves the village extremely, but on the other hand, his thoughts are extremely distorted.

It can basically be described as a paranoia of extreme persecution.

If it were just like this, it wouldn't be a big deal.

What's worse is that his dream is still Hokage, so in order to get to the position of Hokage, he did a lot of stupid things.

For example, he believes that Konoha will grow stronger only under his own leadership.

So he did a lot of things that were almost brain-dead.

However, his words did give a lot to the village. Although there were a lot of pasts, he also made a lot of credit.

Credit is credit, and mistake is mistake. In fact, the two cannot be offset.

Therefore, it is precisely because of this that Sarutobi Hizen hopes that his name will be on the memorial monument after Shimura Danzo's death.

After all, his contribution to Konoha is enough.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Danzo will not be executed publicly.

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