Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 255

Otherwise, based on the news from the Uchiha clan, Danzo is hopeless.

After all, Shigeru Hagaki made no less contribution to Konoha than Danzo, but it was also because of a mistake that he couldn't even get the consolation monument.

And Danzo's fault at this time is much more serious than Hagishi Shigeru's things back then!

Seeing the pleading gaze of Sandaime at this time, Uchiha Tomitake couldn't help hesitating.

After a while, looking at the Uchiha clan members who were standing behind him at this time who were already discussing the future life, Uchiha Tomitake couldn't help sighing.

"Just as you said."

Looking at the Uchiha clan and Anbe who were slowly retreating and leaving at this time, Natsume, who was watching from the side of the tree all the way, couldn't help but smile and said, "It seems that you don't need to take action. The third generation of Hokage's political level is really superb. ."

"Ah, indeed, the ability is indeed very high." After hearing Xia Ming's words, Gabriel couldn't help but stared at the three generations of Hokage who looked very rickety at this time.

At the beginning, it was a test of the three generations of goals for Uchiha Tomitake to say one step back.

He wanted to determine the bottom line of the Uchiha clan.

If Uchiha Tomitake's attitude is not firm enough, Sarutobi Hisaki will take the opportunity to offer a high amount of compensation in exchange for Danzo.

If Uchiha Tomitake's attitude is firm, as it is now, choose to sacrifice Danzo.

As for the following conditions.

Although Uchiha Tomitake is the first candidate, to be honest, in order to mediate the conflict between the village and the clan, he is too low-profile to bide his time. The pass of Shinnin voting is definitely no better than Jiraiya and Tsunade.

The dissolution of the roots is even more clever, and this trick not only reassures some families who were dissatisfied with the village.

And the people who came out of the roots were basically those who had been deeply brainwashed by Danzang.

Return it to the family and some important departments, they can not only play the role of spies, but also allow the new Hokage to master those departments more perfectly and flexibly.

As for the training base for the roots, there are as many places as the training ground outside of Konoha Village.

And where is the Shimura family?

The Shimura family really didn't have many people besides Danzo.

Basically, among all the words spoken by Sarutobi Hizen just now, except for the last hope that Danzo would be able to mount the memorial monument, the rest were all considered from the village.

After all, the Zhicun clan sacrificed too much for the village. Danzo's wife and son all died on the battlefield.

Just as during the battle, Sarutobi Hizen did not give his son any special treatment, nor did Danzo.

So Sarutobi Hizen's eldest son died in battle, and most of Danzo's family also died on the battlefield.

In fact, to be honest, from a certain point of view, Danzo Sarutobi is all people who have given everything for the village.

Sarutobi's family did not develop even after he took over Hokage, but by the time of Shippuden, only the daughters of Konohamaru and Asma were left.

In the case of the Shimura clan, there is no one who can be named except Danzo.

You know, even Uchiha Madara was taken aback when Shimura and Sarutobi joined Kinha village.

This suffices to show that at that time, although the power of the two clans was not as strong as Senju and Uchiha, they were also the big clans of Sengoku.

However, after joining the village of Konoha, the power of the two families declined in a straight line. After the death of Sarutobi and Danzo, the power of these two families is estimated to be incomparable to Yumai and Inuzuka!

This is also the reason why Sarutobi Hizaki and Shimura Danzo continue to weaken the strength of the Konoha family, but no one has much opposition.

After all, every time a big battle or a change in fighting, the first sacrifice is made by the people of the two races.

With this in mind, Uchiha Tomitake hesitated for a while and agreed to meet Sarutobi's prayer.

"If the thoughts are not so dark and the methods are not so extreme, then Konoha may be unprecedentedly powerful at this time."

Looking at the Hokage Rock in the distance, Natsume couldn't help but said with emotion.

"Who knows, maybe it was wiped out by the enemy before it became strong. After all, the village and the country are destined to exist some darkness."

Hearing Natsumi's words, Dansheng Gu Senxia's thoughts could not help but drift to what was still in the world of One Piece.

At that time, Lieutenant General Crane did not agree with some of her teachings even at this time, but she knew that in many cases, if the power was not strong enough, there were still things she wanted to protect.

Buried part of one's body in the dark is a simple and effective method.

Chapter 311 The Fifth Generation Eye Hokage!Jiraiya!

At this time, the Uchiha clan's matter was temporarily resolved.

But there is no doubt that the people of insight in the village at this time all understand that after the contradiction is aroused, the contradiction between the Naruto family and the Uchiha clan has become almost unadjustable.

At this time, Shimura Danzo was executed by the Uchiha clan, but this behavior also made the three generations of Hokage, who was a little indulgent in the Uchiha clan, stand on the opposite side of the Uchiha clan.

Sooner or later, the Uchiha clan and the village will have conflicts. This is everyone's consensus!

"Old man! Do you want to be like this! I don't want to be Hokage, don't decide for us casually!"

In the Hokage office, looking at the silent Sarutobi Rizhang at this time, Ji Lai couldn't help but said with some dissatisfaction.

"Then you mean to give the position of Hokage to Uchiha Tomitake?"

"That's not bad."

After hearing what Sarutobi Hitachi said, Jiraiya said nothing.

"You also know the character of the Uchiha clan. They are not suitable for becoming Hokage, they are too extreme."

"During the war, if a Hokage cannot control his emotions, he will bring Konoha into decline."

After hearing Jiraiya's words, Sarutobi Hitoshi couldn't help but said in a deep voice.

"During the last battle, I lost my child and Konohamaru lost his father. Danzo lost his son, but when faced with their request for something to talk about, we resolutely accepted Up."

"Because the village was already full of flaws at that time. If you don't accept the negotiation, then everyone should know what the consequences are."

"Danzo and I can choose to "forgive" each other at the expense of our relatives and friends. Can the Uchiha clan do it?"

"If they become Hokage, they might love the village very much, but this love sometimes turns into a poison that destroys the village."

"After all, when they see their relatives and friends die on the battlefield, their talents will blossom, but their spirits will also become paranoid, and they may even become similar to the lunatics of the Huiye clan."

"Such a person as Konoha's leader, do you rest assured?"

Sarutobi Hizen calmly said to Jiraiya and Tsunade.

Not to mention the fact that the Uchiha clan forced his good friend Danzo to death.

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