Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 107

"She ... she is aunt." A slightly timid but more is a surprise voice sounded in his ear.

I heard this slightly familiar voice, and the people went down, it was a little petty, some coward girls.

It happened that he actually knows this girl.

"Ji Nai?"

The black hair, the white face is a little shy girl with a little red, and the name is Jiji. It is the same class. Although there is no communication, the two is indeed not general, because her full name is called, Nara Ji!

Yes, Nara, Nara, Nara, Nara, Nara, Nara, Nara, Nara, Nara, Nara, Nara, Nara, Nara, Nara, Nara.

Nara family.

The residential people living in the Nara deer in the nation of the Nara, did not see her.

I haven't had time to say hello, I feel that I have a pair of special fierce eyes behind themselves.

Turning around is a red-eye patient.

Yuxioji Cheng!

His: "..."

Look at Jiji, exposed a slightly helpless expression, "Ji Nai, this will not ..."

Nara Ji is very well-behaved. "Well, Yes, Ji Cheng students are the last member of our class."

Get a sure answer, the mouth of the mouth, the sudden meteor is going to Yishibo, and a butt is sitting on the table in front of him, scaring him almost jumping directly.

Yischo Ji Cheng, who is being pressed by his shoulder, can't move.

Staring at the complex Yuxioji, "Jixheng classmates, get along with it."


"Well?" The eyes of the people, a breath called "dangerous" is sensitive to Su Zhipo into the "capture".

Turning his head in the stiffness, "I will defeat you!"

Yischi's proud is not allowed to bow to anyone, but the sub-work form has been written very clear. If you disagree, you can do your own task separately, without a team of teachers.

If you don't care, he feels that you are very fun, you will look at who is the team teacher.

In fact, to tell the truth, the combination of their class is still nice, and there is also two of him and Yuxio Ji Cheng Cheng, the existence of the tips in the graduation class, and the combat power is also strong enough.

After I know my teammates, the people are deliberately paying attention to who is the teammates of Xinji and the water.

At this time, I have two girls with Kane Sina, one of which should be the girl of Unexpello, and the other is the dog-like claws of canine group. Yesterday, Ni Ni helped her reported the hatred. The relationship between the two today didn't know how much.

As for the water gate, it is a team of Qiewei, a "food" word, and a classmate who seems impressions but not named when it seems impression.

In general, this time it is still good.

It should be a little thought about it.

In succession, a small class is taken away by their team, these team ninja is not small, most of them are inherent, in which some are especially endured, as for the truly endurance, appearing Not much.

Soon the water gates have also followed their team teachers, not the people who are expected to be expected, but a ninja never seen, but according to the validity of the water, this team of Ninja The strength should not be weak.

Now the water door is not a how to be very powerful ninja. What he needs is a mentor that is most in line with him. It can help him prison the basic mentor, even if there is no one taught what is strong, he talent The radiance also concealed.

I believe that after waiting to return to the village, the water door will be collected by him.

Just like him now, although it is a disciple by the big snake pill, it can be sure, and their team is definitely impossible to be a big snake pill.

With his personality, it is impossible. Just accept the death of the rope tree, can accept him on the face of the sun, the team is unlikely.

After a few minutes, Ni Ni's class was also taken away, and their team teacher, the old, Nara deer!

He also deliberately guses his people, there is a surprise.

"It's not a deer, saying that the truth doesn't know what he can teach us." The people are silent in the heart.

! !

His hanging heart has not fallen, and the classroom door is roughly rough.

The first time is introduced into the eye, it is the big breast muscles of the two regiments ...

Then, he heard the familiar voice sounded, "His people, Yuxioji Cheng, Nara, Jiji, you will go with me."

"Adults!" Yu Zhibo Ge Cheng and Nara Ji Nai eyes, the surprise expression covers their entire face.

"Outlet?" And the people did not optimize.

Ha ha...

Three tolerance, there is no normal person, a good color, a good gambling, a good ... cough, degeneration.

Leave the classroom with a different attitude.

Four people came to the wooden leaf and a relatively quiet training ground.

"Be a simple self-introduction, let each each know each other."

The apecical thunderstorm rushed straight to the theme, and the big knife sat on a wooden pile, and his eyes swept through the face of the three people, and stayed on the face of the house for a while.

PS: I haven't copied books for a long time. As your codeword toolman is so inspirated, give me a book to copy a copy!

Finally, ask for the recommendation, I don't know why, I have recently recommended tickets less pitiful.

Chapter 73: The assessment of slightly perfunctory [seeking tickets]

"This is not the card. Are you coming first ..." The people who have just opened their mouths, and they are getting smaller and smaller.

The ahead glanced at him, but he still introduced himself. "My name is a master, the favorite is gambling and drinking, hate the sweetness, dream is ... My people can live well Go down ... "

I heard the dream saying, I don't know why everyone feels slightly slightly slightly.

Strongly, the one of the three tolerance, the dream sounds so simple, but plus her identity, this is not so simple.

However, the program quickly converges the emotions, revealing a big smile, said, "For your ability, I know less, but in order to better implement the task, I suggest you introduce it. You can speak what you are good at.

It should be able to get you accelerate the characteristics of each other, start with you. "

The apeer looks to Yishibo.

"My name is Yuxioji, the favorite food is the mother's food, there is no hateful food, and I want to be a powerful ninja in the future."

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