Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 108

Yuxi Bi Cheng Cheng smashed, seriously, "Short-term goal is to defeat people!

Individuals are relatively good at some of the offensive stems and attack methods, especially fire, and throwing. "

When it comes to his goal, Yischi Ji Cheng also glanced at the face of the face, and the anger in the heart was a bit can't stand.

Nara Ji is sorry, hesitating, or self-introducing it, "My name is Naraji, I like cloudy, hate people who don't trim, I hope to find a person who likes yourself and I like. "

When you say the last dream, you can clearly see her face is fully popular.

Sitting on the side of the house frivably looking at the shy Nara, he really didn't understand, now the shy girl, future life is done, what makes her become a deer pill so fearful look .

Also, she doesn't like the unfolded edge, how is she likes lazy deer?

All of this has evoked him strong curiosity.


"Also, I don't have any good fortunate, but the shadow template is still related, and it should be able to play a certain role in the battle."

The master is gently nodded, and for the teenage, she is still a "girl", she is still clear.

No one is a princess dream when you are young?

Nara's secret surgery, shadow template is also quite good in actual combat, and I know that the contestant of Lu Xin, the power of pig deer, and knows the power of this secret.

The last three people transfer their sight to the people's body.

"Cough, my name is the people, I like to eat ... it seems to have a lot, and there is no hateful food, there is nothing hateful."

The house is rubbing, "Oh, yes, individuals like cats, dream is to have a cat house in the wood, now in planning, I hope you will visit, this is a leaflet. ..... "

"Cough!" Looking at the house, I wanted to take out the flyer, I couldn't help but cough.

The eyes are like it.

Your kid dares to advertise, let me not believe me to dismantle your store? !

A sprite, "Then, Ji Cheng, don't ask this irrelevant question when you are so serious, you want to go, next time I personally take you."

Yizhipo Cheng Cheng: "???"

Hey! Hey!

The fist of the program issued a crisp sound.

"Cough, I am more good at medical tissue, so I feel that in our team, I can serve as pure-auxiliary medical ninja!

You can rest assured that as long as I am alive, I will never give up treatment! "I saw him saying his chest atmospheric.

Yizhipo Cheng Cheng: "???"

Nara Ji: "???"

Medical Ninja? !

If you are a pure medical ninja, who is fighting?

The face is full of smiles. "You look at our classrooms, how is it, it is responsible for controlling and holding it, Ji Cheng is responsible for the front attack, I will be responsible for your dealing with the post ... , give you treatment injury, Is it a perfect match? "

Three people: "..."

Listening to the theory of the people, several people only feel ...

You are very reasonable, we can't even refute ...

"According to the customs of the graduation class, you need to pass the test to truly become the ninja. If you don't pass back to the Ninja School to read a year.

So, if you don't want to go back to your reading, try to pass my test. "

The serious expression tells them that it is not a joke.

"Nor waste time, simple, I will give you enough preparation time, as long as you can pick me up, even the test ..."

Outlet hasn't finished, the people hurt her feet, mourning, "the master, do someone, I still want to live a few years ..."

I saw the forehead's forehead by the black line.

! ! !

Dust flying, I saw that the people were pressed on the ground by her.

Yuxioji Cheng and Nara Ji Nai have oral water.

She continued, "Of course, I will control the power according to your own strength and physical fitness, don't worry, it will exceed your body's tolerance."

After saying, she looked at the eyes was shocked, but more or secretly, Su Zhibo, "Just start from you, Yischo Ge Cheng, you have a minute of preparation time."

Wen Yisheng, Yischi Ji Cheng also cares if he is the first, think about it now, don't want to prepare it.

But ... Defense is not what he is good at ... then only ...

Write the wheel eye, open!

Seeing he is ready, the apeer does not ink, and quickly fists.

Yischo Ji Cheng's eyes were red, and the black hooks were rotated around the pupil.

The fist is crazy in his eyes, and strives to avoid it, thinking that he can escape, but the fist speed is suddenly accelerated.

! !

Without accident, he was bombarded by a fist.

A gorgeous arc is drawn in the air, and the decisive fly is still stopped.

"Not bad, the writing of the Yishabo family can reduce the dynamic speed." The agency said in a sound.

Look at Nara, I'm thinking.

Nara, Jiji, also guarded the Yischoji, just flying away, and his hands were quickly launched, and the hand was covered!

"Secret Shadow Memory!"

From the shadow of Nara, it extends a slender black thin line and connects to the shadow.

After the shadow is connected in series, the apeer feels that his body is stiff, there is a strange energy to control her body.

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