Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 278

They can be comparable to it.

"She is really feeling not very embarrassed in the thigh, then I will have a barbecue after I go back."

The mouth is in the mouth of the autumn channel, which is not eaten, usually not talking, but as long as it is eaten, it is definitely the hierarchy of IQ to Sara 's life.

"Others, I don't think it is embarrassed, I am very embarrassed, I am not welcome at all."

The people directly reached out to interrupt the autumn channel.

Nara Renzheng Hishan Zhonghai is a good saying, he doesn't dare.

You must know that it is a real prince who is worth 3,500 million, please can't afford to eat in the Qiudao people.

"Okay, don't pull it, the task is the most important, then we may have to take actions separately," You must pay attention to safety. "Hill Hai said.

In the pig deer, there are two brains, one is Nara Luo, the other is the mountain.

Although he has not much speaking, he observes the ability and the grasp of the people, it is definitely very good.

Speaking of this, everyone's expression is serious.

Executing the task of the country, it is already a dangerous task. This time it is directly entering the country of water in the five major countries, and the difficulty will not be low.

Previously five people were just just right, and the most peripheral misty village patrol in the country, now they have went deep into the country, and of course, they must be rushing for their respective tasks.

"Yes, you are also your heart, after all, I have entered the country, the Ninja in the misty village may be encountered at any time." The water door also reminded.

Three people nodded, under the schematic of Nara Deer, disappeared in the fog.

To say that in five people, I have to bear a special endurance. Why do you do a deepering task?

The water gates and the people have implemented the test tasks, and the sky is not just the strength of the two people.

The opening ceremony of the Ninja School participated in the last time, once again, once again.

One year, something that can be changed is too much.

The people followed the Metai cultivation for two years.

Ultra-high intensity training, plus itself in this year's growth, but also reached a new height of one yield!

The strength of this is absolutely considerable.

In addition to the people yourself, others don't know why he has improved his strength. You may only have the usual task, which is a matter of us. .

In this way, the amplitude of the people's improvement is more than the water gate.

You must know that the water gates and , but under the teachings of our own, strength got the quality leap.

The water gates have always been a talented person, even if there is no suitable teacher, with its own efforts, it has become a very colorful one in many people in the woods.

This year, this is a well-proclaimed tangible teaching that is very good at the teacher, and the strength improvement is unquestionable.

There is also the way, the water gate has become a formal disciple, it is said to be because he sees the flash point on the water door, but the reason is what he knows.

But Ni Ni is not.

It is not a lot to collect, but after Kian Ni, after I know that I have a special habit, choose to give up this option.

Although she still respects, it does not mean that she can accept this.

And Nanyini mainly learns the seal and stations left by the whirlpool, and the one of the bodies, she can't learn.

So now the strength of the people and the water don't look at the surface.

"Then we also act." The people said.

The water gorge nodded, and the two disappeared here.


In the non-war age, the promotion, it is generally necessary to do it, and it is difficult to simple.

However, their tasks are not simple, and the financial ministers of the country of murder.

Although I don't know who is released this task, the Ninja is just performing a task, never ask for the origin of the task.

The water door follows behind the people.

The whole of their tasks, is he led by the people, and the water gates don't know why, as if the people who have passed the country, the familiarity of the country, far more than him.

The financial ministers of the country of Water, in the country of living in the country of Water, as the primary minister of the country of the water, of course, Ninja is also guarded.

Not only that, in the country of the country of the water, there must be resident of Ninja in the village in the village.

For example, in the country of the fire, there is a 12th endurance guardian who guards the 12th person, among which is the leader, and even comparable to the shadow.

The country of Water may not be as good as the fire, but the power of guardians is definitely, and these may face it.

After crossing the border of the country of Water, the two were posted.

Soon, the country that successfully arrived in the country of Water.

In the Ninja World, although the main combat power comes from Ninja, from all kinds of hidden villages, but from the name, there is still a presence over the majority of the villages, that is Name of a country.

The names of each country have almost no strength, but they are the names of each country and nominal.

Even if the ribs are the most powerful hidden village of the entire endure, every routine wants to take any, you need to get the name of the fire of the fire, even if his recognition does not work, but did not get a big name to be recognized, The name is not right, and the name is not correct.

And the most important, the big name is controlled by the main financial revenue of a country, and the village wants to develop normally and requires the appropriation of the great name.

The grant will have to largely determine the development of hidden village next year.

And there is a uncomfortable provision in the major hidden villages, that is, it is not easy to shoot the country, unless you are angry, once you do it, there may be a collective attack of other hidden villages.

"The water gate, first investigate the situation in the country of the country, find the hostel of the financial ministers, it is best to investigate the internal defensive power and clearly investigate our actions."

"Well, after two hours, it is here." The water door should also take.

One of the basic qualities of Ninja, intelligence collection.

Fortunately, their tasks are not the name of the country of murder, otherwise even if it succeeds, it will not be able to leave the country smoothly.

The two are separated, and the people use Tongling in the first time.

Silver white cat appears in front of menu.

It is more than a year ago, successfully blending the small silver of Chakra, and now it has also become a qualified ninjection, and the small blue is divided into part of the pressure.

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