Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 279

Among them, the information of the country is mainly responsible.

"Small silver, task you already know, the intelligence in the country of the water, let everyone work."


After that, the small silver and light body jumped on the roof and collected intelligence.

In this year, the researchers are not just his strength, but also his more accurate intelligence system, many places that are difficult to penetrate, and it has been infiltrated in this, and it has been infiltrated. Need more accurate.

It is difficult to penetrate in major hidden villages, but the country of these big countries is not very difficult.

After two hours, the water gates came back, and the face was slightly dignified, and the face of the shackles of the intelligence did not start.

Two people look at it, they know that the other party should be a intelligence that is almost the same.

Deep suck one breath, the people open the mouth: "Two endured, two in two."

The water gorge nodded, added: "And around his house, there are many elite soldiers in the country of Water, and a little bit of wind blowing, it is possible to attract all the guards of all guards."

"It seems that we are not the first person to do this task, or say that the other person knows that now, two endure, this is not the preparation force that the minister should have."

"How to say?"

The people will be inserted: "Use toxic."


Get the eyes of the people, the water gates also feel that poison is a good way.

"I have one here, as long as poisoning, there is no ordinary person in Chakra, insisting on ten seconds."

"Well! Since the other party is prepared in advance, the longer the time, the worse, the worse, it is better to act this evening?"

Both people are the character of the thunder, and they will decide when they will make a board.

The night black wind is high, killing people.

It is clear that the other party has two endurance, but they are not afraid.

Task ... Start ...

The night is over the night sky, standing in the treetop, occasionally hanging from the night sky.

Killing machine hidden in the dark is no one known.

A refreshing night strike, let the people patrolling the night feel a smooth cozer.

At the moment they just wanted to loosen, the spirit of the spirit, the four patrol squad, almost in an instant, all the blood, the blood, the broken trachea, and the body of the numbness, even one The root finger can't be lifted, let alone want to open your mouth, which is afraid of a slight gap.

The patrol soldiers were horrified, and they would like to make alert, but found that the body gradually lost power, and the gods in the eyes slowly disappeared.

The two supported four bodies and their movements were slowly placed.

The water door is a thumbs up towards the people.

"Strong poison!"

This is what the waterpre wants to express.

This is the same, and there is a paralyzed effect before the other party's death. The effect is really great, it is definitely a perfect poison.

The people don't care about it.

He is the poison in the three tolerance of the gambling, which will use some toxic.

Moreover, the medical hand of the handbook, the medical hand of the pharmacist wild is recorded, and some poisons are recorded.

Unplug some of the stakes in the mortuary in one manner.

Hard students are on the defensive circle of the financial ministers, they cut out a gap.

The defense of the periphery is not difficult for the ninja in which they do, but the defense of the ninja level is the biggest and most troublesome.

Turn over into the exterior wall.

After a few soldiers who have worked again, they quietly close to the inner courtyard.

For ordinary people, the late night is definitely the moment they will weigh the weakest, but for the Ninja, whether it is night or during the day, as long as there is a mission, it will highly concentrate.

Jump into the inner courtyard.

But at this time, there are a lot of bitterness and hands of the sword to scratch the wind, suddenly attacked two people who have just landed.

"I was found!"

The face has changed, and the number of hands will be thrown into the sword. One by one will be shot and the sword is all shot.

"Water shift!"

The two cold sounds sounded, from the front of the yard, the two water waves came straight, only slightly, the people and the water gates will be overwhelmed.

It seems to be prepared.

From the air again, the number is only bitter, and after suffering, bundled a piece of paper burn.


The house is almost simultaneously at the same time.

"Earth"! "

"Wind is full!"

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One hundred and fifty six this? [Subscription, monthly ticket]

Boom ...

The intense explosion of the two consecutive three times will be shrouded through the corner of the entire inner court.

Such a big movement attracted many patrol soldiers in the country.

The original Night is still a quiet country, and it will become boiling.

"Enemy !!!"

The soldiers who were responsible for the night rushed to the position that the fastest speed rushed toward the explosive sound, and the face was frightened. This is the government of the financial ministers, if the financial minister has been damaged, they don't think about these soldiers Have good fruit to eat.

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