Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 280

More nervous than them is those soldiers who have been patrolling outside the Financial Minister, feel the explosions from the inner court, and the face is green.

The inner court.

At the attic, the minister who was originally asleep was awakened by the explosion. It immediately climbed up from the gentlestology of the snow, and put on a big belly. The hand was worn on the clothes. At the same time, the mouth is still shouting, "people !! Come on !! "

Soon, the two people appeared in the room.

Looking at a greasy financial minister, the eyes flashed a dislike, but it still said: "No need, just two ninja lurked in, have been discovered by our people, don't worry."

One of the two people wearing snow-white costumes, wearing fog hidden village ninja, "The two camouflage ninja, the age is not big, the strength is not too strong."

"Can you deal with it? I spent a big price, please, this kind of thing should be that you can solve it."

The financial minister looked at the two people in front of him. This is his second part of the two-in-one, the price of the priority, the price of the migrant, and high.

The snow drop is the whole body snow-white ninja.

Both people are endured, but they are bound by this name called snow.

"Reassure, but it is two little ghosts. Even if it is a genius, the strength will not be very strong, seven sea, you go to solve it, I am looking at it here." Snow drop.


It is also the forehead with the odor of foggy village, wearing a black tight-fitting suit, with a black mask.

The voice is falling, the ninja named Seven Sea instantly disappears in the room.

I saw that the snow drop is so easy, and the pressure of the financial ministers disappeared.

This money is very worth mentioning. Anyway, as a minister of the finance, the financial income of the country of water is so much money, he casually comes out, let him reimburse it here.

Although the country is situated at sea, although the annual financial income is not less, at least sea fisheries and water products are very rich, at least is much more affluent than all the sands of the sand.

As a financial minisher who manages the finance of the whole water, it is not the money that others can imagine each year.

The name of the country of Water, as well as a noble minister, there is no matter every day, but it is to eat and drink, he wants to get a little more money from China.

This is also the remaining in the misty village such as snow falling, and it is not very dependent on the main cause of these ministers of the country.

Killing is not good, eat the first place.

That is, the high level of the fog hiped village clearly stipulates that these ministers can not be opened, otherwise it is estimated that the ninjas of other misty villages will immediately work.

In the garden, the smoke produced by the explosion Yu Wei gradually dispersed.

Guarded two in the courtyard and many elite soldiers, aging god staring at the corners of the yard.

No half of the corpse, no traces ...

The ground on the ground and the soil and the bastus of the explosion leave the ground.

Avosis failed?

The two neutralized looks, I originally thought that it was able to kill all the two sneakers, and they didn't expect that they were so simple.

Inner courtyard.

The people and the water gates are not injured, but this sudden attack is destroyed by the assassination prepared by both.

The two pairs will look at it. Now there are only two options in front of them. One is to retreat directly, because I can't think of the next, there will be any trap, what ambush.

The second is a positive raid, since the assassination is not, it directly attacks.

The most severe cases of the assassination task in the abdomen of the enemy, the most serious situation is surrounded.

In general, in this case, strategic retreat, re-regulate the plan, absolutely the most appropriate.


Fly, fly out of the handful sword.

The other party discovered the trail of the people and the water.

"Earth"! "

A soil wall erected again and successfully blocked all the hands sword.

Once again, we will meet the eyes of the water gates, and the people know that this is decided. At this time, it is leaving, but it is just his words.

However, I haven't come yet, I have been waiting for the reply of the people, and the protection of the earth walls in front of them will make a loud noise, and suddenly cracks into two halves after a variety of earthquakes.

The attention of the house and the water door is attracted to people, and the ninja that is going through the front step by step, light:

Intole ... "

"Two little ghosts, don't know where you receive the task, but you don't want to go today!" The thousands of sea eyes are cold, and the two people in front of them are indifferent.


Uncomfortable, the people laughed.


Strusted, like the sound of the thief sounded in the garden.

The short knife in the waist slowly from the waist, refers to the thousand sea, "the water door, kill!"

make a decision!

"Killing" sounds have just fallen, wrapped around his short knife instantly skyrocket, instantly, instantly, the surrounding colleague soldiers all corona.

Get the answer to the people, the water gates are not hesitant, and they will shoot.

"Wind and Vacuum Da Yu", hundreds of wind blade wrapped in the fierce cold, swept the whole courtyard, those elite soldiers, face these wind blades, no exception changed all the peaks.

"She is handed over to me here, you go to solve the goal."

The water gates took out a bitterness, tightly in the hands, and the face hangs extremely confident smile.

Don't bear it, what is he is fearful?

The housekeeper saw the expression on the face of the water door, knowing that he had absolute confidence.


There is no hesitation, it is jumped, and it is rushed toward the inner court.

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