Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 293

It is a medical ninja, just just a little feeling, I know what extent to be hurt today, which is what he is not willing to use the cactus model.

The previous use of the fairy-fairy hard turbine blade can clearly feel the tingling of the meridian and the body, but the use of Chakra belonging to the second tail, its own policy is strong enough, plus The hard vortex water blade at that time was only two turbines, so it was not very obvious.

This time, in order to explode a stronger power of a hard turbine, this time, using the eight-tailed Chakra, which is more advantageous, and this time is still a full version of the hard turbo, is a five turbine, for oneself Damage is heavier.

"But still, this eight-taratger Chakra, the cactus model, the hard scruttress blade, which is more suitable than the immortal model passed by the two tail."

The people endured the pain in the heart, keep jumping in the forest while using medical niphon treatment.

After leaving the house.

The fairy-fairy hard scroll continued for a long time, almost completely destroyed the surroundings around them.

At the middle of the attack, a huge pothole hole was cut by a sharp thoroughness. At this time, this pothole was filled with a lot of rain, and the sky was still underground.

The entire forest is hard to be a lake.

In the first time, fog, I have climbed from the mud of the wolf, and there are many scars in my body. I can't say a wolf.

Everyone's face is unhappy.

However, there is also more miserable than they, that is, the glow night volts taken by the people as the target.

He made a dodge.

Although he is addicted to fighting, it does not mean that he is a fool, knowing that it is not necessary to choose hard resistance.

Otherwise, he cannot achieve the extent to which you are in your elite.

Although he reacted in the first time, he still became the one that was the greatest by the hard vortex water blade.

I saw him slowly floating the water.

At this time, I can't say a miserable, and there is almost no complete skin. I can even say that there is no intact muscle, even the most proud bone, which presents different degrees of breakage at this time.

It is not exaggerated, or because his bones are hard enough, it is dead.

Even if it is just hit by the remaining wave.

Several fog patience, seeing a few eyes, from the opponent's eyes, it is shocked, while still hesitation.

Also chase again?

Put a fart? !

Didn't see Hui Night's roots seriously injured?

The treatment of companions, but the weight is heavy!

So they no longer hesitate, pick up the water completely in a coma, and only a breath of glow night, and rush toward the fog hidden village with the fastest speed.

A financial ministers of the financial ministers appropriation of their fog hidden villages itself is very disgusted.

And this is not the task they're under, there is no compensation, but it is not necessary to fight for a stranger, it will not be able to fight!

Outside the border of Water, the wood and therapy, and the old-skinned pig deer and the water gate, when I saw the blood, it was shocked, and I went up.

Looking at the face, there is a bit of shame, the people who have a concentrated plasma, rising from the bottom of the heart.

Look, people who can make this level of blood, is the real warrior.

Fortunately, the present is just a miserable, most of his injuries, almost cured at this moment.

A group did not have too much stay, but after confirming the task of confirming the task of the water gate and the house, it was determined that the new generation of pig deer butterflies were completed, and quickly left.

The death of a financial minister of the water did not cause too much sensation, knowing that there are few people in this matter, even even the Ninja of many fog hidden villages don't know, if they know, I am afraid I will shoot a case. Well.

A parasite died in the parasites they allocated.

But I believe that there will be another parasitic on the same way, continue to do the same thing.

As so-called, it is not in its position.

Don't take the position of the Minister of Finance, they will not know what is called the money.

This is never eliminated.

However, this matter also makes the ninjas of the fog hidden village alert, and it is very likely that the Minister of Finance is just a beginning. The many ministers of the country of Water are likely to be the goal of others.

And they need to strengthen the defense of the country of the water.

But only this is only.

From this assassination finance ministerial ninja, the lightning Chakra model used, it is very likely that the Ninja of Yunyin Village.

As a Yun Yin Village, one of the five major hidden villages, if it is really what they do, the fog hidden village can not treat them,

And the current three-generation spoons, the policy he has implemented is to close the country, isolated from too much contact with the outside world, first to consolidate itself, powerful, and slowly wonder the thing.

So a lot of probability, the fog hidden village will strengthen the defensive power of the border of the water.

In the future, I wanted to submerge the water in the country, and there was no strength to do.

Back to the wooden leaves, complete the task's water gates and people, officially passed the test of the day, and got his recognition, promoted into endurance.

Accepted, the leaves will be almost every year, not something big, and will not cause a sensation.

Just, whether it is the people or the water, it is paid attention to many people in the wooden leaves, and they are treated as the future of wood, so they have been promoted and become a lot of people in the middle of the people.

The water gates are only fifteen years old, and they will become an endurance. This is definitely a genius in genius. Although the age of the people has been fascinated, he graduated with Ni Ni, so many people think he and the water gate is the same year. And now the height of the two is indeed almost.

Two fifteen years old became a young generation, they became the residents of the wooden leaves, the residents of the leaves, the most hoped young life.

However, there is a person may not be very happy, that is, Yu Ni, she even went to the office of the Japanese, unfortunately, but finally still endured.

The leaves of the rolls of her swirls are unable to fully master the nine tail of the nine tail of the nine-tail power, which is very good.

This also caused her to have a lot of temper in this time.

PS: Subscribe! Monthly ticket! Recommend the ticket! Take a wave!

Chapter 161, roots [ask for subscription, monthly ticket]

Underground base unknown on the wooden leaves.

In the dark and dark environment, several ninjas that were worn with masks, arched a ninja.

I saw this ninja's face complicated, watching standing in front of him, the old man with a white robes, the old man with a cane, is the leader of the roots.

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