Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 294

"I believe that your heart has already been correctly selected? Cooperate with me is a win-win situation."

That Ninja, tightly smashed his lips, can see that his heart is crazy, but feeling the strength around him, as well as the identity of this person in front of him, and the yield in his eyes is getting more and more obvious.

At this point, a ninja once again, and lighter something in the ears of the group.

"You go back first, I have never changed your commitment to you."

Several archways sent this ninja to the ninja.

After a minute, the people appeared here.

"Town Hidden adults, are you looking for me?" Sleek opened.

With the promotion of the power, he has weakened the fear of the group, until now, even directly look at him.

The remember is very clear, and the tongue of his tongue will be printed in the face of this man. Although the other party gives himself not knowing a lot, but he is very clear, the other party needs, just the column of others The identity, or simply said it is the second end in his body.

If he is not his weakness, and the performance that can be completely controlled to the second tail, it is estimated that when he just appears in the wood, the second tail will be stripped by strong star.

Now he does not say that he can achieve a counter-group, the root of the Tibetan Tibetan, but at least it has a certain resistance.

Confident, sometimes it is from strength, even if it is just a strength of the top group.

I used to become a despicable, for the change of the people, the group also looked in the eyes, but he just smiled and did not put it on the heart.

Many ninja, even hundreds of nineteen ninja, as long as you use some means, he can fully master and let them use it for yourself.

However, there are always some kinds of people who have a firm, and their own goals have their own goals. These people are not able to master by some small means.

There are also such ninas in the roots, such as the best-known pharmacist wild, which is known as the best intelligence, and "Walking Witch", which also has great subjective awareness in this person.

But isn't it to use it?

It is because the Tiezang took the point in her heart.

With the gradual old days of the day, Tibetan feels that he is coming soon.

"I heard that you have successfully promoted. It is not small in the country of the country." The hide and smashing eyes slowly opened, and he was very rapidly.

For the Tibetan Tibet, the people happen to the country of water, the people are not surprising.

The strength of the Tiezheng roots, his intelligence network is definitely beyond many people's cognition.

"The blessings of the Torker, fortunate to complete the task." The people nodded.

"Very good, becomes an endurance, this is very good." Tagang did not hesitate to praise.

If you are giving the identity certificate, you will be called here, you can see it here, it can be seen that the entire wooden leaves are all his eyeliner.

"I don't know what I have instructions?"

"There is a task to give you to do it."

During the speech, the group took out a reel from the arms and handed it in front of the people.

I hesitated for a while, and then took this reel.

"This task you will participate in the root ninja, and the roots will have the root of the ninja with you to perform the task, and what you need to do is to complete the content he gave you.

This reel, you can open it after you complete the task. "

There is no waiting to answer, and the group has continued: "I heard that your knife is damaged?"

Wearing a righteous eye angle.

The group knew that he and the water gate were doing things in the water country, completed the task, and the damage caused during the escape process, this is not surprising.

But the knife is damaged, which has never been revealed to anyone.

How do I know?

"The knife will be bad, just because this knife is not excellent enough, I can take it out to the knife used to treat the cloud, even if I can transfer Chakra, will it be how good it is?

Complete the task smoothly, I can provide you with the conditions and replace it back. "

After the group is in the back of the group, the cane and confident.

He knew that the people of the people were broken, and today, many attack methods were derived from the combination of body integrity and knife, and did not say how much impact on his combat power. At least the battle habit of itself was Non-small impact.

I have to admit that this remuneration promised by the group has made him some heart.

Moreover, even if it is now, it is still not able to fight against the group.

"Yes, you must complete your task!"

I heard the answer, and the group was exposed to the satisfied smile.

"Hey, he is a member of your mission, you can teach him some basic knowledge a day."

The voice falls, and a movie appears in the room.

With a bird-shaped white mask, come to the side of the people, say faintly: "Let's go."

After finishing, turn it directly, and the people looked at the group, followed by the people named Batty left a dim room.

There are a lot of similarities between the roots and the dark, but they are only independent of the dark part, only listening to the group.

However, compared to the mysterious and killing of the mysterious and killing of the mystery, she feels more like the root ninja, which is more like ninja, but also to the Ninja this profession, this title.

There is no excessive feelings, there is only tasks in your eyes, and even like a machine.

Although it seems to be very unhorseful, this is the Ninja.

There is no saying in a word in the whole way, just walking silently walking in a corridor in the roots underground.

Come to a room in the depths.

"This is your root costume and this task may be used to props, as well as some basic weapons, give you five minutes to change, change your people to see the same participation in this task , Explain the task situation and the respective responsible content. "

Baspering said a lot at once, the tone is flat, and the people don't even think this is likely that he is most of his time.

"Okay." The people took anything.

"Right, the root calls and action with code, you need to think about your code."

After saying, Atye turned around to leave the room.

Looking at this set of black, a white cat mask, and a short knife in a handwheel.

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