Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Article 304

But how is his speed over lightning?

This short knife is indeed unlocated to check Chevra, but metal can conduct electricity, which is unquestionable.

A bunch of lights shot from the knife and penetrate the heart straight.

The change in the moment is not only the Chinese-service man who is about to become a big name, but also three of the rocky villages who have been valued by Han, all in the ceremony.

The house gently glanced at the big priest who was really scared, asked in faintly: "The head crown has not worn on the head, the ceremony is not completed, he is not a big name?"

The aged high priest has been scared to have a little soul. I heard the people asking, nodding in the manner, said in the mouth: "Yes .... is ... is not ... Not a big name. "

I heard the words, the smile on the face was even more, and the blood on the short knife was "very good."

After confirming, it is immediately ready to drive away, as for the three people ...

Self-demand Du Fu ...


However, he has not left, and he heard the vapor motion sound.

It turned out to have just rushed to the stage, and the Han, a punch, and found that the Chinese man was killed, and there was a traitor.

If he immediately put down the husband, the speed was full, and the speed was full.

You know, this is a singer who can integrate with the nine tail in the future.

The special armor on him, let him play its strength and advantage to the extreme.

Whether at the speed, it is still very horrible.

The reluctance of the reaches can only take the knife holder on the chest and make the defense he can do.

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Chapter 165, five tails! [Subscription, monthly ticket]

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Have you tried to hit by the train?

The people will tell you, try!

And it is still a steam train!

An impact of spraying steam is directly blowing him directly.

A blood can't help it from the mouth, and the finite is solidly hit on the wall of the famous Government, and the huge walls of a metric collapsed.

Just just a hit, there is almost no resistance.

This is probably the so-called a force drop.

As long as it is not as good as his person, it is likely to meet the same ending as the people.

This level of power, the people only feel on his mentor, one of the three tolerance.

It's just a hand to control the force, but the power of the Han, a large half from the steam, so it is herself, and it is impossible to control it entirely.

The house is finally known, and the night fox who has collected the intelligence at the beginning will be so heavy.

Broken wall stone, a stone hind to the arm wrapped by thundermount.

The leather case made by the desperation of color has obviously appear differently damage, but the people don't think of it.

But seeing this pair of models, Han is also determined, not his own people betrayed, just replaced by people.

As for what is the result of that person, I don't want to think, definitely can't die again.

Grouted his chest, feel the severe pain, if it is not in the last time time to concentrate the thunder of the armor in the chest in time, his ending is estimated to be much better than the night fox.

But even if so, the people now have a hot pain.

Three people who constantly rumored next to the roar of the roar, they didn't matter at the moment, in a hierarchy of a group of risks.

Under the command of several rocky villages, I originally seen some panicked rocky villages and Into myself.

Rocky Village is definitely in the entire endurance, the most military hidden village in the ninja group.

Their own combat capacity may not be strong, but their collective combat skills are quite good.

Whether it is defense or offensive, almost all prohibit prohibitions.

Seeing that the three people also insisted on how long it took, the people were also slightly sinking, because he is the most stressed person.

The five-tail column, at this moment, the eyes are killing him.

Rocky Village spent so much resources, such a big price, using so many ninja, even even the five-tail column of this usual not to get out of the rocky village, visible to the field How much attention is in the country.

They counted the leaves back, and they were also very good, but they were at the last moment.

All things are all counted by the Han.

Feel the power of the oppressiveness of the Han, and the slightly white steam that is dissolved from the red armor, and when it comes from time to time.

These are the pressure that the people feel.

Next moment, Han once again moved.

From the holes of the armor, spray a large amount of steam, the linear speed is almost extremely extreme, and there is a blink of an eye.

That is just to encourage the body, you can feel the high temperature dispristed in the air.

A Han, known as "steam ninja", these steams are not only used by him to enhance their speed and strength.

People who have been exposed to steam know that the temperature that is spread is, but it will not be lower than the flame. Take a little bit, it is likely that it will be burned.

This is the utilization of Han to a boiling, for the use of the five tail parts.

At the same time as the people are close to the house, raise the right hand, from his right hand elbow, spray a more rich steam, speed up the right box, straight home.

This house is reacted, ready to prepare in advance, is still sufficient at this time.

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