Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Article 305

Dare to use one hand, the right hand grab the knife handle of the short knife, and drag the knife back left and right.

The crisp sound of the metal.

The people were once again slammed, but this time, he did not have no lifting force like the first time.

At least there is no punch to vomit blood.


The Han Eye is squatting, the bottom is flashing.

This person's physical fitness is quite good, and it should be a ninja that cultivates the body.

Silently wiped the blood of the mouth, the people think about how to get out this time.

Direct running is definitely unrealistic, and the line speed is definitely his best at the way.

Running straight, will definitely be chased, it is estimated that it is necessary to face ruthless iron boxes.

However, the people also found his weaknesses, the straight line speed is very strong, good at it.

In this way, it is moving in a short distance, or it is a large direction of transition.

Just, just is only the current thunder armor, it is certainly not too enough.

"Then give yourself add some!"

Attached to Chakra on the feet, he stood in the huge wall of the famous Government, and the milky on the white breath made a surrounding body.

"Life Gift, Open!"

Directly opened the third door of eight unscrupulous, and it is also the last door of the eight-door armor.

Green light fluorescent and blue lightning armor is interweaving.

"Try ..."

The legs are slightly bent, and they are full of happiness.

This is the first time I first initiated an attack after I met Han.


Han also does not have to show weakness, the anger in his heart, but it has not been dissipated.

And over time, the anger in my heart is getting more and more compromised.

Every moving moves, there will be a lot of steam behind him, as if this is an anger in his heart.

"It's unparalleled!"

"Wooden big cyclone!"

One breath will increase Chakra to the boiling point, so that the whole body has risen to the ultimate, the red armor under the whole body, all of the large and small holes, sprayed a large amount of steam, and the speed is greatly improved.

Wooden big cyclone is on the whirlwind, the power is more powerful.

! !

The rushes, the legs of the house collide with the Han's fists, and burst into huge shock waves.

At the collision of their body, a fierce wind wave is opened, and a large number of gravel and dust are all shocked by the shock wave, and a vacuum area is cleared throughout the square.

Slightly stalemate.

The people are flying faster than moving forward.

At the same time, on his leg, a crisp sound is issued, but there is no fracture, just because of huge strength, some sprains at the ankle.

The feet are in contact with the ground, and it is still unstoppable from the back of the back.

From the right foot of his last land, on the rocky floor stated, it can be seen in a small pit.

"Well? The power is again enhanced? Light green gas

But not just him, the people have learned more clearly to Hanna's powerful and horrible power.

"It's really a strong monster."

The people can't help but smash their feet, especially some painful ankles, if not his physical quality is good enough, just like the collision, enough to bind a person's legs.

I can only try it.

"Injury door, open!"

The fourth door of eight-door armor, hurt the door!

So far, the people are not especially hurt, and the last door that can be opened in eight armors.

The use of eight-door armor will definitely bring a certain degree of damage to the body. Therefore, when using eight door armor, it must have a powerful body to a certain extent, and only the body can resist this destruction.

But no matter how powerful body, it is impossible to resist all eight-door armor, even if it is not the eighth door, even the seventh door, the sixth door or the fifth door, will bring a small body to the body. damage.

According to the description of the body of the people, the fourth door is the limit he can withstand. Once exceeded, this destruction will be doubled.

The hurt door, further improve the strength, speed, and the body began to cause damage, entered the dangerous area of ​​eight-door armor, and entered the eight-door armor state in the real sense.

In other words, the real huge damage started from the fourth door injury, and the increase in the increase of the injured door.

I have a lip, feel the strong stabbion in the body's meridians, and the people wrinkled.

This kind of pain is more than doubled than the opening of the door, and it is obviously more than doubled.

"It's already hurting to this extent."

I have a pain in my heart.

It is also no wonder that Mahati said, with the body strength of the people, opened to the fourth door, which is already the limit, and then go, will hurt itself.

It's hard to imagine that the Kay of opening to the eighth door is how painful, this is a powerful will force.

Moreover, under such a stimulation of pain, it is actually an exhibited body, which is definitely very exaggerated.

However, according to the estimation and guessing of the people's strength, it is only not enough to open the injury.

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