Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 326

At this moment, although the heart is killed, it is able to force back.

This person will be an extremely excellent politician!

They need such a politician leader in Sandy Village!

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Chapter 173 Organization [ask for subscription, monthly ticket]

His people raise the reels in their hands, and put them in the endurance package.

The Luo Same Face of this scene is once again black.

This bastard ...

"you can go now!"

Luo Sand lighted his hand, scattered sand on the oasis, leaving oasis at a little bit.

But the people are not standing in the ground, just watching him silently.

Seeing that the people still don't leave, Luo Sa's brow wrinkled, thinking that he has not yet fighting enough, but also want to play again.

As his expression change, the sandstorm in the outer tray of the oasis is active again, and the sand waves just scattered, and it is also a look that again.

He Luo Sahe's general situation is unwilling to increase the scale of the battle, but do not represent others to grab his handle again and unscrupulously challenge him.

If the other party is hard to fight with him, Luo Sa will not mind leaving this of the cat in the endurance.

But I saw the relief slowly sent the circle to the knife sheath.

Seeing the action of the people, Luo Sandy, I don't know what he is going to do.

I heard a little hoarse voice sounded, faint: "Luo Sand, now you don't seem to be good in Saha Yin Village?"

I heard the words, the brow of Luo Sand was once again, he didn't know what the people suddenly said, what is the purpose?

However, he responded: "My situation is not good? How is I doing in the shackle of Sandy, is there any relationship with your dark ninja?"

How can Zeha Village in Sandy Village in Sandy Village with a special identity of Luo Sand?

Don't say that you are admired, but you have a person who meets him, respecting the Rosha, is more common.

The people are swaying, "This is not necessarily, Mr. Luo Sand is in the situation in Sandy Village, and the dark ninja of my wooden leaves is indeed too much relationship, but if the partner of Mr. Luo, this relationship can It is big. "


Luo Sand does not remember what is the partnership between the Ninja of one wood.

You know, and the dark part of the village is privately contacted privately, but it can be convicted to the village, even even if it is not a secret ninja, it is only too much contact with the ordinary ninja in the village. It can trigger the village.

The people extended their hands to boost, and there is not much maliciousness.

"Mr. Luo Sand, do not be affected by the phenomenon, to stand in his own point, start from your actual demand, if you really decide your goal is easy, then I didn't say, but I think you should now It is a need for a partner. "The voice of the resort is slightly tempting.

I heard the words, Luo's heart suddenly leaked half a shot, from the words of the people, he seems to have heard something.

The people continue to say: "If the goal of Mr. Luo Sand, just wants to become one of the many pillars of Sandy Village, just want to become one of the elders in Sandy Village in the future, then I think you have your current ability and means There should be no problem. "

"What do you want to say ?!" Rosa drunk.

Outside the oasis, the hovering of the sand is not a gentle trend, but it is getting more and bigger, and there is a feeling that the entire oasis is going in.

While whistling, at this moment, it turned a fierce tiger that roaring in the desert.

"Mr. Luosha, as a disciple of the three generations, and talent is definitely the top of the top of Sahin Village.

If there is no one intervened, it will become the fourth generation of sandy village in the future, almost a nail, but unfortunately ... ... "

The house is in the case of a nor to say, and I am sighing for a breath.

From his tone, it seems to be able to hear him feel sorry for Luo Same.

"what do you know..."

Luo Sand just wanted to open, but he was interrupted by the people, he heard him to continue:

"Unfortunately, Sandy Village has a top genius, red sand!

It seems that people have better birth, a grandmother as a real power, and his parents who have passed away, have been cultivated as a shape, but the various people's relationships will not disappear with their departure, and may even be Turning above the next generation.

A master of the top, one for only more than ten years old, actually able to develop the innocent masters of the whole sandy village, and the three-generation style is still in the middle of the year, the other party seems to be more Ability and potential becomes the next style. "

Red sand, this name originated from sandy village, described the grandson of the Sandy Village, the grandson of the Yinyu, the parent was killed by the wooden white teeth.

Without participating in the Ninja School, just just in the thousand generations of people, they wondered themselves, they were seven years old and became a sandy village, eight years old became the medulprin, now he is teenage, he has In the whole sandy village, the name of the genius, the name of the genius, even more unattended.

From talent, birth, and age, Red Sand is indeed very suitable for the fourth generation of people.

Luo Sand's goal is undoubtedly definitely the fourth generation of wind, Red Sands have become the biggest obstacle to the fourth generation of windings.

If you listen to the people, there is no expression in Luo Same, but the gods circulated in his eyes have no doubt that he is not calm in the heart.

The housemares have seen the blood at this moment.

Two or three years ago, he also confident that he was able to make a fourth-generation style after the third generation of wind shadows, and he was also working hard for this goal.

However, in recent years, the grandchildren of the Chi Dayi rises, the name of the genius rises through sandy village.

In just two or three years, many Ninja in Sandy Village changed.

Among them, Luo Sand did not doubt, but there were certainly old-owned people who had a thousand generations of sandy villages to participate.

This is both a situation in which he is now embarrassed.

"Said so much, what is the purpose of your wooden leaves? Do you talk about it? Want to provoke the internal contradictions of our sandy village and then enjoy it? Or do you want to support a shadow, let Sah Yin Village slowly become The vassal of the wooden leaves? The last or even a little deridized?

Although I said my goal is four generations of wind shadows, and paying everything for this goal, but it doesn't mean that I am willing to let you put. "Luo sand is soaked.

For the purpose of the people, these words are given, given certain guess.

However, the people are exaggerated, "It's not not ... I said, I am your partner, not us."

"Who is it ?!"

Luo Sand's eyes, the sound is slightly low.

He has always thought that this person in front of him was a sudden fame of the cat, just asked so much, Luo Sand has doubt.

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