Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 327

But if it is not a mushroom, who is it?

Is it a special handover space between sandy village and wood?

The list of tasks for the half-year is handed over to the outroad?

The killing of Luo Sand will rise again.

It's just that the people don't want to fight again with him.

"I? I am just a wooden-eyed regular ninja, code of Cat."

"Isn't that you don't afraid that I will tell you the high level of your wooden leaves? So you are afraid that you have to become a rebellion?"

"Who is a letter?" The people were faint.

Luo Same atmosphere.

Indeed, who is believed?

Obviously, the ninja in the village came to complain about the Ninja of the village, but also made a huge contribution to ninja, as long as the high level of the village is not a fool, it will definitely not believe this.

The people continue to say: "I know that you don't believe it now, but it doesn't matter, I will let you see my sincerity."

"What do you want to get from me?"

Luo Sand has a special value that is particularly valuable, and the only possibility is that it is not low in sandy village.

But even if he can't be the four major winds of Sandy Village, it will not sell sand in Sandy Village or give a foreign village.

"Don't be nervous, will not take any harmful things to your sandy village, etc., you will naturally know what what I need is."

In the long time of the two, Luo Sand left this oasis.

It can clearly feel clearly from the winds around his body, and his inner heart is not calm.

The position of the wind, for his ambitions like him, the temptation is too big.

After staying in Luo Sand, the people dislocated the mask on his face and looked at the direction of his departure, showing a deep smile.

"Is this person who may become a four-generation style in the future?"

A low voice sounded behind him.

"It's not possible, it must be!" The people didn't look back, he knew that people, just nodded gently.

This task, the people notify the corner in advance.

After all, it is sandy village. From the share of a few people's mission, they know that the Ninja of Sandy Village is getting more and more, the ghost will not suddenly violent in this time.

With the personality of all of him, the notice is not unexpected, and he is indeed a matter of doing something to communicate with the corner.

"Do you think he doesn't work?" Asked the people.

In the corner of the green eyes, it is slightly slightly somewhat whispering, "Nor, in the main court of the desert, his magnetians cooperate with sandstick, very strong."

It can make the corner to make a trip between the thousands of hands, and the guys who live for decades say "very strong", it can be seen that Luo Sand is not weak.

Of course, the meaning of the words, outside the desert, the strength of Luo Sand, may not be so strong.

The face of the house reveals a slightly ridicule. "This guy can only only look at him, whether it is a heart or means, is the top of the fourth generation of sandy village, and he is in front of him. The obstacle is only a red sand.

But Red Sands ... Oh, a person who is about to deviate from the track. "

"Even if he really becomes a trend, it is impossible to give us any help. Do you have this person you can provide us with a substantive help?"

"The reason why he said hello, as long as he doesn't matter to achieve a goal, he can't do anything."

I once sighed again. "Such people can get in this world, can get what they want, can be lived, those who are too true, too much, if they want to succeed, the difficulty is much more than such people. "

If you listen to the people, if you think about it, he didn't live in the ideal world?

The last greeting him is just betrayal and killing.

So he will give up for anyone, he believes, there is only money and interests.

And the people have seized this, and the cooperation between the two is because everywhere is full of interest, and the interests of each other have become a good partner.

And with the continuous deepening of cooperation, the interaction between them will be more and more, the more difficult to separate.

"Right, how is the recent situation?"

"OK, this field is indeed a more honest person, promised to give us all points, according to your requirements, I am in some wandering ninja, the Ninja, the underground bounty redemption, convened Several strength is not weak, and the Ninja that is also tied by the interests.

A total of four of the four endurance, endured twelve people.

As for the endurance, according to your thoughts, from the head training, from all walks of life, find some potential orphans, after brainwashing, thinking, and then taught some of them, four people, now There have been ten people through all tests, formally have the strength. "

The corner is like a big housekeeper, a little bit of the "industry" of the country in Tianzhi, tells the treasurer.

Listening to the information, the people are a bit surprised.

In just a year and a half, I successfully built such a small power that had weak strength in the country where the country did not have a ninja background.

In addition, the corner is a shadow, four endurance, 12th, and forty people who are about to bear around.

This is definitely a weak force. If you want to set up an hobby city, it is enough to become a foundation of Xiao Yin Village.

That is, the corner has a small name to enjoy the golden world in the whole floor, in which such a batch of Ninja will be recruited in such a short time.

Of course, it can be recruited to more people, but the demand for the people is Ning, so many people who have not required them, they have been removed from the corners.

The last remaining these, do not say how pure, but at least have certain principles, not the people who have killed.

As for saying that there is a great ambition or a very greed, this is in the eyes of the people, it is normal.

People with ambition will try to improve their strength, and greedy people can use the benefits to bond them and take advantage of them.

But he is not a little preparation.

The orphans who have trained from the head don't worry, and those who recruited entry will be assigned a cat after entering the organization.

The role of the name is to connect to each other more convenient, and these cats are also tuned, can provide help to some extent, and provide a lot of intelligence and clues, will be a very effective assistant.

But in essence, these cats are also able to let people can monitor them, and they can know in the first time.

It is just a huge, and the whole tolerant cat population is now needed.

It is best to get a contractual scroll like three major holy land, build a formal cat and beasts, which is more beneficial to manage such a huge cat group.

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