Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 335

will not let the incidents of the white teeth continue to ferment, after the root is banned, immediately use public opinion power to turn the direction, so when the water is returned, there is almost no exception at the time.

As a person who experienced and participants, the people is very understandable.

Although the day, the Japanese believes that the people will not talk about the matter, but they are not willing to bear the risk of this.

Kakasi is a good genius than the big snake pill, he has the building of the pillars!

Moreover, the daily day is also believed that more generous water gates compared to the people can change and affect the character of Kakasi.

In addition, the people are indeed compared to those who are more suitable for Asma, so this will eventually appear.

As for why the soil is still with Kakasi in a class, the best is equipped with a maximum hanger end, this is no problem.

"I didn't expect the teacher, I was so powerful! Sure enough, I said that my father said, the man! You should eat meat, big bowl! This will be more powerful!"

Kai Fei looked at the people.

Waiting for the people to eat the last piece of meat, this meal is the official end.

When leaving the roast meat shop, the water gates and the people are very humorous.

"She is also known, in fact, what he is good at, it is good to be good, if there is a chance, try to teach him, after all ..."

After all, I have taught him if I have not retained.

The house is obvious to Kassei, which is not in some of the five people, and nodded calmly.

If Kasi is willing to learn, he does not mind, the relationship between the flag and wood and the people are much more closely involved.

However, like flag wood will not die, Kasi can only learn a knife, he has the way you want to go, see his own choice.

The water gates are now low, but however, it is also a ninja, and what he said is.

When I was lazy, I took a self-reliant card, and the original wilderness next to him clearly felt that the air around Kakasi as if it was cold, and his voice is looking at and this checked mask. juvenile.

With the soil, it seems that the atmosphere is changed, and it is rushed to the face of the people.

"Teacher of the people, I heard that you have the ability to help our Yishabo family? Ji Cheng captain of the police department is your teammate, his writing wheel is you helping him open, don't know if you can help you I am open?!

As long as I open the write wheel, I can definitely exceed the arrogant Kardi! I am a genius of Yuxi Bo! "


The people have not answered, and the caucas that recovers walks faintly said that they walked outside the door and appeared.

"What do you say ?!"


Seeing that it is going to have the soil, it will be rushed by the original wildlint, "" With the soil, don't fight! "


The original momentum of Yuxi Bo belt soil, this moment turned into a docile cat, and the face climbed on the bright film, I was embarrassed, I was embarrassed to grab her back.

The house is eye-catching.

Kassea encountered now, only two sentences, it is the two sentences "idiots" just spitted with soil, but it is the case, let the water door lead the teacher and the special attention of this people, see At a point of hope.

Perhaps, the belt is the most suitable to open Kakasi's heart.

"Lin, the medical tuition of the people can be adults for the teacher. If you have any questions in medical tattoo, I believe that he will not refuse as the seniors." The water door said to the original wild.

"Really ?!" The original wildlife is clearly bright.

The people look at the water, and the two people exchange.

"Just as I ask you, two meals!"

"Ten, no ten, no business!"

"Five! The limit, I have no savings."


The two ended his eyes, and the people were full of smile. "Yes, if you have any questions, you can come to me."

The water door can only be saddened silently on the side.

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Chapter 177 First Task [Subscription, Monastery]

After the two teams came out of the barbecue shop, they were separated.

Originally, it was still slightly complained. After seeing the water gardens, I suddenly felt that the grievances in my heart were not so big.

Sure enough, everything is only because it has not been met.

In contrast, the diligent Metekai, the well-behaved evening, and the Astma that can be ignorant at any time, it seems to feel good.

However, this meal, and the three disciples of the house feel the crisis.

I didn't expect that the people had such a fragrance, and the members of the other teams actually got his pointing.

Kay only felt that it was full of strength, and it was absolutely could not let the people disappointed him. I ate the barbecue full of belly. The power consumed in the morning. At this moment, it is coming back.

At the end of the day, he also felt the pressure. The original wildlife and her are girls, but it seems to be more robbery than her.

The pressure is the greatest or Asma, during the course of eating, the eve is a view to Kakasi five times!

This is five times!

Self-recognition does not lose to Kakasi in handsome, but it is only inadequate, but it must be more than Kakasi, winning the attention of Nakham!

Feeling that three disciples suddenly full of strength.

The people have to sigh, the competition is really one of the power of humanity!

On the way to the training ground, I deliberately slow down, and the beautiful name is digested after the meal. In fact, thinking about how to train this little guy, let them become effective fighting power, he does not want and As others start from those funny D-level tasks.

Maite Kai said, after his father's training has cultivated from a small training, he has long developed a good habit of training. His daily training tasks feel that you don't need him to "add me!" Leaves can do things like him to train, no more than one hand.

At the end of the day, it is as good as the day, with excellent illusion talents, but the relief of the power is not too much research in illusion.

In the years of fighting, he did not have encountered Ninja who made illusion, some of whom's use of illusion remind him to remember.

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