Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 336

It's just that he is a column, as long as it is not a strong illusion, it is almost impossible to produce any substantive role, so he is only in the theoretical stage, and there is no in-depth study.

But since it becomes her teacher, illusion seems to have some effort to study.

However, even if his illusion is not covered, it is more than enough to teach a devil who graduated from the ninja school.

Some difficulties in truly let him feel.

"It's better to cultivate his fight against fight?"

I suddenly suppressed my heart after rising this thought.

Asma's Chakra attributes, from the information obtained, it is a wind and fire, a good attribute look.

In combination, he has been understanding from the original actions, he should be a ninja that is good at the melee, this is a good direction.

At the time of fighting, it will always face the enemy's fierce attack.

If you want to fight, you need to be superimposed. Is the best stacks not beaten?

What is the Skinth?

So, you will be beaten, you! Start!

Come to the training ground.

The people turned to Mitak: "Kai, first do a thousand push-up warmth."

"Yes! Master of people!"

Ka is the least a student who is not worried.

Then, on the eve of the day: "Red, uses a strongest illusion you master now."


Red looked at the people, hesitated, using illusion for his teacher, this is her first time.

"It doesn't matter, come on, let me see what level of illusion you have now."

Looking at the eyes of the people, she will no longer hesitate.

"The teacher, be careful."

The red low is given a warning, from this moment she has become a true ninja from a well-behaved girl!

Looking at her expression and momentum change, the heart is secretly nodded.

As a tutor, it is not bad because it is a girl who relaxes to her because it is a girl. If it is an enemy, this change should make them unique.

The hands started to print, and the speed is not slow.

Illusion is a spiritual attack method. Through its strong spiritual power and Chakra, combined with some seem to be unhappier but no, the eyes, the voices, the voices, and even the changes of the enemy, let The other party fell into a state of mental embarrassment, and creating a variety of illusion in subconscious.

Usually, people who are powerful, can always give them a certain implosure in the opponents, letting the other party will act or change their will.

The people let themarly relax, stare at her with their eyes, and strive to make themselves more simply into her illusion.

"Fox heart"! "

The fox heart is a kind of illusion that enters the maze, and the Chinese people will unconsciously, just like being confused by the fox. A large amount of physical strength has been consumed prior to not found in the mids.

This is actually a group illusion, and the difficulty of display is also relatively high, and an illusion of this level can be used, and she has explained her talent in this regard.

The smooth Chakra flow in the body has a trace of disorders, and the scene in front of them will change.

Next second, I only saw my eyes, and I was a towering wall around him, and I was surrounded by him, and these walls changed, an exit presented in front of him.

The labyrinth created in the fox heart, under the control of the monogram, can make the Chinese people change with their will, move.

If you don't want to break away this illusion soon, it is slowly strolling in illusion, looking for the shortcomings and deficiencies of this illusion.

Combined with the illusion of illusion, the immunity of this illusion is still presented.

As he pointed out, the red will slowly improve it according to the points raised by the people, and after a period of time, this maze has really cut a lot than when I just entered.

Then, the people thought of, and the entire illusion scene was collapsed.

The picture is once again turned again.

Looking at the panting, the red, and the people nodded.

"Red, in fact, your integrity and intensity after your illusion is still good, it is to show the timing of illusion, and hints that do not want to give the opponent too deliberately, this is what you need to strengthen."

If you listen to the words, red face nodded carefully.

If it is not a grooming, the red illusion is not enough to make him in.

After all, I have just been able to endure, almost no more actual experience, and it is understandable to understand in this regard.

"In a short time, what you need is your way you can display illusion, don't need to show how powerful illusion, just need you can make your opponents in the unresolved situation, hide your illusion technique It is the most important thing.

From today, you will learn three hours of illusion techniques every day and my shadow. Even if it is the simplest illusion, when this method makes me satisfied, the training direction is replaced. "


From the illusion of just now, the red feels the power of the people, and after his guidance, its own understanding of the understanding of illusion is improved.

Said, the people have divided a shadow, and the red to the side.

It can make him feel satisfied, this is not the general illusion ninja, even if it is just a picture.

Finally, there is a rare Astma.

He stared at the house and wished to see what he had to improve himself.

Subsequently, I saw the people who tried to him, and the face didn't tell the smile.

"Come on, Asa, the three generations of uncle's expectations are very high, you have to know, you want to be a strong person, you must learn how to stack!"

Wen Yan, Asa.

what's the situation?

"You have to know, stacks ... Oh, it is beaten, but it is also a learning. Where is the attack, the damage is the smallest, and it is the strongest resistance to fight against it. The muscles or bones. After suffering from the heavy creation, it will not affect its own action, this is a very important thing in actual combat. "

Asa gently swallowed the water, how is this like the red painting style?

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