Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 356

Even if he has all legitimate reasons, you can justify the red sand, but he can't do this.

Because of his parents' death, it is very stiff of the relationship between the wind shadow and the Chi Dynasty, if it is handled here, then even if he really has all the reason, it can't do this.

Otherwise, in the future, the wind shadow is in a series of people, which will become more and more excited.

But he didn't kill the heart, and the scorpion did not hesitate to kill his heart.

There is a gap between the two people's determination only.

However, the reason why the three generations of wind shadows was become the strongest wind shadow in the past, and the technique of magnetic sand iron was too strong.

It is unwilling to face him with powerful people and corners.

Seeing a few people in the eyes, slowly being condensed into pieces of sand iron to smash the rare.

"The genius is indeed a genius. If you give him a few years, it will be stronger than these three generations of wind, and now he is still a bit." The corner can't help but sigh.

If you look at him, he is a little sorry, but he shakes his head: "I said, the teacher can't only look at the embarrassment, now calculate, the time should be almost the same, to divide the victory."

Just falling in the voice of the people.

The original strength of the three-generation trend, suddenly the face is red, a blood spurted from his mouth, scattered in the desert, left a few scarlet blood.

With his blood spit out, the three generations of wind shadows the whole person's face, and the hormone of the suspension of the suspension in the semi-air is all dropped.

The heavy sand iron hard block is smashed on the sand and pulled out a huge pit.

I saw him shocked and unbelred, I didn't know when I was in when I was.

Controlled his only two broken people, looked at the three-generation style of the single-knee, a grievances, and the first time I first came out.

The eyes are full of excitement that can't be suppressed.

This is the only person who is staring at it at the beginning, the only person who can be made into a perfect .

There are only three generations of winds!

The 185th fall [seek subscription, monthly ticket]

The corners standing to stand are surprised.


"When he is broken, there will be some very small dust falling. The average person will think that this is a steep shredded when it is broken. If you don't look closely, it is really hard to note." Explain .

The hands are smashed with each other, it seems to be contaminated in your hands.

"So, I found him with poison at the beginning?"

"That is not, just when he is broken, he will rush to the three generations of wind before breaking, and it will be calculated twice again. Every time it is not normal.

This allowed me to find an exception.

Every time he is smashing, the poison is not strong, even to some extent, it is ignored.

But with the break of each embarrassment, the toxin is accumulated, and the ratio of the toxin is added, the more the three generations of wind is destroyed, the more you will increase the poison in itself.

In fact, it is also the three generations of wind, if he is fully attacking the from the beginning, before poisoning, or before toxins can affect his life and action, it should be able to solve him.

So, . "

The eyes of the house flashes inexplicably.

From an objective perspective, there is a lot of similarities between and the people. If the conditions are allowed, I really want to add him into the organization.

However, it is relatively difficult to say this.

"Is it now?" Asked.

The people shook their heads, "I am also early, you are too small to see the three generations of trends, this time you go out, you are not afraid of being changed by the limit, or even be anti-killing?"

Just falling in the words of the people.

Originally, the three-generation wind shadow on the ground suddenly got up, the violent Chakra sprayed from him, and the sand iron block dropped on the ground was all over.

This time, no longer hesitate, and use it all the best to start impacting and his embarrassment.

At this moment, he finally emerged in the heart.

The pale face once again emerged, and the appearance of a backlight returned.

The sudden violence of the three generations of wind is also scared, and he did not expect the three-generation winds that have been poisoned to this level actually have such a strong resistance.

That one must kill his appearance, the look of the scorpion has become extremely unexpected.

At this point, he needs to do it, just defensive, waiting for three generations of winds to lose combat ability due to poisoning.

However, even if it is poisoned, the three generations of wind shadows are all made up, and some are difficult to block.

The last left is all broken, and the first straight three generations of vertical movements.

I saw that the three generations of winds kept breathed, and with time, his breath was getting bigger and bigger, and the undulating of the chest is getting more and more obvious, and the frequency of wheezing is getting faster.

In this way, the eyes of the three generations of windings are still more and more bombings, and the blood in the eyes is a little inhibiting.

The breathing begins to supply the oxygen demand for his body cells and organs.

The three generations of the biting teeth are all condensed together in the half-air, turning into a huge tapered iron.

The rotating iron block is like the last life of the three generations.

A teacher, after losing his own , almost lost its resistance, and finally only, only its own Chakra and not very good.

Crazy magnetic square tapered rushing down.

At this critical moment, the took out the last reel in his own tolerance, and biting his fingers on the reel, two ordinary appeared in front of the attack.

Two, a man and a woman's appearance, respectively, the parent of the parents, is also the last thing that he is in the moment.

Seeing these two embarrassments, the three generations of wind shadows were originally killed, at this moment, there was a shake.

Despite the slight shaking, it is still attacked.

But that is the moment of shaking, let his attack determination is not so firm, and the power of attack has also dropped a lot.

A blood was sprayed from the mouth.

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