Konoha Cat Keeper

Wooden Rotor Cat Chapter 357

It took a few meters on the sand and left a deep gully.


After this attack, the sand iron is dropped on the ground. The three generations of wind shadows were also ignored on the ground, and all the red halo, and even the asthesia movement and the amplitude have disappeared.

Lost the ability of breathing, all oxygen in the body consumes all, now let him still stick to it, just want to see if there is no last one by him.

The eyes are deadly staring at the gully.

A hand covered with blood, stretched out from the gully.

Seeing this hand, the final obstacles of the three generations of wind shadows were dissipated, and the pupils were unlimited, and the last luster was lost.

The body is heavy towards the ground, and the sand iron that is condensed on the side is also scattered, and the magnetoe immunity is lost, no longer has cohesive.

The scorpion climbed out from the sand pit, and finally, he really thought that he was dead.

Fortunately, because of poisoning, the ability of the three-generation wind shadow remained a half, and finally there was hesitant to say that the two blocked offset a part of the impact.

I stood up and got up and walked to the last two crushing, my eyes were complicated.

This is the puppet made when he is young, and has been bringing on the body. Today, this is the final, and it is also as a "parent" to protect himself.

Go to the front of the three generations of wind shadows.


Laughing in hysteria, the corners of the eyes are even overflowed.

The parents who have given their own parents have always been an obsession in the heart. It is the world's enemy is a white teeth, but the white teeth is dead, he will be responsible for the three-generation style.

Today, I also reported to his parents.

In his heart, the last thoughts and obsesses were also cut off by themselves.

Just laughed at him, a uncomfortable voice sounded.

In the applause, "It is the first to be the red sand of the most talented division of sandy village."

I heard the sound and suddenly turned around.

I saw two mysterious people who enveloped in the black robes appeared in their sight.

It is always hidden in the distance and not dare to get close, but only the people put on a cat face mask, and the corner wear his mask.

People talking and applauding are all people, because the corner of the green eyes are at this moment, and they will transfer their sight to the body of the three-generation wind shadow lying on the ground.

"Who are you!?" Scorpion cold face.

He felt the threat of the three-generation winds from the two people.

For the next step forward, "We are people who are going to trade with you."

The corner is full of mouth, this person always uses this way.

"What transaction ?!"

The horns under the mask are rising, reaching out, pointing at the body of the three generations, saying faintly:

"The body of the three generations of winds we have to! As for what you can get, it is your most precious life!"

When I heard the people, the scorpion hole was slightly shrinking, and the eyebrows were stunned.

The corners are also slightly looked at the house.

Do you want to let him go?

The hands holding the hand is tighter, sending "" sound, can vaguely see a red ball in his hand.

And the sight of the people is also on this small ball.

Deep suck one breath, slowly open, "Do you pick my peach? Do you dare to leave a name ?!"

"Xia! We are the dawn of the endurance, Xiaomi!"

The people did not hesitate to open.

"Is it ...?"

I heard this name, staring at the people and got eyes and got eyes, as if I want to remember them in my eyes.

Then, I saw that the scorpion was gently shot in his waist, and the number agencies came out from him, quickly drilling into the sand, and the kung fu was disappeared.

The face is slightly changed, quickly rushed to the front, pick up the body of the three-generation style of the ground, and the broken people scattered on the side.


When I heard the people, I still want to chase it is still not hesitant, and I will immediately take it back.

boom! ! !

The huge explosion sounded, and in the desert of this area, a huge pit was blown up.

However, the sand of the return is very fast, quickly filling this sand pit.

The traces of the third generation of wind shadows and the red sands have disappeared.

After the end of the explosion, the people and the corners have returned to here again.

"Do you know that this is in his hand? This can be much stronger than the explosion." The corner looks at the people.

Stri people solve the mask on the face.

Pull the wreckage of a person on the ground.

"This is the final card, it was used to destroy traces. If we just kill, the body of these three generations of winds can't stay.

You think that he dies and this body, who is more weight in your heart? "Asked the people.

I don't want to think, "Of course, the body of these three generations of winds is much more important. Although the guy is not weak, but after all, there is nothing famous, and the head is not worth a few money in a short time, but the three generations The wind is not the same, this is a person worth all of the million people !! "

One million! !

I have promised that I have promised to learn from the adventures and the corner, promise to help him earn more than one million, now get the body of a three-generation vertical body, worth all of the million.

Then, the corner is frown and wrinkled. "He is ready to destroy here from the beginning, just because our appearance has to give up?"

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