Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaf Totor Chapter 358

"Yes, but he wants to clean the traces, the third generation style is dead, who is back?"

Therefore, the people left this people.

Said, gently use it in your hand, and the body of the three generations of shape is lost.

The corners have taken the body of the three generations of winds, and they are skilled in the back, and they look at the people, and the faint: "How? Take money now?"

The people didn't have a good look at him.

"I said, you also earned it, don't know how much money, the Treasury should be less than me, do you use it to see you?"

This angle is really done, regards life such as dung, and vain money as the extent to the treasure.

"This don't worry."

The people have no mouth.

After the corner, the corner is not added to the child, and you will not know Xiao South. His money will not be used to buy countless detonatics.

Is it going to find a chance?

I want to mind in my heart, the people still explain: "Now the three generations of wind shadows have just fallen, you will take the body of the body to go to the ground to replace the money, don't you be afraid of the entire sandy village of others to point to you? Not afraid of sand The Ninja village treats you as anapontal mouth?

Even if you have a grievance, it is not enough for them to kill it? "

The corner is really falling into the money, and the three generations of wind shadow just died, didn't you find the handle for others?

"Moreover, the body of the three generations of winds is not only a role of making money."

Can you change money?

The instantaneous angle feels that it is a bit of a little.

"What is the role?"

The eyes are blind, "What do you do with this body? Why can't we use it?"

"You also want to use this body to make people ?"

The people looked at him, glanced at the three-generation wind shadow body behind him, showing a deep smile.

"Go first, wait for you to contact me, this body will help me bring back, after a while, you should know how to save the body?"

I heard the people said that the corner didn't have a temper.

The secret of God.

"Right, the last girl's ability is very special, if you have time, you can teach it yourself."

After that, the body of the people "" disappeared, turned into a gray cat.

Then, this gray cat is also disappeared.

In this way, only one corner is left in the desert, and the body of the third generation of the third-generation style behind him.

Helpless, self-speaking, self-speaking: "I found that I am really an emergency life, the benefits have not yet, it is going to run around, and more powerful, I will share it ..."



Wooden leaves.

In the underground laboratory of the people, he suddenly opened his eyes, and the memory of the shadow was returned, and he understood the situation at this time.

Or can't say just a pure shadow, it should be said to be a cat.

It's a certain entity, it has a certain entity, even if it is a fatal attack, it is not the kind of fatal attack, as long as it is the kind of fatal attack, it will not dissipate it.

This time, instead of him, it is a small five, a whole body gray cat that combines the five-tarat.

Slowly stand up and active a bit stiff body.

The eyes are God, "The new storm has appeared, how can it stop can't stop ....


The three generations of winds hang as scheduled.

The internal contradictions of Saha Yin Village will eruption. According to the brain of the thousand generations, it will definitely not lose their strength in the internal consumption, so unified whole villagers will make a common enemy.

The third endurance battle, not far! "

I have a lazy waist and look at my two arms, as well as the body, "I am almost, I am ready!"

It can be found that his original pale left hand arm, at this moment, it has been fully recovered, there is no smashing of the thousand-handed cell cells, the constraints of his body, so there is of course that is also the original accumulation Black mound at elbow. Black.

I saw a standing referring to the relief.

I saw a small piece of wood from his index finger, nailed on the wall of the laboratory, and with his thoughts, this small section of the wood, suddenly expanded, from thousands, tapping dozens of dozens Branch.

Seeing this "Wooden Cutting", this smaller mini appearance is quite speechless.

"Although the cells in this kilocated column, through the experimental results got there in Heanaro, this intensity is only such a point." The people sighed helplessly.

The results of the Heanaro have been verified by some of his tests, but it is not only that, mainly, he discovered that the difference between Hean Yusu and ordinary people, and the human test results of the Hananaro's body test, taking it directly.

Because of his way, it is a kind of unknown spirit, a unknown spirit, a spirit of ordinary people, belongs to a kind of Yinjing Chakra.

Since it is the yin property check Kra, is it possible to use the cell threat between the kilocracy?

I thought of this, this time, people have been doing this research.

After countless days of self-cultivation, it is finally removed from this hidden potential threat between the killer.

In the future, the thousand-handed cell cells will not swallow up in his body and unlimited proliferation, of course, still strengthen the body's body in invisible.

Can use the wood, but his wood is even less than a big sum of the big and the big snake pills will be studied, but there is almost no effect in actual combat.

But in any case, this potential, the crisis that is likely to be ridiculous is resolved, it is enough.

As for saying, why didn't you make yourself a state of death?

Just because, the theoretical results of Heanaro, but the situation of flying sections only exist in theoretical knowledge, hundreds of people may only have one, or even may not appear.

The risk is too high, and the people will not only change their bodies because of a theory of others.

He dare to use some of the results to neutralize the cells in the thousand-handles, but because he got directly from the river , he obtained the finished cells that can be directly studied.

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