Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 380

"Ready, next is the defense line of sandy village. If you can not cause their attention, try not to, but if you really affect, then you just have to fall! Don't leave traces!"


Say, the three quickly moved.

The constituent residue disappears in the original place, jump into the forest.

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Chapter 193, killing, fire, gold belt [ask for subscription, monthly ticket]

A four team moved quickly in the sand.

Can vaguely see, under the sand, between the fingers, a thin light blue Chakra wire slowly falls from their hands, hidden in the sand.

The four people are very fast, and the distances are not long, just after arriving in a coordinate, it will be quickly returned.

Move back and forth between two points, and divide this distance into four, each person is responsible for a certain amount of Chakra line.

The rest of the person, restore Chakra in this process to form an efficient and long operating mode.

This is a miniature of sandy village defense lines, the border of the whole country, almost all in this model.

And, each time, these defenders will report to the sandy village camp in the border of the wind.

Once there is no time to pass back the message for a while, the sandy villages that are ready at the time will be dispatched.

Therefore, if it does not cause the other party's attention, the border of the country is more in the country, it is a more troublesome thing.

Fortunately, for others, it is difficult to touched Chakra wire, under the white eyes, almost unable to hide.

The squadron, as long as the time interval of the patrol sand is estimated, you can successfully enter the country.

Moreover, the people will not be stupid to sneak in the most intensive place in Sandy Village, I would rather take some roads and trouble more.

At the same time, in order to cooperate with the people, Dashan Pills arranged five or six teams at the same time, while the border of Sandy Village will have a certain degree of harassment, and they will attract attention as much as possible.

Successfully sneak into the country!

How to distinguish the direction in the desert in the sky, how to distinguish between the direction.

"The day is poor, you may have to be more involved in the back, and the white eye is too important to us." The resequences apologize apologize to the day.

Although the ability of the white eye has a certain gap compared to the other two cases that have not been three major patches, there is a gap between the retrieval, but it is stronger than the other two eyes.

"Nothing!" The day is falling in the distance.

It can be seen that a large number of meridians will be launched in his eyes, which is the symbol of the white eye is using.

The house is nodded, and everything is mainly based on the task.

Then, it is determined that there is no one around, and the hands are printed.

"Tongling's technique!"

A large number of densely numbly sized snakes have poured from the spiritual formation and quickly disperse in the desert.

"The Ninja of Sandy Village will still conduct a certain degree of search inside. We strive to find their replenish line in three days. Once the replenishment line is determined, the speed of speed, too much, will lead to the dangerous factor we face greatly improved "


The three people slowly disappeared in the dust.



"I doubt that there is already the ninja invasion of wood leaves, looking for our supply line!"

The camps of sandy village, wrapped a large number of white cloth strips on a head, and the old old man.

It can be seen from the position he sits that he is not low in sandy village.

This person is the highest "wise man", which has the strongest "wise man" in Sandy Village, the younger brother.

Many decisions and proposals in Sandy Village have a large part from him.

When he heard him, the expression of the Qian Dynasty was condensed.

For your brother's ability, she is still very clear. Since he said, it must be basis.

"The old man is old, I don't know what the basis?"

It is the opposite of the sea, the old star, and the new star in Sahin Village, the sand is now leading the leader, and the status is horing.

Although it is said that the last and the people fight, it has caused the situation.

However, in the high-level explanation of Sha Yin Village, the other party is complete because of the advantage of the weather. If it is only a little rainy day, it is not enough to release the degree of , Luo Sand and many sand is harmful. By.

In order to flatten the inner fear of sand, the high-level is explained while elaborating the Mulchen Cot, also explained the cause of Luo Sand.

It turns out that Luo Same is not lost to the wooden cute, but it is lost to the weather.

For those who are sandy, they are very clear about the weather and the advantages of geography.

In the desert, in the dry weather, their strength is on the sea, and there is a very obvious difference in heavy rain.

Luo Sand is only lost in the situation where the land is not dominated, and it is lost to the wooden cat.

In addition, the defect of Red Sands, they pay more attention to the existence of Luo Sand, now he is in the status of Sandy Village, not inferior to the sea.

For the question of Luo Sand, the sea is not angry, both from the past or now, Luo Sand is very clear, this is why he can support them.

"Since we can think of sneak attack, they can be thought of, and compared to us, they are more urgent." Sea Laibang smiled and smiled and smiled in the long white long eyebrow, a telepload was holding appearance.

Continue: "Just n't heary, Rock Village and Yun Yin Village have launched an attack on the leaves, although they also have a certain preparation in advance, but finally face the attacks of the three hidden villages at the same time. At their point of view, this battlefield is definitely hopeless to delay the time as much as possible without failure, and then find the best possible policy.

However, the ability to consume, even if the wooden leaves are rich, it is impossible to drag with an enemy three.

So, we can not force the raid, but they can't wait, think about it, sneak attacking our rear supply lines, is a good way.

Moreover, in the near, the border is not frequently transmitted, saying that the harassment of the wood rubber is?

At that time, we felt that they couldn't be dragged. Now I think about it, they are giving some people.

I have eighty percent of the grasp of sure that they have entered us, and they are looking for our supply line! "

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