Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 381

If you listen to the sea, Luo Sand's eyes, what is said, he is standing in the woods, it is indeed a way.

"However, this is not a task that is just a person, then this time, whether it is single or a squad, the strength is inevitable.

Need to prepare early, maybe you can still put down the trap, let these leaves, there is no return! "

I don't know why, there is a look of the people in Luo Same brain, and the slight smile.

Stick up.

"Since it is in the desert, then this task is given to me!"

The 's .

That day, people are like a common appearance. At this moment, it is still deeply printed in his brain. The huge seems like a condemns of the general thunder-electric unicorn, became a long time, the hearts of the dream.

How can the heartseller of Luo Sand will take this way, let alone the other party has always used the so-called cooperation to emphasize himself.

Leading sensitive Luo sand is no longer worried about there is any other eyeliner around him.

If it becomes a shape in such a case, Luo Same doesn't know that the other party will become the heart of his heart.

So this time, he wants to defeat the other person with the most good magnetic, most powerful tolerance.

Even if you really want to cooperate, it is also to be dominated by him, not to become the party!

Luo Same did not tell anyone in the content and message proposed by the people, but they were deeply buried in the heart.

On the surface, he is deeply sick about the people, and the cooperation of the people is like a deep, but in fact, in his heart, in his subconscious, hope to work with the people.

Especially after the people show their strength and the ability.

This is even more.

Who doesn't want to have a powerful partner?

Who doesn't want this powerful partner to use it for yourself?

Who doesn't want you to do what you can say, strategize, will people play between the shares in a thousand miles?

And the strength of the people, the powerful intelligence system, let Luo Same feel heart.

If you are estimated that there is no mistake, Luo Sand is the person who can not choose a means, even his pro, he can be worried, what else does it?

He is now tangled, just two and partnerships, who dominated.

By contact, Luo Same is also understood.

The first time in Oasis, the people are showing their own strength, prove that they have the basic conditions for cooperation.

The second contact is in the rebellion incident of Red Sand, proves that they have sufficient powerful intelligence systems.

The third contact is to determine the leaders of cooperation with absolute strength in the front battlefield of sandy village and wooden leaves.

"This is the fourth time ..."

I don't know why, there is such a feeling among Luo Sand, and this time the wooden actress has the existence of woody cat.

This is his last time, and the only chance to pull it back.

There has always been a kind of puppet that has been taken along the line, making him very unhappy.

Luo Sum took the initiative to ask for a tyranny, and the old and sea, Of course, I would like to see it. In addition to two, the strongest is Luo Same.

Thousands of days should take the town camp, the old Hai Tibet has to deal with various matters, the only thing can be dispatched, and there is only Luo sand.

However, thousands of representatives changed, looked at Luo Sand, and then looked at the sea and lived, did not make a decision.

"Sister, what is worried?"

The old people living as a thousand generations have lived for decades. For thousands of generations don't know much, any of her expressions and eyes have escaped his eyes.

After a period of time, the Qian Dynasty was slowly open: "The supply line is not lost, in case, please come out."

I heard the words, the expressions of the sea and Luo Sand were changed, and there were some dignified and hesitized.

After a while, the two reacted, and the opposition, finally the sea is old, "Is it necessary?"


This time, the Qian Dynasty answered very simply, and the eyes were very firm.

"If you really want to sharpen the wooden leaves, you can't give them any breath of wheezing, the toughness of the wood, I believe you know more than I know, they are a group of few times even more than even dozens of power in critical moments. People have to pay attention. "

Seeing a thousand generations, then resolute, although she thinks she is a bit too worried, but still should be:


At the same time, the eyes of the sea, "Maybe ... we can use some other means, anti-its way ... Use their radical, attacked our attacks, should be a chance."


Three days have passed.

The three people who have entered the wind in the past three days.

After hard work, they finally determined the replenishment line of Sandy Village. The next thing to do will be done when they escort the next batch of materials to the front line, destruction and clean.

Also, they quickly determined the most important point on this replenishment line.

An oasis!

As long as the oasis can be cleared together with the materials, then the woods in the country of the wind can get the wheezing time for two or three months.

During this time, the material replenishment of Sandy Village is difficult to scale.

However, in these three days, nothing happened.

Sandy Village is void increasing patrols of the desert, and it is inevitable or with the people who have come into contact.

Although the strength of the other party is not strong, almost one photo is resolved by three.

But still causses the attention of sandy village.

The protection of protection above the oasis is significantly strengthened.

"The other party should have discovered our existence, this is our only opportunity, and the last chance, the risk is very risks, it is not allowed to be on the oasis, there is a Tian Luo Lizhi waiting for us."

The emperor is dignified, and it can be felt that these days are obviously increasing, which leads to them to contact, collide with a team of sand.

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