Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 396

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the three people are more good, and the face is also full of happy smiles. Looking at the refugees under their help, they eat food that can save their lives. This kind of accomplishment makes them feel Everything is worth it.

Finally, the sky is gradually black, and they have completed the distribution of food.

I have been waiting for it, and I don't do anything. In fact, he is looking for. He is in a sense, the place where the door is located, is sure that someone is monitoring, the probability is to be black, People want to try to see if they can be found.

Unfortunately, he is not good at perceived him. In the jackpole of the three-generation style, it is not obvious, and it has never found an exception.

But think about it carefully.

How to say that the long door also has a reincarnation, although I have not fully grasped the reincarnation, I have developed it all the ability, but the monitoring of too close is, it is more likely to be discovered.

"Hello, I am the leader of the organization, this is the long door, she is Xiaonan."

Biko brought two people to the face, reach out and expressed friendship.

The people look at the three people who are still quite green, showing smiles, and reach out gently and the sea.

,,, .

However, what kind of people in the Ninja world have, and cold hands and feet are not unacceptable.

"Hello, I am Conan, a rush, I heard someone in the pub today, saying that there is a tissue of such relief civilians, and I have seen it." The people showed a very good smile.

When I heard the people, the Sanyang's face immediately called a surprise expression.

Those who have seen a lot, even from strict sense, they can also be considered wandering.

But the wandering ninja like the people is relatively rare.

The long gates were seeing the first eye of the people, and the sixth in the middle told him that the people were very strong, so he would tell Nikiko, and the Nikai is exposed and a good smile.

A powerful wandering ninja, if it can recruit to the organization, it is undoubtedly a huge strengthening of a relationship.

And from this time, this person is undoubtedly comparable to his idea, so the strength is strong, and the same thing is true, it is rare.

Of course, the most important thing is to correspond.

"Mr. Conan, I don't know if you have time? It is better to take us to our base?" Baiko proposed.

"Praise!" The people laughed and responded.

The three people still have a more green, and the tissue has just been established. Even if Baiko has experienced a poor life, it is also a mentally mature, but it is still relatively tender, even how to cover up, the kind of happiness is still in the table.

It is not necessary to say that the long gates and Xiao Nan are more

Although the three people tender, but sincere, this is relatively rare throughout the endurance, and therefore recruited a lot of people.

The long gate is the three people who are most important, because the reincarnation and the vortex identity make him a top potential in the three people.

As for the small south, in addition to the long-term look, it will become the richest people in the past, which is also an additional entry.

After all, some people often ask, the man is a first family or a pioneering industry.

There is a golden rose:

Such as a lover, first family, if you meet your noble, first, if you encounter our rich women, Cheng family is working!

Xiaonan undoubtedly has the potential to become rich.

Finally, it is the three people, and his drama is the least in the fire that I have seen, but it is to recognize that his leadership is the most prosperous.

If Baiko is not dead, it is not necessary to have a weak force in the endurance.

Chapter 199, feel pain [ask monthly ticket]

The people followed the three people to the base of the organization.

Among the caves in the rainy village, there are some other people in the base, and they look at the busy look. I know that the time of the birth of the organization is not long.

This base is only initially established, and many things need to be prepared.

And in addition to the Sky, the long-door, Xiaoshan three, the rest of the people is not strong, even if there is only a little bit of Chakra fluctuations, it is not the existence of Ninja.

These people, it is said that it is not impact on the theory of the three people, and is contained in the organization, but it is better to say that they are seeking shelter.

I have been taught in three years, and I have made a very strong ninja foundation according to their own situation.

Coupled with their own potential is not soft, now, the three have already have strength, especially the long door with round eyes, as long as he is willing, instantly have a shadow and even transcendental strength. .

From the three endured organizations, coupled with their "peace" theory, people who choose to join will not be less, especially in the country of the rain, the extremely sheltered countries.

Three endures are definitely a force that cannot be ignored.

Half hidden because of their young and childish theories, they don't know what they have developed, sooner or later, they will find that they will have the ability to threaten his rule.

At this time, I will start nowhere, and even the clothes are not unified, just because of the weather of the rain, everyone will wear a waterproof robe, which is more black, because it is easier to cover yourself.

It can be seen from other members and the way they say greetings and languages, and there are still many people who are really treating these three young leaders, perhaps, perhaps the ideal of their heart, maybe they are three people. The force is disposed, or both.

Three people have a deeper place to go to the base.

Here, simple arrangements, furniture, and various facilities can still be seen a little bit of shadow.

For example, in the muddy vase on the wall, it is not very nice to do it, but it is definitely the paper flower that has been made, and the top of the years is a small south of the child. maded.

Also, it is also possible to see some food residue debris on the shelf of the wall, because the time of the time, almost disappeared, but also can't escape the eyes.

Their so-called base is very likely that they are young when they are young. They are the small nests of the three people. They are a place to recognize, accompanying survival, and now they are the starting point of their dreams.

The people must admit that there are fewer feelings in his heart.

If it is not because of the eyes of the long, it is estimated that the big bracket behind will not happen.

But if there is no long-eyed eyes, they will not be visible to their own, and they will not be taught by Chakra and Solden, and there will be no current talent three leaders.

All this has causality, all everything can only be blamed, Yishibo places yourself, looking for a good host.

There is no ambition, there is no ability, no ambition, the only thing he wants to do is to help Means realize his ideals.

Such a person who is easy to control is undoubtedly a best manipulation, Yu Zhibo spheres are in the selection, and the eyes are still quite unique, whether it is the long door, or the land.

"Please sit, relatively simple, hope not to mind."

The three people, please let the people sit down, Xiaomi has just been established soon, but Nishiko has gradually habits the identity of the leader, he has to say that he is a natural leader.

The people smiled and shook their heads. "Where, I bother is it."

Xiaonan fell a glass of water, then sat on the side and didn't speak.

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