Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 397

The long door is slightly staring at the people, from his inner heart, he is a certain exclusion for sudden arrival people.

Just he is not sure that this is the first time I encountered a stranger's exclusion, or because the people have a mid to sprinkle with him a little exclusion that I don't like the breath.

In his own opinion, it should be the exclusion of the first time and strangers. After all, this exclusion is not twice, he doesn't place it.

He is just curious about the emergence of the people.

He can feel that the strength of the people is not weak, and it can even be said to be strong, at least than they are three weak, such a strong person is still a wandering ninja, is relatively rare.

This keen sixth sense, the long door has been used to it, this is almost all almost very much with his special sense of sensing skills.

Also provide a lot of help during their survival.

"I don't know if you appear here, what is it for?"

Baiko took the initiative to master the initiative of communication.

The people don't play with them, smile and reach the finger.

Seeing the movements of the people, the eyes of the three are almost in general. It was originally a bit of gentle Niko. At the moment, it became a little faint, staring at the house, holding a slightly somewhat shackling homework, Shen Sheng: "What do you mean?"

Seeing the reactions of the three people, the people did not have too many surprises, explained: "Red-haired ... is the legacy of the whirlpool? I have two friends are also red hair, they are all swirls People of a family, but only after the vortex village is destroyed, it will be lost. "

I heard the eyes did not say the eyes of the long door, but I said that his hair is said, and the three people who are in the next consciousness.

The long gates are slightly excited, "Swirls? Is I whirlpool? I still have a family in this world?"

His people, "Red Hair, is relatively rare in the Ninja World, according to what I know, there is only the talents of the whirlpool, but also your eyes, nor the people of other families can bear the people. . "

When the round look, if the long door is a whirlpool, there is not enough strength and body, and it is not able to withstand, let alone use.

The vortex is in congenital, and it is indeed an advantage that it is difficult to match.

In contrast, the name is more orthodox, inheriting the thousand-hand family of the six cactors, if there is no awakening the body, it is still informed.

I finally mentioned the eyes of the long door.

Three people have some attitude towards the people.

When the reincarnation, I have been undoubtedly unknown, but I have followed it for three years, and of course, I also understand what the eyes owned by the long door represent anything.

This is the power of the six cactors!

Focused faintly the exclusion of them and the hostility of a silk, and the people didn't worry.

Just like you have three million huge deposits, there is a stranger to find the opening of the door, I know that you have three million deposits, no matter who, the first reaction is excluded and a slightly hostile?

"I don't have anything else, but the people who surprised the vortex can actually be awakened, one of this legendary three big mouths, I have to admit that it is because I saw the eyes of the door. Will stay there waiting. "The people said again.

"It can be considered that you look at the wheel of the long door."

In this sentence, the atmosphere in the entire room is instantly solidified, and the three are also ready to prevent the sudden violence of the people.

Some helplessly took the head, and the three small guys were surprised.

However, it can also understand that after all, from Xiaoyong hiding the life of Tibet, experience the human feeling, or not, the eyes of the long door, it is estimated that it will not be so vigilant.

Sports your own hands to indicate that you are not malicious.

Then, standing directly from outside the door, "You are too obvious to my hostility, but I can understand, but now I still have a very important thing to do, wait for the next time, we have the opportunity, we Talk again. "

Looking at the people who suddenly left, the three little guys were obvious.

What does it mean?

Really just a curious? come and see? Learn about?

Going to half and suddenly stopped, turned half-body, watching the three compared to memory, wanted to have much cheeks.

"Right, if you feel the pain that you can't bear in this life, you can contact me, I can help you find painful ventures, and even help you find the cause of pain."

After that, the portrait disappears in the room, and a white card slowly dropped from the air.

It can be seen, in the middle of the film, portrayed a sealing array.

And the three people have never moved.

"Sorry, because I have troublesome you."

The long door looked at the disappeared, and wroned.

They did not stop the people from leaving, because they were not grasped, and at this moment they were in their hearts, the murder is always placed in the final option.

Baiko walked forward, picking up the card on the ground, shakes the head: "No, the long door, you always remember, your existence, the reason we dare to have such a great ideal and ambition, you gave us the opportunity And these, but just a setback on the road to success. "

Looking at the seal of the card, continuing to say: "And, this person is not trouble, it is really hard to say, since he knows the existence of the round, but can press the desire to be in the heart, then only two Possible, either he and the teacher, the heart is just right, and it is not interested in the eyes, at least, it will not want to get it.

Either .... "

When it comes to it, Niki's face is dignified and suddenly stopped.

"Either?" Xiao Nan couldn't help but ask.

"Either, he is bigger!"

The long gates looked at the card in the hands of the sea, gently greeted their red long hair, muttered: "Swirls?"



Leave the base of the organization.

At this time, the families are a little forces that have just been born, and their ideals have some funny people, and the whole relief will stir the whole endure, and the tissue of the black and red clouds is huge. difference.

However, the people have determined a little.

That is, the current door does not encounter.

When he raised the head of the round, he felt that it would feel it, as long as he shot, it is really possible to die!

This sixth is very magical, but the people are very believed.

Since the strength of strength, he has not felt the threat of death for a long time.

Leave a little, enter a gray rainforest.

Suddenly stopped, watching around, cold and cold: "Go out."

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