Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 398


No one has appeared, only rain is on the leaves, the cold wind blows in the rain and the "" sound of the trees.

She wrinkled and shouted again: "Go out!"

Then, lifting the right hand, a small black iron ball rotates in his hand, and from the ground, in the jungle, flying out a small black powder, incorporating the rotating black iron ball, Iron ball The more it becomes, the shape is also changed under the thought of the people.

There is a sense of password of the magnetic king.

Unfortunately, there is still no movement in the woods.

The brow is slowly sent, and speaks from the language: "Osteen?"

Just saw the black iron ball that has become a size, it turns into a snake, and climbed into his clothes along the sleeves.

Jumping into the branches, several longitudinal disappears.

After leaving the people, he just stands, about five or six meters, a black shadow slowly rises from the ground.

Two eyes looked at the direction of the people left, and the eyes took some doubts.

"How suddenly there is a person, strong strength, can you even feel my existence?

The most important thing is that the other party seems to have been interested in the eyes? "Black dew is marminally.

"No, this is still to let the spots, you can't put your attention in the fog village, no matter how the plan is going, the round look absolutely can't lose, I have waited for thousands of years, I finally waited for a turn-up. Due to Dalo Luo, this time I have lost, I don't know how many years I have to wait. "

Black the fastest speed left the country.

After ten minutes, the previously left people will turn back again.

Looking at the muddy ground, there is no change, but there is no dignhip between his eyebrows.

It doesn't see anything with the naked eye, but before he just left, the means of manipulating the sand iron is not just to shock the black, the main thing is that he is under the surface here. A thin layer of sand iron carrying him detachard.

At this time, in his perception, it can be clearly seen that a hole has appeared in the hinders that have been strict and realistic.

The surface muddy soil did not change.

"Is it difficult to do? This ability, it is currently in the current situation? It is just unfortunately, it is impossible to leave something on him."

The house is covered with a thin layer of sand iron. Part is to see if he is really tracking, and another purpose is to see if you can leave some sand iron's particles on a black body.

In this way, the black iron sand of Chakra is attached, and the black is only to move or close to him.

As for saying, it is not interesting to look for Yu Zhibo spots who are still in the face of still astishing.

Yuxi Bozhuang is not too late to hide, how can it be sent to the door.

Don't think that after he gave his own round of eyes, he didn't work.

Yishabo family has inherited thousands of years, how many Yuxi Bo people awakened to open the eyes? How many people succeeded in promoting the written eye to San Tsuo?

Does the people of Urcho do not know the preciousness of the three hooks?

Will n't stay some?

As the ethnicity of the Yishabo family, there are fewer hands in the hands, there are some three hooks and jade, and give themselves, it is not difficult.

Even if the old man in the contest, even if there is only three hidden jade, the people don't feel that I am an opponent of Yuxi.

You know, at this time, he also fused the cells between the thousand-handles, and the wooden resort is not difficult for him.

In addition, there are also outer road magic images and black, it is not careful.

The people just want to guard against a little bit, if it is best to succeed, if it can't succeed, there is no way.

At least, the faint, tracked feel is ok.

"It's also wise, I know that I will attach the attention of the round, just use the three-generation wind shadow, otherwise he is staring at him, there is no better life in the future, he will definitely use various methods to let some strong people come Deal with yourself.

Taking it with a living for thousands of years, he will be too much to attract and tend to be confused to others. Even if you are as strong as Yuxi, it has become the chess pieces in his hand. "

With a slightly somewhat confined mentality, after collecting the sand iron left on the ground, quickly leave.

He has been working out this time, has been delayed for a lot of time, and you can do things with peace of mind.



Enter Yin Village again.

The state in Yuyin Village is still the same as before, no matter what the war is, it seems that it doesn't matter if you have it.

Their leadership collisher semi-Tibet also broke the Ninja in Yin Yincun leaving, and at the same time, he emphasized that people who wanted to enter Yuyin Village must pass a strict examination before they can leave.

Poster a posture of a closed country, hard is to wait until the leaves and sandy villages are divided into certain advantages and adequate benefits, or they will participate in the benefits.

After the people entered Yuyin Village, they were carefully wing towards the center of Yuyin Village. The highest bamboo shoots are close to.

There, mountain pepper semi-located living places.

If the assassination of the murder, the Ninja in Yuyin Village should be able to have a certain number of people throughout the endurance, so it is not an easy task that wants to feel close to their guards.

Especially in the current rain in Yuyin Village, a large number of ninja arch is more difficult to close.

Fortunately, the mission is not a murder, and it is even more embarrassing half of the gods, he just wants to touch the main Ninja distribution in Yuyin Village.

Determine which orientation is the weak place, that is, his best place.

This can see one or two from the residential land of the rainy village.

The center slowly left and came to the corner of Yuyin Village.

"I will start here, let people in Yuyin Village will feel some pain for us."

The raindrops on the head are separated, the feet are separated, and the hands are all 10, followed by pressing on the ground, feel the underground and around, the position of the metal.

It can be seen, and the people are in the hands of the two hands on the ground, and the yellow grains are intertwined together, hovering around the hands.

Use a quote after Payne.

"Feel the pain, experience pain, accept pain, understand pain! I don't know what the pain will know what is peace!"

The second chapter of the card [ask monthly ticket]

"Shen Luo Tian !!"

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