Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 465

This is undoubtedly a dangerous signal.

However, there is also a good incentive role, which can inspire the enthusiasm of the wood rubber.

If there is another hidden village, the ninja in the village has just graduated from the battlefield, which is undoubtedly a stimulus for the Ninja, and it is not good to get the morale.

However, the leaves are different, and the overall philosophy of wood leaves is different from other four hidden villages.

The ninjas of the wooden leaves is deeply baptized by the "Fire will", and seeing the young generations, there is no doubt that they will motivate them.

In the land of the Wooden Ninja Military Camp on the Battlefield of the Tang, also ushered in a large number of young ninja, one of the disciples of the people, Maitkai.

As for the saying of Flying Asma, it was blocked by the flight.

His eldest son has embarked on the battlefield, so his little son Asa will not be on the battlefield, and others will not say anything, after all, is a shadow, always leave a little incense.

Just don't know that Asa knows that he can't go to the battlefield, and it is still further intensified with his contradictory.

At the end of the day, because of her father, the evening, the battlefield of the country, so she was assigned to the other side.

It only wants to see the world, familiar with the battlefield, start from logistics, get in touch and familiar with it, so it is not strictly in accordance with the classification system, it is not like the original Intid it to take three to bear it.

This time a few or more than a dozen have gathered together, with two endurance, forming a logistic group, unified management.

Relatively speaking, this is the safest work on the battlefield, but it is not dangerous.

And responsible for bringing the Metaki, the old-skinned man, whirlpool, whirlpool!

She was soft and hard, and various means were finally gave himself.

In this way, she is happy for a few days.

However, for the sake of safety, the day of the day, I also arranged two strengths, and the character was more calm.

For the battlefield, it is a bit surprised to appear on the battlefield, whether it is the waterpare or a lot.

But after she spoke, she will understand after the nine-tailed Chakra and the nine-tail capacity.

Nanyinnai can use the nine-tailed Chakra to a certain extent.

Therefore, the day of the day agreed to let her do this logistical captain.

Just, some bitter waves have just known the waves of this matter.

He found that two good friends, the people are the column of the second tail, and Xin Ni is the column of the nine tail, and even four people, only him do not know this situation.

In this regard, the water door is very helpless, but the people are laughing, and they are reported that the water gates are laughing at his arrow.

However, after the surprise of the people, the water door is also a strong accepted ability, soon he accepts his girlfriend is a fox, and his good brother is the fact of the cat.

That's right, the water gate and Ni Ni have announced their relationship between their two, and let the people have a tasteful dog food that is quite good with the house.

For this reason, the people naturally have a number in my heart, but they are also a high crit that endorses hundreds of millions of points.

I haven't taken the order, but I am behind my apprentice, this is undoubtedly a huge blow.

Wooden young ninja steps on the battlefield, not just bringing incentives to the ninjas of the wood, and also stimulates the enemy's three hidden villages.

In any case, they have been linked to the wood for so long, and finally the dawn of the victory.

The young ninja embedded on the battlefield, indicating that the number of ninja in the leaves had begun to be stretched, as long as it consumes a period of time, it will inevitably drag the wood, and it is the moment they defeated the wooden leaves.

More firmly and the wood-consuming war, almost the same time, slowly slow down the attack, the ninjas of the wood, finally got a certain wheezing time.

It is precisely because of this, the flying day will eventually choose the proposal of these consultants who agreed to the small spring.

The water gates with relaxation time, because of excellent performance, so get a time holiday.

And his original tasks, automatically delivered to the hand of the house.

The water door is good at flying thunder, naturally can shuttle flexible in the battlefield, although the speed is also very fast, but that is in battle, the usual rush and transfer speed must be so fast.

But the group hiding didn't seem to find this, and he sent him as a water door to dispatched and mission.

There is no doubt that the departure of the water is allowed to have a suitable reason, and it is necessary to take the town camp. As a strong ninja, the people will naturally need to face those difficult tasks.

As the situation is slightly stable, the group is beginning to endure, want to do it.

Even if the people know what he is doing, he still has to do these tasks.

After all, the group hidden at the perspective of the righteousness, standing in the highness of morality, if the people rebell, that is, it is not as simple as him, this is the anti-all wooden leaves.

Fortunately, the strength of the people has long been surpassing the category of the collation in the hearts of the group, so many tasks seem to be difficult for people, in fact, did not imagine it.

It's just a long time to live, let him gradually lose cultivation and experimentally.

Such a situation lasts for a long time.

After half a year, the three hidden villages finally reacted. They were the calculation of the wooden leaves. Half year passed, the wooden leaves did not show a decline, but because of the water of the battlefield, those who walked on the battlefield The leaves of the leaves have gradually emerged, familiar with the rhythm of the battlefield.

At the same time, many ninjas that make the wooden leaves have got a breathing time, and the spirit that has been tight is relaxed.

The strength of the wood leaves is not weakened, but further strengthens.

Knowing this situation, the senior people in the three hidden villages are angry, and they make decisions at almost the same time, and they launched all the power to launch a strike.

This time, the amplitude and power of attacks will transcend the attack at the time of the first impact, and strive to be rushing on the wooden leaves in an instant.

Snorreas, Ji Yin Village, Yun Yin Village, Joint Takin Village, Yue Yin Village and so on, launched a fierce attack.

Although the leaves are prepared, but the big hidden villages are determined, what is the impact will cause, even if the people are not expected.

Chapter 227 and then in the fog [ask month]

The national battlefield is in a hurry!

The national battlefield is in a hurry!

Tang Zhizhi's battlefield is in a hurry!

Almost at the same time, the three anxious intelligence placed on the table!

For this situation, no matter how it is the day, or the two consultants who are sleeping in Xiaochun and Water Inn, even have never responded.

After they were in the three hidden villages who knew this vain, they will be angry to launch an attack. Just did not expect their attack time to unity and synchronize, just like it is agreeable, let the leaves There is no way to feel it.

Therefore, the tripartite urgently.

But in the case of now the situation, there is no ability to support three battlefields at the same time. If there is this ability, it is undoubtedly the situation and dilemma of this time.

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