Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 466

The dedication of the front time is weak, giving a certain wheezing time of the woody ninja.

I am afraid that the three hidden villages are also worried that this may make the wood astheside, so I chose to launch a strike at the same time.

At this time, the blue-sized flight of the water, the sky, the sun, and the water, on the table in front of him, and the three reels are placed, the above is the battlefield.

Deep breathing, "Now the situation is not optimistic, do you want to say?"

In this critical moment, what is the rainbow fart that can be expected to move to Xiachun and water households?

I can only continue to say: "Saha Yin Village of Yuzhi is still said that the number of ninja itself is not much, and there is also the help of Yuyin Village, and it should be able to stick to it.

But it is the Yun Yin Village of Yan Yin Village and Tang Zhiwei.

No, it should be said that the country of the country of the country and the grassland. Not long ago, the contest has been the most worrying situation, and the number of Ninja, Yinyin Village itself is the most, so they still pull it again. A battlefield, grassland country!

And according to the intelligence, Dashewa is likely to send a few hundred or even thousands of ninja prepared from the country of the country to raise the fire, the rear of the domestic wooden ninja army, although the deer dispatched the most good at laying line The village leaves are involved, but this is not necessarily to resolve the urgent urgency.

And on the front battlefield of the country of the country, Yan Yin Village has accumulated nearly 10,000 ninja. Such a large-scale ninja army, the deer is really not active, and the people who dispatched must be not much, not necessarily Can defend against live.

Once it is broken ... "

At this time, no matter whether it is in your heart or the pressure on your body.

"What about Zhu Yin Village?" He asked in Xiao Spring.

Ziyin Village dared to shoot.

"What is the situation on the country of Tang?" Asked in water household.

"Although Yun Yin Village did not attack from other places, the three generations of straightened, the three generations of straightened, and there was a thousand ninja from Yun Yin Village. It became more difficult to support the overt."

Every time I say a word, I feel a bit of my heart.

After listening to the day, the face of the sleeping Xiaochun and the water household also appeared very gloomy.

At this time, the two of them turned out an idea.

If the group is hidden.

Tibetan Tibetan is in their own several, is the best in handling this emergency situation, and the sword has been taken out of the forefront. It is very useful.

In this case, the fire is in person, but can not only relieve the tensions of the grassland, but also to swim.


"It's absolutely not!"

The sleeper Xiaochun and the water turns are almost the first time.

"You as a rigor, is the last guarantee of the leaves, once the shot, it really represents our wooden leaves without a card, which will make them increase the attack.

And once the leaves have lost you, then if other hidden village ninja sneak hit the wooden leaves, it is really finished. "Turn your sleep Xiaochun straight.

When the day of the day, I kept standing on the way, quietly looked at the two so-called fire consultants.

Being stared with him, the two really feel a bit blush.

However, sometimes, there is a matter of urgent life to happen.

"Isn't there that time in the battlefield of Tangzhong's battlefield? His speed is enough, you can rush to the country of the grass.

And in the three parts of his, the battlefield will soon be a lot of battle in the battlefield, and the flag of the flag, the flag, the flag of the flag, will also be promoted, let them support it, it should be a big Help, since he can pass the three generations of Lei Ying, it must have shadow-level strength. "Scholand Xiaochun eyes bright.

The water gate is indeed an shadow-level strength. For this, the day is still known.

If it is a water door, maybe it is ...

"Moreover, since the flagmark, since it is ... Since it is the son of the flag, so the genius will become an endurance, there must be people!

Also, the group is not talking to us very early. Is he in the layout of rock? I think this time should give the tension of the Ninja army of the soup.

The rock village of opening up the new battlefield is definitely what we urgently need to solve.

Once other hidden villages imitate, it is our huge disaster. "Water households also speared.

When the two suddenly became opened by Tianling, "we can continue to contact, if we can encourage the fog hidden village to sneak the country's country, then the pressure must be alleviated, as long as the rocky village can be relieved And the pressure given by Yun Yin Village, the sand hidden village has no wind shadow sitting, and it is underway. "

I heard the words, I'm a day, "the country of the water closed the country, the fog hidden village is not so easy to close, we sent so many ninja, not without reactive," No news. "

"You can let the people go!" The opening of the book will give a proposal again.

"Before the country is really closed, he is not just because the implementation of the task enters the country of the water? And the battlefield of the Soup is the recent place from the country, his strength is also strong enough, even if you persuade the fog The hidden village failed, and it was definitely able to refund, and now I will go back to the battlefield before I launched an attack in Yun Yin Village. "

I nodded in the day, I sounded from the previous sentence, I barely calculated some consultants.

Sure enough, people are forced to force, otherwise they don't know how strong themselves.

Now this situation is definitely can't hesitate, since it has got a good ideal ideal idea, it will order it immediately.

First, the whole staff of the waves of the waves, rushed to the grassland of the grass, the god of the grass, supporting the macati Ye roll and other martic ninja to resist the sneak attack of rocky village.

Second, Le Lingzhi Village is immediately returning to the wooden leaves, and the commandment will be returned to each other.

Third, the people took the letterhead of the shadows, rushed to the country's fog village with the fastest speed, and sent this letter to the water shadow office, and strive to establish cooperation between wood and fog hidden villages, even It is an allies, if it fails, I also returned to the national battlefield of Tang.

Fourth, all Ninja in the wooden leaves, lift all the holidays, abandon all B-class and below, except for the necessary defensive, the rest of the Ninja will all send all the regions to the front line.

Fifth, the wooden leaves will reduce all financial expenditures, and the major ninja families will take out some finances, all to buy explosions and bitter, and make the first time to escade the front line.

Don't look at these shadows, these shadowers are fighting, they are a look of the earth, but they are really only very few, and they are people who can cause such destructive power, the rest of the Ninja. More than 90% of the ninja, the combat method is just a bitterness of the explosion.

Even if some of the sickness, it is rarely used because their Chakra does not allow them to use so many sickness.

Once Chakra resumes, almost represents death, so these materials are very important.

Sixth, the Wood-Leaf Ninja School has opened the war mode. All students can apply for graduation as long as they can use three hysstorms, and the Ninja School is open all-day enrollment. The enrollment crowd no longer just faces an age stage, and even not just a child.

Even if you are an adult, you have a certain chakra, you can also go to the Ninja School to study, there will be a special teacher, once the three-body can be mastered, you can become a formal ninja.




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