Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 480

It's just a pity that it's a pity that these clouds have been resistant to the other mistakes, but they have no chances to fight the people.

After continuous processing of three survey teams, I received my hand.

Many Ninja in Yunyin Village, in the high-level command of Yun Yin Village, flood-resistant disaster relief, minimizing losses, and returning to the investigation team, successfully known the situation, telling it to the cloud hidden Village high level.

Suspected fog hidden village attack!

Single words are just such words, so that the high levels of Yun Yin Village face great pressure.

At this time, the three-generation Lei Ying, who just integrates to the front line support, and leads that thousands of people will initiate attacks on the wooden ninja army, and break through the woods, enter the fire, and then with the rest of the two hidden The village should be embossed, and it is looked at the wood.

How old is the determination of the three generations?

He even did a good job even if the group is sent to the country's residents, he will no longer hesitate, and all the losses will come back in the fire country.

It is expected that the rear will get fire, but I didn't expect this "fire" that is not a wooden, but the fog.

This suddenly got the three generations of Thunder Ying, who got the message.

Because the people and the waters of the sights, the people who have seen their people have been killed, so Yun Yin Village does not know how many people who have aroused this appearance, they only know, known to the strong people , There is two people in the hidden village signing of the village!

How many people who have been invited by the knives and seven people, but the seven people are dispatched, and it seems to be the determination of the fog hidden village.

Therefore, the three generations of Lei Ying were again forced to hesitate, exactly an offensive, or back rescue.

If this fog hidden village really dispatched enough people, then Yun Yin Village is dangerous.

If Yun Yin Village is abolished, there is no use of the three-generation Lei Ying, and there is no use of the leaves.

At this moment, from the time of the opening of the day, he also acts, he arranges people's hands in the Ninja army of Yun Yin Village.

The fog hidden village Ninja army from the rear attacked the country of Lei, which has been captured in the North Coast of Lei Zhi, ready to attack Yunyin Village!

This news passed through 10 passers-by. At once, he swept the entire Yun Yin Village Ninja army, and the three-generation thunding shadow that the reaction came to the threesome, but it has been suppressed.

Yun Yin Village is about to fall!

Most of the clouds are flustered, most of the clouds have relatives living in Yunyin Village, if Yun Yin Village is abolished, they don't want to think.

Just like the leaves of the leaves, the wooden, ninja, who is governed, will be the same.

Slowly, under the head of the people, the Yunyin Village Ninja army has gradually researched the voice of Yunyin Village, and this voice is getting more and more, and more and more people support.

Even with a high-rise three-generation Lei Ying, there is a very high reputation in Yunyin Village, it is also stopped.

The heart determines his decision.

In this way, the crisis of the national warfare army's warfare army, it seems to be resolved.

The 233th chapter Bei Ming has a fish [ask monthly ticket]

In the end, the three generations of thunders still can't stop the repeated requests of many ninja.

Let the son Ai led the Three Thousand Yun tolerance to the army to repay Yun Yin Village, even if there is a total of four thousand clouds in the country, there is a significant suppression of the wooden leaves.

Just like this, the pressure is not so big, and the four thousand ninja army he still has confidence to block.

And the first time passed this news to the daily day, so that the people can have more time to retreat.

The scheduling of the Ninja army is still more trouble. These three thousand ninja will go, I want to come back, it is not coming back in one or two months.

Moreover, with this fog, the fog is in the rear of the country, Yun Yin Village still dares to transfer the Ninja of Yun Yin Village to the front line, or a problem.

At least, is sure to leave a part of the ninja.

The residence of the news also understood the situation at this time and continued to stay in the country of Ray, and may face thousands of ninja army.

They only have fifty people, just to close the news to let Yun Yin Village can't take it.

Dealing with them or even thousands of people will be exposed.

However, Yun Yin Village can't start, if you lose a few hundred people, the cloudy village can preserve or a problem, after all, many ninja are sent to stop the flood.

Looking at the country of Wolf, it was originally covered by a large amount of water to cover only the mountain peaks. As the horizontal surface decreased, it slowly exposed the masked area.

The people and 50 fog stand again on the cliffs of the sea, everyone looked at the "masterpieces" created in this time.

Different from the time, the state of the winkin mountain ridge ghosts seems to be a little less right.

"Sancai Mr., so, do our tasks are completed?" The watermelon mountain river ghost asked.

The face hangs a little whistler, "Before leaving, I don't know if the puffergie can be willing to lead everyone a gift to Lei Zhi."

"Do you want a gift?" The shackles of the sightsee of the sights of the watermelon are also smiled, and it will know that very false smile.

"I don't know if it can be?"

"I am afraid not!"

The two paired, from the opponent's eyes.

Very exclaimed, "Hey I want you to consume some Chakra without chance?"

"It seems like this ..."

Watermelon mountain river ghost has taken the muscle on his back, and a little bit of the white cloth strip on his back is removed, revealing the muscles of the long.

Instead of saying that the muscle is a knife, but it looks like a huge wolf tooth stick!

Dark blue knife, full of stripping, at its foremost end, a bloody mouth suddenly opened, spit out a tongue, from the knife, extended a long snake like tail.

The big knife is a hidden village seven talents, the only knife with life and self-consciousness, it will choose the owner you will only choose the Ninja that Chakra is like.

Miscelous muscles, in the hands of the watermelon mountain puffer in the height of nearly two meters, it looks like to complement.

Seeing his movements, standing behind him, but also took out their own weapons, suffering or talented.

Those who have worked together, but at this moment, it is a blade, but everything looks so successful.

The only thing that has not moved is a somotorgone.

He looked at the movement of the watermelon mountain river ghost, looked at the rest of the mist, suddenly thought of the previous one.

Every time, his arms are referred to, and it is also the so-called own person.

The original feelings will not be so big, because only he is left alone, but at this time, it is so much bigger, and the visual impact has never been so big.

The people are not unexpected, and even before departure, he already knows, he and the fog must have a battle.

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